Chapter I: The Beginning

The dark stretch of the night sky was illuminated with twinkling stars and the large, circular moon that took up a larger percentage of the landscape. Moonlight trickled down from said moon onto the forestry below it. The trees waved with wind with the menace of a boar staring down its prey cloaked by bushes.

Hidden by these menacing trees held a singular male and female. The male stared slack jaw at what the female implicated with her words echoing throughout his head, "Can you please die for me?"

Issei opened and closed his mouth as he attempted to articulate his down spiraling thoughts and emotions. Issei , "W-what!? Sorry Yuuma-chan can you repeat that? I think I misheard you." Issei picked at his ear in a nervous frantic manner, and then Yuuma stepped up to the boy's ear that was just below his ridiculous haircut and repeated her question menacingly,

"Can you die for me?"

The female began to rapidly step back and transform into her true state. A black winged angel with her bare necessities covered by some type of black straps. While the angel was transforming Issei fell onto his butt in shock and thought, 'I just thought I saw pure boobies in their fullness for a second there. Just-Jus- What- What- Are those wings!?'

Issei for a second time this night was stuck slack-jacked, and unable to even react to what was next. The black winged angel offered, "I had fun." She moved out her hand in front of her and cooed, "Such an innocent boy. I'll always treasure what you've bought me." A harsh red light came out from her palm and shimmered for a second before she finally foretold, "It's time to die."

The light exploded out of her hand and into Issei's chest. Blood came out of it like a fountain after the light had disappeared,

'Why. . ? Why did this happen to me?' Issei thought in an agonizing tone before he accepted his own untimely death, 'Huh . . I'm dying. Mom, Dad, and that beautiful, crimson, red hair . . Am I hallucinating already? Huh . . That's not good.' Issei coughed out blood for a second, 'That stung like a bitch. Ow. . It hurts to breathe. .'

The crimson haired devil stood over Issei holding a chess piece in her hand. It glowed menacingly crimson as she stuck inside of Issei with grace. There was no reaction with the boy with the piece, so the crimson haired devil frowned and put in another. Then another, then two more, and then three more totaling up to 8 before they all began to shine brightly. The crimson haired devil smiled in satisfaction while keeping her posture in a serious yet ladylike way.

When the unexpected happened, the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess gasped in shock as the sound of heavily rattling shook the air. And the light began to swirl in a dangerous way. She gulped in realization of what was about to happen as the pieces flew up into the air and mutated while keeping the host in a stasis state so the host remained. alive. The raw overflowing potential exploded out in the surroundings and the pressure trapped inside of the magical barrier rose higher and higher.

The ruin princess was sent onto her knees after a few seconds as the pressure became almost unbearable before it collapsed onto itself. Silence remained supreme in the air for a myriad of seconds before the mutated devil pieces were sent back into the boy. The leftover energy of the mutation hit the boy's wounds and caused them to close and heal up rapidly.

Issei sat there peacefully breathing as a smile crept across his face. Rias, the crimson-haired devil, got herself up and shook herself in excitement over her new companion. She mumbled out in excitement, "Eight. Eight pawn mutations. That potential is devastating. Too devastating. . But we need time. Time for him to become strong. Hopefully my problem doesn't come too soon."

The she-devil picked up Issei's living body and disappeared.




[ Hyoudou's Household ]

Issei shifted in his bed for a couple of seconds before his eyes fluttered open. His window curtains were directly opened so that the sunlight could be filtered out. Issei grumbled due to being awakened from his 'peaceful' slumber which consisted of being surrounded by his own personal harem and their usual antics or so he remembers from his dreams at least.

'Aw, damn. That was a nice dream if only I was actually that perverted to own a harem. It was nice compared to my normal dreams. Typhoon's worth of bees is terrifying to experience. I still get shivers from them crawling into my eye sockets.'

While lost in his thoughts, his eyes caught the time of the morning and interrupted his current thoughts, '7:37!? Shit! I've only got an hour to eat and get dressed!' Issei exploded out of his own bed and headed to his closet. He quickly got dressed in his school clothing, and thudded down loudly to the kitchen where his mother and father were waiting.

"Ah. It's rare to see you up this early Issei. Did you have a good dream last night?" Issei's mother ventured. Issue simply nodded with the morning groggy buzz he was on.

A gruff, male voice came from his father, "It's great to see you doing well. I'm guessing it was one of those dreams, huh?" Issue scratched his head awkwardly. His mother held a dangerous that promised pain look towards his father as she placed down breakfast for the family.

Issei swore up and down that he heard his father gulp in fear, but that might just be the strange feeling that he got from somewhere. . 'Huh? I certainly didn't feel that before. It might just be my bro code being preyed on or something.' After that odd thought he began to dig into the orgasm inducing breakfast that his mom always created.

It felt that his tongue was melting off from all the pleasure that the meal provided. Issei also could swear that his mother always held a smug look as she judged our reactions to her food. 'Wait minute . . Why haven't I noticed that before? Something fishy is certainly going on . .' Issei shook his head of the thought before getting up out of his seat and declaring, "I'm off to school, Okaa-san! Have a good morning at work."

He quickly went down to the entrance of the household and put on his shoes that were near the mat as he heard his mother holler, "You have a nice day at school, Issei!"

Issei opened up the door to the house and scampered out quickly to ensure that he was at least at school with enough time.

[ Kuoh Academy ]

Kuoh Academy was a private school that recently made co-Ed from a girl's only school. It held many groups bad and good that roamed throughout the school day. This was the school that Issei was currently jogging towards with a tired look over his face.

'Why do I feel so weak? I normally don't usually feel this bad in the mornings. Odd. Those wings did seem supernatural . . . Bah. I'll think about it once I get to school. Why does it feel like something is guiding my thoughts?' With his thoughts concluding with that question, he began to increase his pace to school so he might be a few minutes earlier than usual.

