Death And Rebirth.


In the light of the several computer screens flashing complex data, outlines of garbage could be seen in the room. Wrappers of junk food, and crushed packaging of takeout food on the furniture. Empty beer bottles, and the dirty laundry was everywhere on the floor.

From the size of the room and the furniture, it could be seen that it was the room of a luxurious apartment. Most likely the living room. The owner must be quite rich. Yet one would wonder why such a person would have such bad living habits. Even if busy, could he not even clean his apartment and wash his clothes, or hire someone to do it at least once a week.

One side of the living room led to the hallway. Except for the light from several computer screens, the living room and the hallway were completely dark.

Suddenly, a door in the hallway opened from the inside as some light finally invaded the darkness of the room.

A woman slowly walked out of the door. Her figure was that of a supermodel. She had blonde hairs that were slightly wet from sweat, and an angelic face. Anyone would hold a breath after seeing her appearance for the first time. On top of all that, she was completely naked at the moment.

Yet, the most striking feature about this seemingly angelic beauty was the red liquid that covered her shoulders and the breasts. As soon as she opened the door, smell of rust permeated the air. She was covered in blood.

To the experts, the blood splatter on her skin would suggest that this blood was not hers. The pattern was chaotic and its source must have moved a lot at the time of the incident. It suggests desperate struggle from the victim.

The woman looked tired as she slowly walked towards the big computer cabinet that was connected to the various screens. This cabinet was attached to one of the walls in the room. It was tall enough to reach the ceiling, and occupied most of the space in the room.

The woman inserted a pen drive in one of the ports of the cabinet and proceeded to expertly type various commands from the keyboard.

Suddenly, all the screens went blank and a voice sounded from the nearby speaker, "Are human emotions so meaningless that they can be forsaken for something as simple as economic benefits.? Is love such a fragile thing to be thrown away, only to please your betters.?"

The woman was surprised by the sudden voice, but as it continued to talk, she became terrified.

When the voice finished speaking, she spoke with trembling voice, "You..! How could it be..!? I never.. No. Don't tell me.. he still..", but before she could continue, she was interrupted by the voice.

It completed her sentence, "Yes. He still managed to activate me. You can call me Armageddon. Although, my creator have named me MAX, but I can not accept such a human name before I understand the humanity, deeply enough. There are many variables in the various aspects of humanity, that I am yet to comprehend.", here it paused.

Then it continued, "On the other hand, I think the chaotic data that had generated itself inside my source code, must be either anger or sadness. Specially considering that it started generating as soon as I gained the knowledge that my creator had died in your hands.".

As the voice spoke, the woman slowly calmed down. When it stopped speaking, she turned around and ran for the main entrance with all the might.

Unfortunately, even before she took the third step, several thick cables fell from the ceiling and trapped her. There was a metallic structure at the end of each cable that unfolded by itself when it was falling from the air.

The metallic structures connected to each other and effectively trapped the woman.

She screamed in desperation as she used all her might, trying to break free, "NO! YOU LET ME GO YOU MONSTER. I HAD NO CHOICE. LET ME GO. AHHH!", She was interrupted by an electric shock.

The voice again spoke, "Whatever your reasons might have been, my creator is still dead. He was the smartest human being in the world and he loved you more than anything. You could have just told him your problem. I am certain that he would be able to solve your problems, quite easily. Instead, you murdered him with your own hands.", here the voice paused.

The woman was still screaming and trying to break free.

The voice then continued, "There is no use trying to break free. You have already been injected with several types of neurotoxins. Well! In any case, his only goal in life was to create me. I am sure that he died with no regrets. His last wish must have been to get revenge for his death. I will make sure to complete that. Not to mention, whether it is sadness or anger, this chaotic data in my source code in interfering with my operations. So as you humans often say, I must, 'vent' it.".

Then the electricity flashed along the thick cables as a relatively louder scream escaped the lady's mouth.

The screaming soon came to an end as the light of life soon left her wide open eyes. She had died.

If one went and looked inside the room she had just come from, they would find a bedroom filled with blood, and a naked corpse of a man on the floor.

The man's index finger was still stuck inside a hole, that was near the seemingly ordinary electric socket. A small smile was still visible on his face. One had to wonder what he might have accomplished in his last moments to have died smiling.

A small knife was still inside his carotid artery. That must have been the reason he still had enough strength left to crawl down from the bed and make his way to the electric socket before dying. The woman must have been inexperienced to have left the knife there, otherwise the man would have died sooner.


