Chapter II : Overhauling . . .

After the first period, the perverted trio kept to themselves in their small universe.

"Hey Matsuda. You down to play some RTS games together at your house when school is done? I still got my god tier laptop up and running, and mostly because your internet is far better than mine." Issei glanced around him and noticed nothing in particular.

"Eh, sure thing. At least we won't be wallowing in self-pity." Matsuda began to sniffle exaggeratedly. The group waited in silence for their next teacher to appear. The other students in the classroom gave the group looks of disgust or disappointment now and then.

It was only a few minutes when the next teacher had appeared and the school day dragged on and on.

[ Matsuda's Abode ]

"I got the southern front, you get the northern front. Make sure to micro-manage your front! Soon the USSR will fall under the might of the Kaissereich and Romania! Hahaha!" Issei laughed evilly as they rapidly scrolled through the front. Issei moved troops into tiles/territories where the opposing enemies lost their strength and supply.

Matsuda was certainly sweating at the difficulty of micromanaging the Northern front. Only able to move a few at a time in small parts. It was slightly more effective than just putting frontlines and letting the A.I. control the troops.

"Ayee! I just encircled a whole entire army of troops here! Over twenty four troops! Twenty four!" Issei clamored as he destroyed the enemy troops while only taking minimal losses for himself.

Matsuda was mentally sweating at Issei's level of skill in RTS games. It was mind boggling how good rusty Issei was. If Matsuda could predict the future, he would most certainly say that Issei could've been a frighteningly good esports player for Japan.

"And this is how Communism falls." Issei proclaimed as they captured the last victory point. A day later the USSR surrenders. The conference where the Kaissereich and Romania just gobble up whatever they wanted of the USSR's territory. Their objective for tonight was completed, and both Issei and Matsuda felt like they accomplished at least something.

Issei peered over his watch with gloomy eyes and read that it was 10:00 PM. He quickly exited the game, and turned off his top quality laptop. He quickly shoved it inside of his bag and stood up.

"It's getting late, so I'm heading home Matsuda. Cya' at school." Issei blearily looked over at Matsuda as Matsuda waved goodbye,

"Yeah, bro. Tonight was pretty fun. Have a good night." Issei nodded and took off from Matsuda's homely abode. Issei felt the night-time exhaustion bleed out of him as the moon shined off of him.

'Huh? Why am I stronger at night? I feel like I could jog five miles in a row and still be up for at least another mile! And I can smell the trees from the park and the noise. .' ' Issei feverishly looked around in excitement, 'Though I promised Okaa-san I'd at least get home and be in bed by at least 11:00 PM.'

Issei walked down the streets carefully. Shivers were sent down his back as if someone was watching him from afar. A mysterious atmosphere began to swirl around the area, and a man in a suit had appeared in Issei's sight.

Issei felt the shivers become worse as he peered at the Man glaring at him. . He could feel something shouting at him to run, and run away fast. Issei saw the suited man walk closer and closer,

"This is rare. To meet someone like you in a place like this." The man's voice sounded like liquid lava pouring down Issei's ears. 'Who is this man? Why is he talking to m-' Multiple dark, crimson boxes started frantically swarming Issei's vision.

[ (Ding!) ]

[ ( Time has stopped for a minute! ) ]

[( Quests have been activated! )]

[ (First Quest: ) ]

[ (Fly. Fly, you fool!) ]

[ ( Description: Oops! You've caught the attention of a Fallen Angel! You've got to run, and run away fast! Then survive!) ]

[ ( Objectives/Rewards : ) ]

[ ( Objective I - Surviving 15 Minutes: Unlock Twice Critical Stage of Your Sacred Gear! ) ]

[ ( Objective II - Survive until your King shows up: 250 DP ) ]

[ ( Upon Quest Completion: Full System Integration. ) ]

[ (Y) / N ]

[ ( This quest has been automatically accepted for your sake. ) ]

'Well, shit.' Issei tensed his muscles as he counted down from ten and watched the frozen statue that was the Fallen Angel, '10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . . . . 2 . . . . 1. Go!'

Time unpaused. Issei bolted away from the Fallen and into the neighborhood itself.

The man in the suit chased after Issei with a low, annoyed growl,

"Trying to run away? Who is your Master? It must be a person with a very weird hobby or is low-classed. Tell me, who is your Master!?"

'What!? The hell is this creepy fuck talking about? I ain't into that BDSM crap!'

Issei decided it was best to speed up into a full sprint. He passed through the small alleyways and zig-zagged with the Fallen Angel still stuck on his tail.

'The hell? Why is this bloody bastard still chasing me?' Issei mentally was freaking out until he realized he hit the park which he had been in. He continued to run towards the Forest until the Fallen Angel decided it was enough of this small little chase. The man in the suit put himself in front of Issei and bombarded Issei with complaints,

"Y-you. Are so fucking annoying. Did you have to run so much!? Did you think I'd let you escape? This is why lowly beings are such a hassle!"

Issei narrowed his eyes under his worried expression as he heard the Fallen Angel continued to monologue,

"Tell me the name of your master. It is a hindrance to get bothered by your kind. For that, we will . . Wait, are you a "stray?" That'd explain the worried expression on your face." Issei's eyes twitched in annoyance as he cooly replied with a irritated manner,

"The hell is a stray? Or a master?! The bloody hell' you prattling on about. For all I know is that you're one creepy bastard!" Issei pointed his finger at the Fallen Angel accusingly. The man in the suit rolled his eyes and unfurled his wings he was keeping hidden,

"Hmph. I don't feel the presence of your master . . ."

