The Library.


The ending of the long era of warring states was marked by the founding of Konoha, by the truce between the Senju and the Uchiha clans.

After both the clans formed a pact with the feudal lord of the land of fire, establishing the Shinobi village, Konohagakure within its borders, the other clans soon followed and joined the village.

This movement soon inspired other countries to do the same, by ending the conflicts within their borders, and establishing a Shinobi village in their lands. This led to the creation of the five great Shinobi countries.

Unfortunately, that peace did not last long. Soon after the legendary battle of Hashirama and Madara at the valley of the end, tension started to rise between the different nations.

Eventually, Hashirama called the five Kage summit and distributed the newly captured tailed beasts, equally among the five great Shinobi nations, and made them sign the agreement of peace.

The other ninja villages were unsatisfied with the terms of the agreement, which was soon proven by the start of the first Shinobi world war after the death of Hashirama Senju.

That war claimed the lives of all the first generation and the second generation Kages. It ended when the ceasefire was agreed by the third generation Kages after the deaths of their predecessors.

After the treaty signed by the leadership of the third generation Kages, the five great nations went through the peace period that lasted around a couple of decades.

Many things of significance happened during this period. Due to the major economic disparity, the countries started to use their military powers to expand their territories, and small skirmishes started to happen between the different countries.

Eventually, the land of fire initiated the war with the Kagero village of the land of mountains. The reason is unclear, but it ended with a ceasefire after a small force led by the third Hokage and Jiraya launched a surprise attack on the Kagero village.

Two weeks later, Takigakure attacked the Kagero village and completely wiped it out of the land of mountains. There were no survivors.

Seeing Konoha on the offensive, Iwagakure and Sunagakure deployed their military forces to attack Konoha and soon Amegakure, led by Hanzo the Salamander, joined the offensive as well.

Asuma was born in the peace period between the first and the second great Shinobi wars. He was the same generation as Minato, Fugaku, Hiashi, Hizashi, killer bee, and many more.

When he was more than three years old, Asuma's father, the third Hokage, along with Sakumo Hatake led the Konoha's military forces to an all out war against the three enemy Shinobi villages.


The heat of summer was the most overbearing in the afternoon. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was at its peak.

Asuma was standing in front of a tree, and looking at his palm, or more precisely, at the blue chakra ball that he was generating with the palm of his right hand.

His expression looked quite desperate as he clutched the wrist of his right hand with his left hand.

After taking a deep breath, he gently pushed the chakra ball at the tree. He was careful not to hit it too hard as his goal was not to destroy the tree.

When the ball was half embedded in the trunk of the tree, he stopped his action and the blue chakra ball disappeared. He then observed the spot he had just hit.

He spoke as he examined it, "Hmm! The surface is smooth. No more ring-shaped pattern. I have finally succeeded in stabilizing it. Now it can truly be called, the Rasengan.", here, he paused and started to ponder.

He gently rubbed his chin with the side of his index finger. This was often his instinctual action when he was in deep thought.

After a while, he continued, "But I wonder why I have to concentrate so hard.? Is it due to the lack of chakra, or because I have little talent for chakra control.? Hmm. I don't think it's the lack of chakra. Must be some other reason.", here, he paused.

The next moment, his eyes brightened with a hint of wisdom as he continued, "Talent.? What is it in the end.? I know it's not related to blood, or otherwise Sakura wouldn't have such good chakra control, and I certainly don't lack the wisdom, so could it be related to the soul.? I can feel myself improving, but this is not enough.".

After that, Asuma showed determination in is eyes as he walked towards his house.

When he was one year old, he had a headache and regained all the memories of his past life. It took him a while to get used to the situation, but soon after, he understood how fragile his life was. He understood that he needed strength, so he started doing the chakra control exercise by trying to stick leaf on his forehead.

It was very easy for Asuma to sense chakra, most likely because there was no such concept as chakra in his earlier life. It was like he had gained a new limb all of a sudden and all he had to do was feel it.

But for some reason, he always found it incredibly difficult to control his chakra. Despite that, he was soon able to walk on the walls of his house in a few months and surprised his mother and the house servants.

For the exercise of walking on water, he was not yet allowed to go out, plus it would attract too much attention, so instead, he tried to sense the nature energy, which proved to be a little more difficult.

Yet with hard work and determination alone, he managed to sense nature energy soon after his second birthday.

At this time, he was finally allowed to go out in the garden, and fortunately, he discovered that there was a small lake in the garden of his house, so he tried to walk on water when he was not under observation. Yet it proved to be rather difficult.

As time passed by, Asuma became more and more proficient in sensing nature energy, and soon after his third birthday, he was able to draw it in his body.

Unfortunately, being able to use nature energy did not mean that he was able to use the Sage Jutsu.

For the Sage Jutsu, one had to balance the mental chakra, the physical chakra, and the nature energy in exactly the equal ratio, that is, 1:1:1 ratio, but with Asuma's talent in chakra control, it proved nearly impossible.

