First I smelled her. Than I heard her. She was comeing home. What was I gonna do with the kid? She would see her and make her fight. That would be first than it would be the kid fights. Lastly the same fate I had for me. Fight and fight and fight until A I can't move B I get killed in a fight C I get killed from breeding with someone to big D I get whiped to death. I couldn't let that happen. I've known my fate from the day I was born onto this curel world. She's not going to have that fate. I'll change it somehow. I'll fight until I'm dead just to save her. In my own thoughts I wasn't thinking and just kept paceing back and fourth.


" COMEING!" I yelled back. Oooooooh shit what did I forget to do today. I walked in the kitchen to see nothing wrong. The look she gave me made me shiver. I read it all in one glance. ' I know somethings up. I will find out. You will get the whipping of your life.' Oh no.