Nathan headed to the living room expecting to see Lexie sleeping on the couch. It had been their routine for the past days, when Nathan wakes up he would go wake Lexie and they get ready to get to the bar. Nathan had gotten used to the task, but Lexie would still get startled everytime she wakes up and is immediately met by Nathan's face. This is one of the struggles of working at a bar, awake all night and asleep all day. After years of work, Nathan had already adjusted to it but he could see it affecting Lexie, he noticed she was starting to lose weight. It's a normal effect of night shift, he just hoped she could adjust to it.
Seeing the couch empty, Nathan proceeded to the kitchen. Lexie was seated by the dining table, she was munching on something, her eyes were out of focus like she was deep in thought. Nathan waved his hand in front of her face but she didn't seem to notice.
"What are you doing?"
Lexie jumped on her seat, turning her head to see Nathan looking at her, curious. "Oh, hey." She took another bite of what was in her plate. Nathan now saw that it was sliced raw carrots.
"Why are you eating that?" He asked, making a face that shows his disgust.
"I wanted something to eat." She answered simply. "Couldn't find anything else I want."
"Why didn't you just order something?"
"Don't have a phone."
Nathan stood frowning, at this rate she's gonna turn into a skeleton by next month. "You could just use mine."
"What?" Lexie wasn't sure she heard him right, didn't he once say that he doesn't want her touching his things?
"Just use mine next time." Nathan took a slice from her plate, after swallowing he made an exaggerated disgusted face that made Lexie laugh. "Ugghhh."
Nathan returned to his room to shower, Lexie looked at her watch and was surprised to see it was already 3:30 in the afternoon. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't notice the time passing. She haven't had any sleep yet and now she has to get ready to work again. Working is hard.
Lexie was a little bit paranoid coming to work, she doubted he would be back again today but she couldn't help but constantly look over her shoulder. She kept her guards up, she wouldn't let that creep touch her again.
When more and more people started to come, Nathan went out to the entrance to help out Rob. Kaylee took his place as a bartender together with Mike. It helped Lexie feel better knowing the others were also looking out for her. She started to relax a little.
It was another crowded night. Lexie was never the type who liked going to bars, she had to have fun of course, she drank with friends, partied, but she didn't understand how people could do it day after day, week after week. It felt exhausting.
"Here's your beer." Lexie placed the bottle on the table, she was already looking at somewhere else. Two tables away, a woman was waving her hand in the air, trying to get her attention. "Do you need anything else?"
"How about your name?"
"What?" She turned her head to look at the man smirking at her.
"Have we met before? You seem familiar." The man asked, placing his chin on his hand that was propped up on the table.
Lexie looked at the man carefully, he is definitely handsome, his hair neatly combed back, he was wearing a white dress shirt, he doesn't exactly look like the other customers. She studied his face, trying to find him in her memories, had they really met before or was that just a line.
"No, I don't think so." She finally answered.
"Hmm… So, can I have your name then?" He smiled. Lexie knew that smile well, she's seen that kind of smile a thousand times before. It was the smile that boys use when they're doing an act.
"No." Lexie smiled sweetly at the man before moving on to the woman who was still waiving her hand.
The man watched Lexie as she walked away. She really seemed familiar, did she just look like someone he knew? There was something nagging at the back of his mind, he was quite sure he's seen her before.
He took a long swig at his beer, If it was something important her would remember it sooner or later. That night, he made sure to only order from her. He had forgotten why he was even at the bar at the first place, he was having more fun with Lexie. After his third beer, and third failed attempt of getting her name, he decided to change strategy.
"I'm Anthony." He held his hand in front of him.
Lexie placed his fourth bottle on the table then looked at the extended hand. "Okay." She left laughing.
"Uhm. Excuse me, Miss." The man called out loudly.
"Yes?" Lexie turned still laughing.
"You didn't ask me if I needed anything else."
Lexie rolled her eyes but played along. "So is there anything else you need from our menu?"
Anthony chuckled, noting what she added at the end. "Hmmm.. How about…" He flipped the menu back and forth, pretending to read. "… your name?" He looked up smiling his most charming smile.
"That's not on the menu, anything else.?
"Aww come on, how many more beer do I have to drink? And mind you, my tolerance isn't that high." Now he was pouting, trying to look cute.
Again, Lexie laughed, shaking her head she left the man to his table.
By his 8th drink he was already slurring his words. His head was slowly spinning, he had to hold with his two hands propped up on the table. He remembered he had a very important meeting tomorrow morning, already knowing he would have to go through with it with a hangover.
"Are you really gonna get me drunk?" He slurred.
"I'm not doing anything." Lexie answered. "Do you still want this? I could bring it back." She was holding the beer.
He took it from her and chugged it in one go. "Last. For the road."
"You're driving?" She raised an eyebrow. He was in no condition to be driving. Lexie wondered if she should ask for his keys, or make sure he gets in a cab or something. She decided to ask Nathan.
"No." Anthony answered as he finished the bottle, his head laying on the table. "Someone's coming."
"Are you lying?"
Anthony peeked up at the girl in front of him. She looked serious, her right eyebrow raised, both hands on her waist. The sight made him chuckle. "No ma'am. Didn't bring car." He raised his right hand, making a promise.
At that, Lexie smiled. He seemed to be telling the truth. Don't drunk people usually do that?
"Are you really not gonna giving me your name?" He tried again.
"It's Lexie." Lexie finally answered. She thought he might not remember anyway, given his current state.
Anthony smiled a big smile and shakily stood up. Reaching out to Lexie for support.
"Where are you going?" She asked stepping back.
"Out. Guy's coming." He drunkenly moved to the exit, swaying every now and then.
Lexie followed behind, wanting to make sure he wasn't going to drive. She knew she should really help the man but she didn't. Besides, he was doing so well on his own, he was already at the door.
Lexie looked around outside by the entrance for Nathan, he can watch over the man, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Hey Rob, where's Nathan?" She asked the bouncer.
"Just went in." He answered.
Lexie went back inside the bar after leaving Anthony in the care of Rob.