
A queasy feeling rose in Aniyoh's stomach as soon as Marcaius said the words. There were many things in the world she wished not to do, and introducing herself to The Lord Regent Marcaius Mont was at the top of the list.

The fact that Caroline had not shifted once in nervousness was the only reason Aniyoh had not done so either. She tried to emulate her friend's calm, reserved expression, hoping they both appeared unthreatened by the figure of Lucian and Ender's father.

Aniyoh knew they were not related by blood. Instead, the process by which one vampire made another of their kind established the familial bond. She had never seen the transformation take place and frankly had no desire to change that.

Lucian gestured languidly from his seat across from Marcaius at her, "May I present the witch with whom I share a contract, Aniyoh Green," he stated formally.