Issei made it to the gate entrance to the private academy with only ten minutes to spare to get to the class. Considering that Issei almost reached the school a minute before the bell hit that made the first period start every day it was most certainly odd. As he passed through the gates, the student council president, who looked ravishingly beautiful with her black hair in Issei's opinion, checked the time just in case. A surprised look came over Sona as she realized there was only ten minutes left on the clock.

Issei just shook his head in exasperation quietly as he passed her, and headed towards his home classroom. Issei was left in his own thoughts when he reached the room, and he sat down in his own chair with a colossal sigh. That small jog certainly knocked the wind out of him. It honestly was surprising how out of shape he was, and he thought he did pretty well in keeping up his exercise every day.

His situation at school was certainly something that wasn't good for his reputation with the ladies. Issei was a part of a group of boys called 'The perverted trio' who made up the most three perverted boys at the school. Which consisted of him, and his two best friends. Matsuda and Motohama.

Matsuda was previously the Jock and previous sports star of his junior high. In Issei's own words, "He's an bald, perverted, and self proclaimed lolicon lover. I don't why he became bald, but that isn't my choice."

Then there is Motohama who apparently has a special ability that allows him to calculate female body measurements. Issei enjoyed being around Motohama due to being more calm and collected with his stuff. And probably has the best chance of getting a girl.

And then there is Issei himself who just tagged along with the group because these two are his only friends out of the whole entire school.

Issei sighed for the final time as he went over his own group of outcasts, 'If I had actually didn't go with them in their perverted activities because it amused me, I would've already had more friends.' After finishing up his thoughts, Matsuda had appeared in front of Issei at his desk and proclaimed loudly, "Hey, buddy. How was that DVD I lent you? It was some good stuff, wasn't it?"

Issei stared at Matsuda blankly,

"I didn't actually watch it. I might've been on something because I swear I went out on a date with a hot black-winged angel. She tried to kill me at the end of our date. I might just be wrong about that one, though."

Motohama opened up his mouth and closed it at the ridiculousness that was Issei's statement while Matsuda followed in Motohama's gaping. Issei snorted in amusement as he watched them bug out and remarked, "Who am I kidding, you've got something to show me, Matsuda?"

Matsuda scrambled for his bag, "Y-yeah, I got some nice stuff right here." He dumped out the stuff inside of the bag. The items being DVDs and books with suggestive titles. Issei held a dull face with blankness that matched an empty canvas.

The sound of complaints against the perverted trio soon came from the girls around the classroom,

"You guys are the worst~"

"Go die, perverts."

"Eww! He brought them again!?"

Matsuda growled dangerously with a sharp glance around the classroom,

"Silence, heathens! This is the source of our pride, honor, and entertainment! Girls and children like yourselves shouldn't be looking. Or else I'll be committing several war crimes and breaking several Geneva Convention codes against all of you!"

Issei opened up his mouth and closed it once more. That was certainly more creative than what he usually said. Matsuda looked over to Issei with his stare and raised his eyebrow, "What? I've picked up some new hobbies. War history is certainly cool."

Issei rapidly raised his hands in a defensive manner and nervously shrunk back into his chair then placated, "Aye. Aye. Some RTS games based on history I used to play were pretty fun. Like Hearts of Iron 4, Crusader Kings 2, and other paradox titles." Matsuda nodded in satisfaction as Motohama came to something ,

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Why do you look so glum with so many treasures in front of you!?" Issei scratched his head awkwardly for the second time this day with the concerned look coming across Motohama's face.

"Well . . I haven't been feeling that good this morning, but school is still school. It'd be bad to face my parents if I didn't come everyday. You guys know how serious my mom can be."

Motohama eyes gleamed with understanding and nodded rapidly,

"I get what you mean. My mother wouldn't accept anything less, too. Especially since you know this school is a lot nicer considering what happened during Junior high. ." Motohama trailed off and held a glum look across his face that made all the girls in the classroom shiver. Issei patted his back in a reassuring manner,

"Yeah. It wasn't pretty from what I remember. You're still taking therapy for that, right?" Motohama nodded with a wobbly smile crossing his face.

"Motohama, Matsuda. Class starts in a few minutes . ." Issei trailed off and looked towards the window. A fair maiden with red hair trailing down her back and down to her hips was walking down the hallway. Issei noticed that everyone was looking at her quietly as he felt off about this situation.

'This isn't normal . . It feels like someone is trying to stab into my head and inject feelings about how I should react. . Is this what Baa-chan said about being spiritually aware? Does that mean a supernatural entity has entered the school!? Or has it always been controlled-' The crimson beauty that was the Two Beauties of Kuoh Academy narrowed her eyes and gave Issei an quaint little smile.

Issei's heart felt like it was being grasped by something, and he didn't like that type of feeling. Dread started falling into his heart as his eyes dangerously narrowed back at his Senpai. Issei gave off his best, fake perverted smile, and decided to wave back in greeting.

To his surprise Rias Gremory waved back at Issei as Issei began to rapidly think, 'Crimson hair. . Was last night really not a hallucination? Then I died and was revived by her . . Does that make me not human anymore?' A warm feeling of something being excited jolted through Issei's head, and the feeling of honor to the crimson haired came as a second wave.

Issei went silent as he turned his attention back to class, and Motohama and Matsuda eagerly barraged him with questions at the same time,

"Did you see that? She waved at you! Lucky bastard!"

"Yes. I saw that. Now both of you head back to your seats before the teacher slaps us with a detention for disturbing the peace." Issei eyes twitched with irritation as he quickly shooed his friends back to their seats before they orgasm over what just happened again.

It was only then that the school day started.