[ ( Ding! ) ]

[ ( Reward: Twice Critical Stage of Your Sacred Gear is unlocked! ) ]

[ ( Please survive just a bit longer! ) ]

The instruction manual that was the Twice Critical surgically implanted into Issei's mind. The information included how to properly summon this introductory stage Sacred Gear, and how to use it. It was really, really simple considering all things.

"Nor your comrades. I don't see anything trying to hide its presence. And there is no magic-circle appearing here. According to the situation you're a "stray". So I have no problem killi-


A red gauntlet appeared over Issei's arm with orange outshoots coming from the right and left openings.

killing you." The fallen angel rose his arm out in front of him as it started gathering light-

[ "BOOST!" ]

The feeling of overwhelming power coursed through Issei veins as he waited for the light to finally form before sidestepping the light with grace similar to that of a elk dodging a wolf's pounce. Issei motioned for the Fallen Angel to do it again with a cocky smirk plastered on his face,

"Is that the best you got? Because you've got another thing coming!" Man in the suit trembled in frustration and started flinging light spears in Issei's direction. These spears of light were dodged with the sense of dread franticness on Issei's part.

While the Fallen Angel was throwing his spears at the frantic Issei, a magical circle appeared on the ground and brought one of the Queens of Kuoh, Rias Gremory, with it alongside one of her club-mates, who is one of Issei's kohai, Koneko.

Her pure aura of dominance filled the area, "Stop! I command you to end this battle at once!" The fallen angel paused and glared with hatred at the woman with long, flowing crimson hair.

'Rias Gremory? Isn't that one of those two? I could've guessed she was a part of the Supernatural. Especially if she used her powers to influence people . . Or her beauty.' Issei frowned at his own thoughts.

"Crimson hair . . .You must be a woman from the House of Gremory." The male angel scoffed in annoyance. The crimson haired beauty narrowed her eyes dangerously,

"My name is Rias Gremory." She glared with the force of a thousand lions at the Fallen Angel, "How are you doing, Fallen Angel-san? If you're going to try to hurt one of mine," Her glare and magical power were pumped up to life threatening levels,

"It. Won't. End. Well. For. You." She emphasized every word with venom and wrath of a pissed off flock worth of chicken. The sound of nervousness croaked out of the Fallen-Angel's throat,

"V-very well. This boy belongs to you then. So then this town is under your territory, too.. F-for today, I'll apologize." The man looked like he grew a spine as he talked, "But I advise you to not let your servant loose. People like me might want to slaughter him for having a walk."

Rias gritted out in a frustrated yet noble tone, "Thanks for the advice. This town is under my surveillance. So if you get in my way, I won't hold back."

The Fallen Angel grimaced at the comment, "I will say the same to you. My name is Dohnaseek. I hope we don't meet again. For your sake and my own." The man floated upwards and flew away in a timely, yet fast manner.

[ "RESET!" ]

Issei collapsed from exhaustion and hit the concrete ground. Boxes flared up in front of his face as he quickly absorbed the materials of said boxes into his head,

[ ( Ding! ) ]

[ (Reward : 250 DP gained!) ]

[ ( Ding! ) ]

[ ( Quest Completed: Quest Name: Fly. Fly, you fool! ) ]

[ ( You've done something normally impossible for a fresh new recruit of devildom! Congrats! ) ]

[ ( Warning! ) ]

[ ( Full System Integration requires the host to be asleep. ] )

[ ( Overhauling In 5 . . ) ]

'Overhauling!? What-

[ ( 4. . . ) ]

do you mean-!?'

[ ( 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . .Overhauling. . ) ]

Issei was knocked unconscious by a mysterious force. Red boxes began to rapidly appear around his body, and disappear a moment after. It was mostly gibberish which constituted the language of the script that boxes contained.

Rias calmly walked over to the unconscious Issei and poked one of the visible boxes that was madly swarming around Issei's body. She visibly flinched when the Window popped out in front of her.

[ ( Warning! ) ]

[ ( Host is undergoing full system implementation! ) ]

[ ( These eight pawns ask for the king to wait to awaken our host's body on our own! ) ]

Rias stood there silently as she read the message calmly. "Is it me or did the mutation pieces just try to communicate with me?"

"Fufufu. . Our kohai is quite special, isn't he? I wonder if he'll . . " This voice trailing off came from the second Queen of Kuoh: Akeno. A seductive smirk came across Akeno's face. Rias' cheeks began to slightly tinge red at Akeno's implication,

"Y-you! No! You may not! And he will not!" Rias demanded of her queen with her growing blush.

"Ara~ Ara~ I didn't know you wanted to bed him that quickly, Rias-sama~." Akeno gave her king a knowing smirk.

"Pervert." A higher pitched voice irritably squeaked out. It came from the school mascot herself: Koneko.

"I-I-I. You! You know it's not like that! Now shut up before you stress me out!" Rias fumed with her face turning a dark crimson as she given something else to think about.

"Fufufu. . I know how you really are. Rias~-sama~." Her queen muttered quietly. Rias chose to ignore her Queen's madly lewd mouth. She outwardly sighed and brushed her fingers against Issei's surprisingly soft, brown hair,

"Whatever shall I do with my Queen?"


