Chapter IV: Full System Implementation(?)




"Wait. You can see it, too!? And what was up with last night? That bird jackass was a real creep muttering about masters and strays. Sounds like a real supernatural bdsm fantasy right there." Issei verbally assaulted the red-haired princess with his complaints as he turned his finger around and started striding towards Kuoh with hands behind his back.

If Issei was actually looking at Rias, he would see her smile twitching and a visible sweat drop coming down from her forehead. Rias soon caught up to him in his timely stride,

"Yes. Hyoudou Issei-kun. Can I call you Ise?"

Issei made a 'go ahead' gesture and nodded.

"I can see it too. And you were being attacked by a supernatural being called a Fallen Angel." Issei looked towards Rias in a questioning gaze,

"You mean from the biblical bible? So they were once angels right?"

"You are correct on both accounts, Ise-kun. And let me introduce myself."

Her posture returned to being imperiously noble as if she was looking down on Issei,

"I am Rias Gremory. I am a devil." Issei gave her a weird look as he wasn't entirely sure she was telling the truth. She could've been one those nasty demons from Muzan or whatever his name was for all he knew.

"And I am your master, Ise-kun." Issei gave her an incredulous, 'Are you kidding me?', look.

"You expect me to- to think that you're my master? That's ludicrous and absolutely inane. Unless you turned me into a devil . . Oh."

Issei formed an O shaped with his lips as he saw Rias' eyes glimmer with respect for Issei for picking up on this quickly.

"I'm guessing that is also why you can also see the boxes that pop-up like a pop-up ad on shady websites." Rias kept striding along with Issei's rather insane pace of speed and nodded to Issei's question.

The rest of the Journey was filled with silence as they reached




[ Kuoh Academy ]

'I completely forgot that I was walking with one of the great onee-samas of Kuoh. This is either going to cause my popularity to skyrocket or plummet to rock bottom. It is amusing to hear their sweet cries of disgust.'

"Why is someone like him . ."

"Why is someone vulgar like him next to Rias-oneesama?"

"Rias-oneesama, run away from this vulgar creep! Before he infects you with his pervertedness."

When Issei and Rias reached the gate entrance, Rias turned to Issei while smiling,

"I will send someone to get you. Let's meet again later." Issei looked at her with a simple nod,

"Very well. Gremory-san. I hope you explain better. The details you offered were rather lacking."

Silence rang throughout the courtyard as Issei headed to his classroom. While he was heading to his classroom he had this rather goofy smile as he heard the sounds of confusion spark throughout the air.

"I thought he'd say something else. . ."

"Who knew Hyoudou was so polite?"

Issei had a sinking feeling that he was about to be hit in his head. So he maneuvered his head to the left as the slap was aiming towards his head missed. He turned to see his buddies shaking in rage and shock,

"I demand an explanation! I thought you didn't want to cause chaos just yet! Until yesterday, we were going to be the reigning kings of the unpopular alliance!"

Motohama chimed in with ever so calm eyes peeking at Issei suspiciously,

"Ise, first of all explain what is happening . . I am very much concerned about the atmosphere of the school."

Issei gave a thoughtful look at them both. He judged his options of either giving a perverted answer or a calm and collected one. 'Though I wonder . .' Before Issei could finish his thoughts his mouth blurted out in a confident tone,

"Guys, you have seen real tits before?"

With that simple sentence they both began to tremble in fear, and terrible agonizing sadness.




Rias slowly strode up the top of the stairs. There was a slight upbeat pulse to her step. Rias smiled beautifully at the female leaning on the pillar. The one leaning against the pillar had this upright posture to her vibe as her eyes gleamed with intelligence. Her black hair neatly covered her hair as she spoke,

"Good Day, Rias."

Rias made a small bow with grace,

"Good day, Sona."

Sona made a small glance towards Issei and his clique playing some hand-games to pass the small amount of time there was left until they had to go to their classroom.

"It's not like you to make him a part of your household so full-tilt."

Rias stepped forward as her assets jiggled,

"Oh, no?"

Rias made a small, annoyed smile at the troublesome brown-headed protagonist.

"Well, it's kind of like I've gotten a deceptive little rascal that I've got to take care of."

Sona kept her thoughts to herself and continued to look forwards at the group of three.

"Oh . ."




'She said that she would bring someone to get me.' Issei slightly shook his head and admonished himself, 'You've got to be more patient Issei. More. Patient.' The sound of girls squealing and gathering at the door happened.

Issei could feel the headache start up in his head once more. Their high-pitched squeals always agitated him and fueled his always simmering rage. He grit his teeth as he weathered the storm. He knew of the cause which started the sound of thundering fangirls, and another part of him wanted to cry in agony for some reason.

The Prince Handsome who all men who wanted dead and all women wanted to easily bed had entered into the classroom. The one and only Prince Handsome Kiba excused him through the hoard of fangirls,

"Please, excuse me."

"Go ahead, go ahead~"

"It's not very tidy, but go ahead.."

"Anything for Kiba-sempai!~"

Kiba walked in the direction of Issei's desk, and raised his voice to be heard,

"Hey, hi there."

Issei looked him over once and rubbed his head to hopefully lessen his headache. He then waved at Kiba lazily with a tired look coming over his eyes,

"Yo. What's up?" Issei looked over at the females who were staring at him in shock. He made a motion with his two pointer fingers in a particular position that made them glare at him in disgust. He could even hear the snickering of Matsuda and Motohama in the classroom.