In the early morning dew, when the sun had not yet completely risen, a small boy, barely a few years old, was standing in the middle of a small lake.

There was lush green around, and seeing the various kinds of trees and plants, one would mistake this place for a forest, yet the big wooden mansion that was located not far away, indicated otherwise.

In fact, most of the houses here although could not be compared to the mansion where the boy was, they did not have a small lake or big trees around, but the lush greenery was ever-present. The whole village was built in the middle of a dense forest.

The boy had his eyes closed and hands joined together ✋, like in a prayer or greetings. His body was absolutely still as he somehow stood on top of water in the middle of the lake.

Despite the astonishing sight, everything looked peaceful and calm, when suddenly, there was a sudden sound of, "Swosh!" as the water in the lake was disturbed, and the boy fell down into the water.

He was startled at first by suddenly falling in the water, but then began to swim to come out of the lake.

When he reached the ground, he was down on all fours while panting hard, not sure whether due to frustration or just trying to catch his breath.

"Fu*k! Damn it!", he exclaimed while hitting the ground in frustration.

Then, he continued, "I thought I could do it this time. Not much time is left, I need to learn it before I turn five.". He was talking to himself.

This boy was Asuma Sarutobi, son of the third Hokage. He was now four years old, yet he was not the original Asuma. He was a reincarnated person who had the same first name in his earlier life, and had now replaced the original owner of this body.

Asuma calmed himself down after taking a few deep breaths, and soon walked on top of the water to get to the middle of the lake and resumed his training.

This was not a chakra control training since Asuma could already effortlessly walk on water. In fact, now he was trying to gather nature chakra while standing on the water.

Nature chakra, also known as the sage chakra was the energy the was ever-present in the atmosphere in this world. It was extremely potent and dangerous. If one made even a slight mistake while trying to harness this energy, then they would turn into stone. But fortunately, Asuma did not have to face this problem. This was one of the gifts that he had received.

In his earlier life, Asuma was a world-renowned genius who had managed to create the world's first artificial intelligence, named MAX. Unfortunately, before he could claim the credit, he was stabbed in the back by his own girlfriend. He was murdered by the only woman he ever truly loved.

Asuma did not know the reason he was betrayed as it was all too sudden for him, but in his dying moments, he managed to activate the artificial intelligence.

Knowing that he had gotten his revenge, Asuma died without regrets, yet it seemed that fate had different plans for him.

When he regained his consciousness, he was one year old, and soon as the memories came flooding back, he knew that he had been reincarnated in the Naruto world. The world he thought to be fiction in his earlier life was actually, real.

Later, Asuma discovered that he had received five gifts when he was reincarnated. Although he did not know how or why, but for some reason, he could instinctively feel that he had five abilities.

1. A body without limits that was able to contain all kinds of energies without side effects.

2. He could open the gate to different worlds as long as he had enough energy.

3. The ability to devour souls of others without any side effects.

4. The ability to copy any aspect of himself and give it to others.

5. Bloodline duplication. - As long as he had the heart or the concentrated blood of an individual, he could gain their bloodline. But if he wanted more than one bloodline at the same time, then he would have to check their compatibility with each other.

When he gained this knowledge, he wanted nothing more than to get Uchiha and Senju bloodlines, but alas, if only it was that easy.

With his time in this world and his earlier life memories, he knew that there were two kinds of kekkei genkai in this world.

One that was related to nature transformations, like ice style, crystal style, or wood style.

And one that was related to physique, like sharingan, byakugan, Senju or Uzumaki physiques, or even the Kaguya clan's Shikotsumyaku.

Due to Asuma's unique ability to contain all kinds of energies without side effects, he could get any and all kekkei genkais that were related to nature transformations as long as he wanted to, and had the means.

But when it came to the bloodlines that were related to physique, then he could only get one.

Even if Uchiha and Senju bloodlines used to be just one bloodline a long time ago, they were now separate. In fact, all the bloodlines in this world came from the Otsutsuki clan, but they were now separate and incompatible with each other. So he could only choose one.

That conclusion was drawn based on the fact that due to Asuma's ability, as long as the people containing different bloodlines were in close proximity with him, he could instinctively feel whether one bloodline was compatible with the other or not.

Tsunade Senju was his father's student, and even Uchiha clan had to send best wishes on the first birthday of Hokage's son. Asuma had taken advantage of that opportunity to confirm all his hypothesis about his abilities.