Chapter III: The Donging.

[ Hyoudou's Household, Issei's Room. ]

[ " Doooooooong! ~ " ]

The sound of a gong ringing reverberated throughout Issei's room. Issei shot up from his bed instantly as he looked at the clock alarm he forgot to use when he woke up yesterday. The clock showed 5:45 A.M. as Issei peered to read it. He felt surprisingly refreshed considering what time it was.

Issei felt something press against him. He slowly raised the sheet to show a naked Rias Gremory. Issei slightly groaned in frustration then fully covered the naked Gremory heiress.

'Do not look. Do. Not. Look.' Issei mentally chanted as if he was mentally banishing his own demons.

To distract himself Issei glanced around around his room for a brief period of time. He clearly examined the large bookshelf which he owned that was filled with questionable material. Issei snorted at the books he hadn't ever taken a look at.

'I remember a few years ago I wanted them for my collection. Bet no one would guess that I put books that I actually read . . ' He pushed against the bookshelf as it began to slowly spin to the other side. This side contained old scrolls, philosophical titles like Sun Tzu's Art of War, and etc. If any of the student body saw that Issei owned some of these books, they would drop their jaws in shock and call foul.

Issei serenely pushed against the bookshelf once more and smiled. The bookshelf moved back to the more questionable material side. Issei stood up and made his way towards his dresser for more specialized clothing. He opened up the second highest drawer which contained more traditional clothing.

He slipped on the five-piece set which included a haori, haori himo, hakama, tabi, and zori. His normal hairstyle was nowhere to be seen as his two jutts became tied into a ponytail as he got dressed. If one looked at Issei now, they would assume he was at the very least some type of martial artist practitioner.

Issei turned off his Alarm and glanced at the clock once more. The red light clearly read: '5:55 A.M.' Issei hummed at the time and silently made his way out of his room. He arrived in the living room of the Household where he slowly cleared out enough room for his morning routine.

A small gilded, red cushion made its way to the middle of the room. Issei lit a candle in front of the cushion which was held in a protective tray. Issei slowly put his knees onto the cushion. Issei inhaled deeply and exhaled in short pulses. His body slowly relaxed and Issei entered onto a meditative trance.

Time ticked by minute by minute until the thirty minute candle had flickered out. Issei woke up from his meditative state soon afterwards. His eyes flickered open rapidly and he began to move his stiffening arms with a 'crackle'. A small, audible groan escaped Issei's lips.

The living room remained silent as Issei stood up from the red, gilded cushion. Issei removed the tray and the cushion from the living room. Issei looked around the room for a brief period suspiciously. When he found nothing wrong, he started going through the first few forms of obscurity with precision in remembrance of his grandfather.

[ Seven years ago at a hidden dojo. ]

"No. No! Issei do it again! You put your arm like this, see?" An old man that looked to be in his early eighties was shown going through the first form of obscurity while guiding what seems to be a younger Issei.

"But it's so difficult to do it and it feels weird, Juzo-Ojiisan! I want to be doing that awesome breathing thing that you showed me yesterday!" The younger Issei's body was trembling under the abuse the movements of the first form required.

Issei's grandfather remained stern in his teaching, "And I told you I would teach it to you when you are ready. Which you are not!" Juzo mumbled something afterwards, "I will teach it to you, but it takes time . . I'd rather teach you all of my forms first . . Gorou was a disinterested, lazy ass to even learn this."

Issei went through the first form again with frustration that bled into concentration on his face. 'I will succeed on this! I-I can do this!' Issei stepped forward and as he stepped forward his hand formed into a shape similar to a knife. He pushed his shoulder forward to generate the required amount of force to thrust his knife hand forwards with a good amount of force. Between those motioned he breathed.

Strength immediately filled Issei's body as he pushed through the motions for the final time. It was then that his hand morphed into darkness that obscured visible space. Shock appeared on Issei's face as he exhaled whatever breath he was holding in. That same strength left him at the same time and fell against the ground.

"Haaaa. I did it! Juzo-Ojiisan! I. Did. It!" The old man looked at his grandchild approvingly. A gleeful smile filled out his wrinkly features.

"Indeed, you did Issei. That's just one step out of many. Watch this." The old man did the same first form movement but with bucket loads of grace. His own wave of darkness was gigantic enough to reach the height of the room, and was wide enough to be at least half an average person.

Issei gaped before getting onto his back in excitement, "Wooaah. That's so cool! I bet when I grow up I can surpass that!" The old man continued to smile at his grandchild in pride.

[ Present time . . ]

Issei had just finished his ritualistic routine with grace that matched his old man at least seven years ago. 'I bet my old man in his prime was a monster among monsters. Even among the other pillars . .'

Issei had a goofy, wide smile at his luck at being taught under his Ojiisan. Then he frowned at what happened last night, 'I could've easily removed that bird's head if I chose to use this. Why didn't I? I'm so stupid . .' Issei lightly stepped out of the living room and poked his head into the Kitchen to find his mother casually sitting there reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, Kaa-san!" His mother recoiled from her son's sudden appearance in the kitchen. She cooed over Issei's current appearance,

"Issei. Have I ever mentioned how handsome you look in that outfit?" Issei averted his eyes away from his mother in embarrassment. "You have. Plenty of times. And every morning I wear this, too. Now stop trying to butter me up, and I'll be up in my room for the rest of the morning."