With Asuma's unique constitution, he could simply use nature energy to enhance his body. Not only his physical fitness enhanced, but when he absorbed nature energy, he felt like he became a part of nature itself. He was able to sense his surrounding even with eyes closed, and could sense other people's chakra levels and chakra signatures.

That told, when the amount of nature energy absorbed was grater than the chakra within his body, his chakra would be pushed out and be replaced by the nature energy. This energy was quite overbearing, and Asuma speculated, that this might be the reason normal people would turn into stone when they absorbed too much nature energy while learning the Sage Jutsu.

He noticed, that as he trained more and more with nature energy, his body was becoming stronger and stronger, to the point that now his physical fitness could already be compared to an average adult. Even his chakra reserves were growing at an astonishing rate. According to his observation, they were already at high Chinnin level.

The only problem was, that he did not know any jutsu.

So over time, Asuma invented many different exercises for himself that would improve his chakra control. Like trying to draw nature energy into himself while standing on the surface of water, trying to form chakra strings, which was also the official chakra control exercise that came after the water walking exercise. He even tried to make the rasengan.


Currently, a week had passed since Asuma's fifth birthday. As he continued to focus on his training, Asuma discovered that the reason he lacked the talent of chakra control was most likely related to his soul. To prove his theory further, he would have to use his ability to devourer someone's soul.

Unfortunately, even if Asuma was that ruthless, he would never be that stupid. devouring someone's soul would mean killing them, and Asuma had no such experience in his past life. Even if he managed to do it, he wouldn't know what to do with the body.

And so, he now stood in front of a large building. This was Konoha's public library. Any Konoha citizen could enter here and acquire any knowledge that was available to the general public.

The various forms of literature, the knowledge about various studies, the information about many relevant historical events, even the general news about the battlefield was all available to the Konoha citizens, all they had to do was pay enough money.

Asuma entered and went towards the front desk. A middle-aged woman was sitting there, observing him. Due to the ongoing war, people rarely entered here. Those who did, wanted to learn about the general situation of the battlefield.

"Hello mam.! I am Asuma Sarutobi. Here is my identity. Would you be so kind, to guide me to the Fuinjutsu section.? It's my first time here.", he spoke while putting some documents on the table.

Her expression slightly fluctuated as she heard the name, and quickly picked up the identity cards on the table.

She soon looked at him and spoke, "Honorable son of the honorable third Hokage. Even if its you, the Fuinjutsu section is not for the general public. You at least have to be an academy student to enter there, and that too, with a proper recommendation.".

The documents that he had just put on the table were enough to prove that he was the son of the third Hokage. Asuma rarely went out and people would normally not recognise him, so he took some of the document that belonged to his father as a form of identification.

He folded his hands on his chest as he replied to the women, "As you know, I am already five years old. The new session at the academy will start after three months and I have already received my mother's permission to learn some basic Fuinjutsu. If you would like, I could call her here.".

Hearing his reply, the women looked at him straight in the eye with a stern gaze, as if to confirm the truth by observing him. In return, Asuma did not flinch. His back was straight as he met her gaze.

This was not a civilian. She was a Chunnin. Her powers of observation were uncanny, but Asuma was not a normal five-year old kid. He was in his mid thirties when he died.

Soon, she broke the silence, "There is no need to disturb the honorable wife of the honorable third Hokage for something as trivial as this.", here she paused.

She then continued as she pushed a white palm sized card on the table, "If what you just said is true, then your mother must have told you that you have to inject some chakra in this card to gain the entry in the Fuinjutsu section. This will allow you to read all the Gennin level Fuinjutsu.".

Asuma replied, "Of course!", as he picked up the card and injected some chakra into it.

First, it shined with various complicated Fuinjutsu markings for a split second, then a rectangle frame in black ink was engraved on its edge.

The libertarian was observing him closely. Perhaps this was her way to make sure that he was not lying. After all, no one was suppose to know how to mold chakra before even entering the academy, but since she could not find any fault according to her observation, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he was lying, then he would not have been able to inject chakra into the card.

For a child who did not know how to mold chakra, his mother would have sent an adult with him to confirm the truth in case they wanted to use their special privileges.

And if he could inject chakra into the card, then it would mean that he was already learning from his parents. So it was highly likely that he was given the permission for Fuinjutsu.

As she took the card from him and wrote his name on it, she spoke, "Very impressive.! Honorable son of the honorable third Hokage, and sorry for the inconvenience. It's part of the job.", here she paused.

She then continued as she returned him his documents, and the library card with his name written on it, "Take this card to the second floor, and put it in the seal on the third bookshelf from the left. The seal will be temporary lifted and you can then take any book you like. You can not take them outside the library, so study on the library table of the second floor.".

With this, Asuma replied, "Thank you.!", as he went for the stairs.