chapter 1:LILY


A delicate Asian beauty sat on a sofa with one straight slender leg crossed over this other. She holds a cup of orange juice in one hand and a cellphone in the other.This slender beauty is Wang Fang. She is seen to be in deep conversation with someone on the other line, that person is her father Wang Wei.

Yes papa I'll hurry home immediately. I'll be back in three days.Bye papa.

She has just received the news that her grandfather is sick and has been asking of her.she sighs and drops the phone which immediately starts ringing again.She growls in frustration and picks up the phone.On the phone is her personal assistant and best friend Hannah Li.

*Hannah Li has been her best friend right from their high school days.Wang Fang(also known as Lily in america) studied abroad with Hannah Li. They know everything about each other and do not keep secrets from one another.*

Wang Fang: Hey Hannah what's up?

Hannah:Hey Lily I'm cool and you?

Wang Fang:My dad just called so we are finally going to China and I'm continuing my modeling career in China.

Hannah: wow that's great I'm supporting your decision all the way.

Wang Fang: Book me the next flight to China please.

Hannah:So soon?

Wang Fang:Yeah I want to surprise my stepmother and her son.

Hannah:Oh that bitch and her lapdog.You have not yet reached China yet you are already face slapping them so cool.

Wang Fang:Of course you have to be smart when dealing with vipers.

Hannah: Hahaha I admire you Lily

bye I need to start parking our flight is in 3 hours.

Wang Fang: OK bye see you at the airport.
