

Lucian plunked his black knight near Jerel's white queen. The elderly librarian rubbed his aged chin before exhaling a long sigh. With a steady hand, Jerel moved the queen to safety, exposing his King as Lucian had anticipated. This was their third game of chess today in the library at Castle Mont, and the old man was beginning to grow tired. 

"You two still at it then?" Mara said, entering the library without so much as a by-your-leave. "Glad as I am to see you back at Castle Mont, Lord Lucian, it seems you have been doing naught much else but beg a game of Jerel or pace about the study."

"Your point being, Mara?" Lucian asked dryly without looking in her direction. Instead, he kept his eyes on the chessboard, studying the game before him. It would be over in three moves if he assessed correctly.