His mother snorted at her son in amusement as Issei made his way back up to his room. To which he still found the crimson haired beauty still sleeping in his bed. He nimbly made his way to the closet where he kept his school uniforms hidden. He took out the undershirt, pants, and blazer.

Issei spent his sweet time cooking up his most casual school look from his previous style. The transformation took time due to him struggling to make decisions to flex his actual quality look on his schoolmates or go with what he usually wore. Fortunately common sense prevailed as he eventually got fully dressed while orally practicing lines because he had nothing else to entertain himself with.

When he made his way back into his room he still saw the unconscious body that he named Rias Gremory still sleeping like a baby under his white-covers. Issei snorted at the tired red-head and shook his head. He peered at the blinking time on his alarm clock that clearly read: '7:33 AM'.

Issei picked up the headset that he normally bluetoothed into his P.C. and placed it over Rias' ears. He turned on his phone and connected it to the headset, and searched the same gong noise that woke him up on YouTube. Issei cranked up the volume to medium-loud, and pressed play.

[ "DOOoooonnnng! " ]

The loud sound reverberated through the red-head's ears. Rias bolted instantly awake from her dreams at the loud sound effect. She gave her best smoldering glare at the bastard that dared to wake her up in that way. Which would be the cheeky brown haired who was currently giving her his best damnable wry smile.

After that he pointed at the alarm clock that was situated to her left. It was only a minute after seven fifty'. Rias shuddered and squeaked at the time as she scrambled to pick up her clothing that littered the corner of his room. As she turned to find Issei, he was already gone like a ghost.

She darkly muttered, "Who knew that my newest little brother was so cheeky. A small shove would've worked just fine! The next time I get my hands on him . ." The rest of it became incomprehensible as she slipped on her bra.

Issei shivered in fear as he strode towards the kitchen where his Mother was fixing a meal for four people. Issei raised his eyebrow and as he began to guess why this happened his mother confirmed his worst fears-

"That foreigner was nice enough to bring you home when you fainted, Issei. I may have offered for her to sleep in your bed."

'But I didn't even- I mean, I'll just roll with it.' Issei gave a half-hearted shrug to his mother,

"I'll thank her when we walk to school." He sat down onto the rather graciously large table. He just began to tap his knuckles on the table in wait for Rias and his mother to finish making breakfast as his mother replied,

"You better. I would have your head if you didn't have manners." Issei verbally gulped and shook his head of any doubts that he was going to thank Rias for her timely assist. A few minutes had passed after his mother had placed down breakfast in front of him. It was a hearty western meal consisting of bacon, three stacked pancakes, and scrambled eggs.

Issei slightly drooled at his mother's heavenly cooking. When Rias finally came down looking pristine, he wiped the drool away. His mother waved for Rias to sit down,

"Gremory-san. It's great to see that you're awake! I've prepared breakfast for the four of us. ." His mother trailed off and gave a strained smile. Issei shivered in fear the second time this day as she rapidly stormed off towards her husband's quarters.

"Ouch! Kaa-san. I get it! Yes, I get it. Food is ready. Stop kicking me. Wait! Wait. Not right there! Not right there!" Issei slightly recoiled at his father's sounds of pain. His mother returned with a slightly too sweet smile while his father rubbed the spots where it was bruised.

"I thank that your Ojiisan installed some of that discipline before he died. Dealing with one lazy-ass is enough." Issei wisely chose to humbly nod at his mother's comment. He stole a glance at the person he was widely ignoring to see her amused glances towards his parents. That and her glances towards her offered breakfast were oddly resembling a starved puppy.

Issei swore he could hear father mutter under his breath, "Doesn't mean you have to kick my ass, though. It hurts. ."

The group of four sat down while the two ladies of the group shared looks of amusement much to the male's durable awkwardness. Breaking the silence, Issei coughed into the hands.

[ "Itadakimasu!" ]

Issei waited for Rias to consume her delectable pancakes to gauge her reaction. 'I wonder how she will react. Especially if her senses were turned on up to elev-' A beautiful, blissful moan filled the atmosphere as her face flushed into a ripe tomato embarrassment.

Another quick glance to his mother showed while she was smugly smiling, she was mouthing, "Don't mention it." Another moment of being sagely wise happened as he dug into his food. He blissfully dissolved into a puddle in the chair as he tasted the crispy bacon.

Breakfast passed by with becoming a bigger puddle of orgasmic bliss. Issei and Rias were kicked out of the house for school.

A red square popped in his vision:

[ ( The full implementation and first maintenance of the system will be done by the end of the school day. I thank the host for being patient! ) ]

Issei blankly stared at the red square as Rias curiously peered at it. Issei woke up from his mental shock and pointed his pointer finger at Rias accusingly,

"Wait. You can see it, too!?"


