
It had been eight days on the farm since Caroline left, and Gareth passed from this world, and while Aniyoh tried to throw herself into tasks around the farm, nothing felt right since then.

The weather was chill, autumn having finally tightened its grip around the fields and plant life throughout the land. Aniyoh couldn't shake the tightness around her heart as well. 

Aniyoh pulled the cowl of her cloak tighter to her head as she made her way to the now expansive tent city surrounding Nim's farm. More and more people kept trickling in from the Ovandale countryside to join Caroline's army. The makeshift encampment was a wonder to behold, truly.

Still, Aniyoh couldn't help but worry about how they would all be fed in the coming winter months. Magic could provide warmth and help with basic necessities, but it couldn't conjure food from thin air. Even with the harvests coming in, keeping the army from starvation would be a difficult task indeed.