Mito Uzumaki.


Three months had passed since the time Asuma had started learning the Jonin level Fuinjutsu and now he could be said to be quite proficient in the subject, to the point where he even created some of his original seals.

Currently, he was walking inside the Senju compound yet again. Academy was starting from tomorrow and no one could tell when Tsunade would return to the village.

Although he would get off easy even if caught, but he prefered to rather just return the library card, and pretend that this whole thing never happened.

After he arrived at the house, he looked around for one final confirmation and went inside.

The living hall was dark like the last time. So without wasting any time, he went up the stairs, hoping to get it over with, quickly and go home.

After arriving at Tsunade's room, he quickly put the library card where he found it, and turned around to the door to leave.

As he reached the door and was just about to turn the doorknob, it opened from the other side.

Asuma was startled, but he acted quickly. He jumped towards the ceiling and attached himself there with chakra on all fours.

The door was opened by an old woman. She had the hairs of flaming red colour, mixed with white, indicating her old age.

After opening the door, she first looked around the room, and then looked right at him.

At that moment, Asuma's heart skipped a beat. He felt like he was being stared at by the prehistoric predator. His heart tightened by the psychological pressure and he was paralyzed.

His body had shut down due to fear, but his mind was active, constantly trying to pull himself together, but his body did not listen.

After a while, the pressure disappeared as he felt relieved. Asuma greedily sucked in the surrounding air and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He never felt this weak before. He had a feeling that his life could end on this woman's wimp.

He did not like the feeling of his own life in someone else's hands. He subconsciously tightened his fist and steeled his resolve.

At this point, the woman broke the silence, "Well come down now.! I am not going to eat you. But depending on your excuse, proper punishment is still necessary, lest you make this a common habit. Come Down And Explain Yourself Boy.!!". She raised her voice as she yelled that last line.

In response, Asuma replied with a meek, "Yes Maam.!", and slowly claimed down from the ceiling.


Currently, Asuma was sitting in the living hall with his head down. Mito Uzumaki was sitting in front of him, looking at him with her hands folded in her chest.

After a while, she broke the silence, "So you're telling me, that you did all this just to learn Fuinjutsu early.?".

At this remark, Asuma felt a hint of anger rising inside his chest. 'just to learn it early',?, How could the people of this world possibly understand what exactly Fuinjutsu meant for someone like him.?

Asuma was a person from another world. A world where there was no such concept as chakra, and the miracles like Fuinjutsu.

He, a regular orphan, grew up with all the struggles life meant for him, and managed to eventually create an artificial intelligence just to create that little possibility of a miracle.

That was his way to create hope and miracle in a world where no such thing existed. Those born at the bottom stayed at the bottom unless they had something special to offer, and those born with everything, stayed the privileged, even if they were a complete waste of space. So creating the artificial intelligence, something outside that system, was his way of creating hope.

In this world where strength mattered the most and the gift of chakra was granted to everyone, all that the people had to do to change their destiny, was hard work.

Guy and Lee were the examples of that. They didn't even have the ability to do ninjutsu and genjutsu, yet they were among the strongest of their peers, just because they worked hard to meet their goals, and the fact that this world had the gift of chakra.

In the end, Asuma took a deep breath to calm himself, and replied with a, "Yes Mam.!".

Mito noticed Asuma's change in attitude. Although she did not know what disrupted his mood, but she was impressed with his ability to compose himself, so quickly. This was a little impressive for a boy his age.

She had a feeling that there was something more to this situation, so she asked with a hint of curiosity, "So did you manage to learn anything.? Considering that you only now came to return the library card, you must have found something interesting in there.!?".

In the beginning, Asuma did his best to hide the truth and made up many reasonable lies. If there was anyone else, they would have believed it, but this old woman was a living lie detector.

She somehow managed to find the truth from his sea of lies, every single time. Whether he uttered the half-truths, or complete nonsense, she could always discern the truth. Asuma was starting to believe that it might be one of the Uzumaki's hidden talent that he did not know about.

At this point, Asuma did not even bother to try to hide anything. He replied, "Yes. The Ninjutsu are not stored there, and I wasn't interested in learning any medical knowledge, but I learned everything about Fuinjutsu that section had to offer. Even created some of my own seals. I bet they are better than whatever these so-called Fuinjutsu masters can make.".

