Getting off the couch I looked around for Jacob. I was surprised to see him sleeping on a chair on the other side of the room. I was suprised he hadn't said anything about my tatoos. I walked over to him looking at him I poked him on the nose. He didn't do anything. I looked at my best friend. He knew the plan anf handed me the speaker. I hooked it up to my phone clicking on 'Heres To Never Growing Up' by Avril Lavigne. Singing along with it I turned it all the way up. He jumped and landed on the floor. I fell over with laughter. Rolling on the floor laughing I suddenly jumped up smelling someone I wish I never had to see again. Snarling I stepped infront of Jacob.
" I see you still remember me."
" How could I forget. I mean you are the stupidest person to walk the world."
" Uh. How dare you."
" It's easy. I just speak the truth."
" Oh and who's this cutie?"
" That's none of your business."
" Well it is. As my dad owns the fighting barn. I can have him drop all your fights."
" ..."
" Would you like to just be a breeding female. You could be like your mom and dad."
" Oh. did I hit a nerve. Now who is this?"
" He's my mate, Jacob."
" Oh you poor thing. Your mates With this weakling."
" Don't forget this weakling can kick your ass."
" I'd like to see you try."
" You have to call your daddy and tell him you started the fight first."
" Fine," At this she dialed her dad's number and started talking.
" Are you sure you can fight her. I mean you just had a fight and whiping not long ago."
" Just let me."
" Ok," She walked back over and told me her dad knew. Just for safety they clicked on there phones to start videoing just so if any damage was done the could charge the looser A.K.A. her. We started to strip shifting I hoped from foot to foot. We started circling each other. She lunged right in front of me to witch I dodge hopping back and forth grabbing het by the scruff I picked her up. I tossed her in the air to witch she fell onto her back. I grabbed my clothes shifting and putting them on. I nodded a thanks to them all. Jacob and I walked silently back home.