
"Understated is not a word I would use to describe father," Lucian grumbled as they made their way up the steps to the opulent townhome of Marcaius Mont. 

This time Ender agreed with his brother.

The servant's letter had informed them that Marcius had taken the liberty of securing accommodations for them at his lavish keep in one of the more affluent sections of Ravin-Sha. Even Ender had to admit it would be difficult to decline now that Marcius was aware of their arrival. His father would only send more servants to deliver letters before showing up himself to wherever it was they were staying during their time in the capital.

He reluctantly agreed to go to Marcius' home, although Ender regretted that it was so soon. He had hoped for at least a few days of peace before having to endure his father. The expression on Caroline's conveyed the same feeling as they approached the door.