
Nim entered her darkened room late that night after the bulk of the planning was done, feeling somewhat better about the situation. A small fire crackled by the hearth as she thought about the day. Caroline was still gone but unharmed, and that was most important. Still, it seemed her granddaughter's safety was not guaranteed, tenuous at best. 

Having Caroline home and back on the farm for those few days felt almost surreal. Almost as if they were back in the old days, long before vampires and wars, and it was just the two of them. Working the fields and tending the animals together, they made a fine pair. 

In her heart, Nim knew, had always known, that those days were limited. Even if Talmot hadn't come knocking on her door that day, Caroline would have outgrown the farm eventually. She was too special not to depart and find her destiny out there in the world.