"All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules." - B.K.S. Iyengar
It was the morning after their shift at the bar. Lexie sat on the couch clutching her phone in her hands. Nathan was inside his room already snoring. Lexie stared at the phone for a long time, stared at the black screen like it had the answers written on it and she just had to look closely enough to see it.
Lexie took a deep breathe, straightened her back, she inserted the sim card she had just bought three days ago and turned the phone on. In a few seconds she was staring at the home page, a picture of a cat in the background. She opened the contacts and scrolled down slowly instead of just directly searching for the one she needs, stopping when she got to the name.
Jack Sanchez. She read the name in her head, not daring to say it out loud as if saying his name could summon him or something. Uncle Jack, as Lexie had always called him, is- was the person incharge of her security. In fact, he was the head security for Lexie's family. Jack had always treated her like his own daughter, which was why he ended up being incharge of her instead of her parents.
They didn't mind of course, they wanted her safety after all. Uncle Jack had always been the person that kept her safe, for Lexie he was the person who always knew what to do. Lexie remembered growing up with Uncle Jack always in the background, always watching over, silently protecting, keeping her safe.
Lexie exited the contacts and dropped her phone on the couch no longer thinking it was a good idea to ask for help. After all, even though it was Lexie that he was protecting, Uncle Jack still worked for parents. She doubted he wouldn't let them know as soon as he found out where she was. Hell, he's probably looking for her right now.
She shook her head, no, she's not gonna do it. Lexie is actually starting to like it here, she didn't want to run again. She grabbed her phone and tossed it in her luggage, no, she won't call unless it's an absolute emergency. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep at her current state so she decided to find something to eat in the kitchen.
Thousands of miles away, Jack Sanchez sat at his desk watching a CCTV clip in his laptop. It was of a girl buying a bus ticket, she was wearing a cap and sunglasses to cover her face, after purchasing her ticket she went to the back of the station. He watched as she moved to the part where the cameras couldn't reach her. How did she even know where the blind spots are?
He had watched the clip over a hundred times, trying to find something, a small clue as to where she might have gone but couldn't find anything. "You've gotten too clever for your own good." Jack said to the girl on the screen.
Just then, a man in a suit entered handing him a stack of paper.
"Anything?" Jack asked looking at the files in front of him.
"None sir. We have a lot of people out trying to follow different routes." The man answered.
"Al right." Jack sighed, dismissing the man. "I'm gonna have to report to him in an hour."
He looked at the screen again and shook his head. "Tsk. This girl."
It had been 53 days since she's gone missing- since she took off. How she did it was still a mystery to Jack, and how she's managed to stay hidden is just a miracle. Jack had known Alexandra her whole life, he had watched her grow up. Although she was a strong, intelligent, determined girl, he had never thought that she would last this long. Alexandra had always been well taken care off, she was pampered, she never had to work a day in her life, she had never struggled. So how is she doing it now? Jack wondered how Alexandra is currently living, she could be getting help from someone. Jack already had people watching all of Alexandra's closest friends, so he would know if she even contacted them. But it has been almost two months and there was still no sign of her.
Jack gathered sorted the files in his desk, moving aside the laptop. He then got up and got out of his office for his daily report.
"Maybe it's time we get the media involved, put in the news." Josephine sat on the couch, she looked up to her husband who was standing across her, leaning on his desk.
"I don't know honey, wouldn't it makes things worse?" Greg was thinking hard. He didn't like the idea of putting her daughter's face out in the open. They had always made sure not to expose her to the general public. Since the day Alexandra was born, Greg made sure not to have her face on any magazine, newspaper, news article or anything in the media. He had contracts upon contracts to keep her off the public's eye. Of course a lot of people knew her, but not everyone did.
"I don't like the idea too, but it's been two months. I want my daughter back." She looked at her husband pleadingly. "If not the media, then do something."
"What do you think Jack?" Greg turned his attention to Jack who was standing at the side.
"I personally do not like the idea of the media being involved, they are going to feast on her, and it might have repercussion later. Once they get a hold of her face, they have it forever." Jack looked at Greg. "But of course, whatever you decide I will make sure would be done."
Greg nodded silently.
"Then what should we do? Just wait for her to come home?" Josephine leaned on the couch, needing it's support.
"Alexandra purchased 20 tickets at the bus station, my men are following all the routes of the bus tickets. We had already ruled out 3 that turned out to be dead ends, they each had only one stop and each town was already thoroughly searched." Jack handed her the files he was holding.
"Are we certain she took one of those?" Greg questioned.
"Very, sir. If she was still in the city we would have already found her, there isn't much place for her to hide here." Jack was absolutely sure of that.
"Okay. Let's just wait for now. I want an update tomorrow."