(Flashback)....22years ago...Year:1998....Location:Imperial city graveyard

Four year old Wang Fang drops a single rose on the tombstone of a lady.On the tombstone is engraved;




The lady is her dead mother Wang Mu Xi. Wang Fang is crying bitterly. The entire graveyard is silent and the only sounds to be heard is her bitter cries and the occasional chirping of birds. Suddenly she hears the shuffling of feet behind her which makes her to go still. She then hears a voice behind her,it's a boy's voice;

"tsk tsk,crying loudly like a baby".

Wang Fang turns, ready to give the erring fellow a piece of her mind,"you wicked boy, leave me alone my mama is dead".Then he say's,"my mama is also dead and I won't cry".she replies"if you don't cry then you dont have a heart".

"I have learned to hide my feelings so I won't cry when people bully me".Always

confuse your enemies with a smile.

An amazed Wang Fang then says proudly"i am four years old,my birthday was yesterday".He replies,"i never asked for your birthday,but I'm 8".He walks away with the parting words "don't cry again little flower".

The little Wang Fang stares at his departing silhouette, her glassy eyes shining with hero worship. Then she turns towards her mums tombstone and vows "I will not cry again".As she walks back towards her driver ,Mr Yi, she steps on something shiny .looking down, she sees a locket with the picture of the boy and a woman. Smiling to herself, she thinks"maybe it's for the boy. Let me keep it always remember him.