Wooden crate

When we got back home we were greeted with a wooden crate that said ' Take care of her. If you don't want her kill her.' I picked it up easily and walked inside. Getting put my pocket knife I flipped up the crowbar attached to it. Opening the box I saw a silver gray and black wolf jump out of it. I watched as it ran to the couch and ran under it. I walked over slow and calm. I bent down on my hands and knees.

Talking quietly like I was talking to a spooked horse I said, "Hey your ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. Can you tell me why where in a crate?" After about an hour of talking gently I got it to come out from under the couch. She shifted back to human and I gave her my shirt. It hung down below her knees. She was a pretty dark tan with silver eyes and blond hair. I took her into the bathroom and started the fosset for the tub as I had Jacob go get me some clothes for her. He came back with one of my t-shirts and a pair of my shorts from when I was 3. After he gave them to me he walked out and I checked the water temp.

" Is this fine or is it to hot?" I asked her. She came over and stuck her hand in it.

" i... its o..k," She replied to me she got undressed and got in the tub.

" How old are you?"

" 3," She replied holding up three fingers. At this I smiled. As we talked I helped her get all cleaned up.