Asuma spoke the last line while looking directly in her eyes with a challenging look, and raising his voice a bit. He even used, "these so-called Fuinjutsu masters", instead of, "those Fuinjutsu masters", as if hinting towards something.

Mito still considered him a child, so she found this clear provocation, a little amusing. She had a small smile on her face as she replied, "Is that right.!? Well then, why don't you show me.? Let's see what you got.".

Asuma ignored her playful behaviour and replied, "Sure.! Let me show you.".

Afterwards, Asuma pulled out his ninja pack from his waist to show some of his self created seals to the greatest seal master in the village.


1. The first seal was the same as the one used in the explosion tags, just slightly more powerful. Nothing special.

2. The second seal just reversed the direction of the 'acceleration due to gravity', thus reversing the gravity of an area of ten square meters for around one minute.

3. It had a lot of Nature Energy filled inside. When the seal was detonated, it released that energy in the surrounding area, thus instantly turning anyone around it into stone.

4. The fourth seal made use of the second and the third laws of thermodynamics. Asuma called it, 'The Zero Tempo Seal', or ZTS. -- This seal would seal an area of three cubic metres in an unbreakable black ice for ten seconds, after which, the ice would shatter along with whatever inside.

Explanation:: The laws of thermodynamics are only valid in an ideal, closed system, which is impossible in the real world. But Asuma's seal would seal an area of three cubic metres in a closed system, and suck in all the heat energy from within, thus bringing the entropy of the system to absolute zero. Even the residual entropy wouldn't remain, and No life can survive without entropy.


Asuma faced many problems while creating these seals. The Gravitational constant, mass of the planet and the Boltzmann constant were not same in this world, but after many trials and failures, he finally managed to create these seals.

After Asuma finished showing off his seals, Mito was looking at him with her eyes wide open. She was shocked, and she could not hide it anymore. She was probably the best sealing expert in the current era, yet she had never heard of the concepts used in the creation of these seals.

At this time, Asuma broke the silence, "So am I worth it.!?".

Mito was startled by the sudden words as she asked, "What.!? What do you mean.?", at the moment, there were thousands of thoughts going through her mind.

Asuma replied, "Am I worth your time.? To teach me Fuinjutsu.?".

Yes.! Ever since getting caught by her, this had become Asuma's goal. To learn Fuinjutsu from her. After all, this world had seals that could manipulate space and time, like the Flying Thunder God, and various seals that could seal tailed beasts into other people.

There were no such concepts in the world Asuma was from. Concepts involving space and time were metaphysics at best. Let alone proper mathematical formulas, the scientists were not even sure about the theories. Yet in this world, such concepts were real.

Asuma could not produce knowledge out of thin air. He had to find a way to learn Fuinjutsu more in-depth, and who better to learn from, than the greatest Fuinjutsu master of this era.

Hearing what he just said, Mito had a serious expression as she replied, "First tell me why.? Why do you want to learn Fuinjutsu this badly.? And why choose a teacher.? You don't seem to be doing that bad by yourself.!".

Asuma knew what she meant. To choose a teacher would meant that he would have to reveal most of his secrets, and all his self-created Fuinjutsu formulas to his Sensei.

So he replied, "I want to learn purely to satisfy my curiosity. Creating different applications for it is nothing but a hobby. Sure I can also learn without a teacher, but I am not planning on waiting for a decade, just so I will be provided with the knowledge that is currently, considered forbidden for someone my age.", here, he paused.

Then he continued, "As for why I choose you.? Well, isn't that obvious.? Because I trust you. Let's just say that I am a very good judge of character. I don't even trust my father, yet I trust you. I likely have some sort of sixth sense for these things. Of course, there are several other reasons, but I don't trust you enough to completely reveal them just yet. Perhaps in the future.".

After that, there was a long silence in the room that lasted for around five minutes, until finally, Mito broke the silence, " Hmm. Alright.! Academy will be starting from tomorrow. Come here in the evening, the day after tomorrow.".

At this point, Mito was just looking at Asuma. She had a relaxed expression. It seemed she had made a decision.

When the old leaf falls, a new leaf grows in its place to keep the tree evergreen, filled with the ever-present vitality.