
Roses are red

Violets are blue

They say chivalry is dead

What say you?

Come to my home

Give a great big hug

Feel free to roam

Just like a little bug

Look around for mysteries to uncover

Search high and low to discover

Every detail every secret to gather fame

A bit if attention is why you came

Don't care who you hurt or use

So what if someone's ego is bruised

What they don't know, is that words are sharp

Act like an angel "Here hold my harp"

What some dismiss as a small situation

Others take as a sign of inspiration

Not the good kind, that gives love

But the kind that makes them not trust

They don't believe that anyone could see

That their existence is worth anything

It's truly sad to know this problem exists

And the ones who hurt sometimes seem the happiest

Smile, don't frown

Stand tall as if wearing a crown

Don't let them see don't let them know

That you hurt so much when you're all alone

Have courage they say

Then they tear you down the next day

Well that's okay because it'll be over soon

I'll be gone, but they'll just pick someone else to use