'Ah, yes. The glares. Finally, their hormones are no longer spiked up on the drug which is the mysterious wonder that is Kiba' Issei thought as his headache started to recede.

"I am on a Errand for Rias Gremory. Would you mind coming with me?"

'Oh. Who knew that Rias-senpai had this trump card hidden deep in her recesses of . . No. No. Don't think about that. Don't. Do. Not. Think..' Issei eyes visibly flashed with understanding,

"Yeah, sure." Issei stood up from his chair and grabbed the bag he brought with him. The annoying fangirls started shuddering in fear as their whimpers were honey to his ears.

"It- it can't be!? Kiba-sempai don't do this!"

"I-I won't accept this outcome! The KibaxHyoudou pair!"

"No, maybe it's the Hyoudou-Kiba pair!?"

'I swear fangirls are the most disgustingly creative minds in existence. The things that they're blabbering about even gives Matsuda and Motohama the shivers.' Issei stared at the group in disgust as he followed Kiba out of the classroom.

Issei turned his head over and waved at his friends, "Matsuda, Motohama. Have a good night. And don't forget to wash your hands after you know what. No woman likes that smell." The delicious glares which he received from the females intensified.

"Yeah, see you Ise." Motohama picked up his glasses. It glared light somehow.

"I'd be down for playing some videos and video-games over the Weekend." Matsuda calmly picked up his bag.

When Issei and Kiba finally got far enough from the females watching them. Issei let out a relieved sigh and looked over to see Kiba with his strained smile,

"How do you even survive their high intensified arousement?" Issei asked casually. He could even see Kiba's eyes twitching when he asked his question. The response was not something not even Issei was expecting,

"With a lot. Lots of practice." Issei was left speechless as they continued to walk towards the building.




[ The Old School Building ]

'I've heard rumors about this place before. Many of the females think that the Male teachers use this place as a place for satanic worship. Or that's what they're saying at face value at least.' Issei looked at the building that was surprisingly clean with mock interest.

"Buchou is in there." Issei hummed in acknowledgement and merely continued to follow Kiba, 'Ah. It seems like the Devils have their clique as a club.' The two entered the old school building and towards a classroom with a sign placed on it. The sign was written in permanent sharpie-

[ Occult Research Club ]

A good thirty meters before they saw the sign Issei could hear a shower running loudly. Issei's eyes were twitching madly as he looked at Kiba expectantly,

"Why does Gremory-senpai have a shower in the club room?"

"Huh. . You can hear that? Good senses. ." Kiba casually averted his eyes and whistled with an innocent tone. Issei shook his head in exasperation. He calmly breathed through his mouth, and exhaled through his nose.

Issei in his sagely wisdom looked at the sharpied sign and asked while staring deeply into Kiba's soul judgingly, "I'm assuming it was either you, or another member of the club who thought that it was with the utmost importance to write in only sharpie? Why not add in Crayon, too? And while you're at it, why not add in a skull while you're at it? Or even add in one of those skeletons that you see in science labs. Nah, that'd be too much. Maybe just like a spell or something."

His hand made a so-so gesture while he was talking.

There was a bleak pause in silence as Kiba's smile twitched. Kiba's eyes shown in amusement but had enough control to not break down snorting,

"That's a good question and suggestion. I'll bring that up with Himejima-senpai someday." Kiba knocked on the door after he felt shivers go down his back at even suggesting something that to Akeno,

"Buchou, I've brought him."

Then the voice that Issei could only assume came from the red-head came,

"Yes, come in."




The room was covered in many weird signs and words. The walls more specifically had many different designs that held different purposes that ranged in complexity. On the floor held a massive magical circle. Issei shivered at all the weird symbols only because all of it felt eerily unnatural and held a hint of strength.

Desks and Sofas littered the clubroom haphazardly. On one of those sofas laid a girl with a small stature but held a face so cute that Issei could only hold himself from pinching her cute little cheeks. That girl was also eating youkan.

'I swear I can visibly feel the resting bitch face from here. The expressionless face is almost perfected if she wasn't melting into that sofa comfortably.' Issei stared at his kouhai for a brief period and made a so-so gesture with his hand. It was as if Issei was judging her expressionless face. Koneko nodded quietly and continued her consumption of her food.

"This is Hyoudou Issei-kun." Koneko bowed her head. Issei stared into her expressionless eyes as if he was searching for at least something. There was an uncomfortable silence that permeated throughout the room for a few seconds. Issei bowed his head and took a deep breath in from his nose. The scent of a cat was all over the room, and more specifically the couch.

"Ah. Hello. Kiba, why does it have this strong smell here? The best way to describe it would be like a cat." Issei eyes wandered the room as he finally saw the shower in the back of the room who had someone in it . . Issei wisely chose to ignore whatever flag that was and saw Koneko looking at him suspiciously.

"It smells like a cat? Odd. It shouldn't. I'll tell Himejima-senpai to bring in better scented candles." Issei nodded at Kiba as the group of three quietly waited for Gremory-senpai to finish showering.

[ ( Full System Implementation Completed! ) ]

[ ( Welcome, host to the beginning of Devildom!) ]

[ ( Menu ) ]

Three red boxes suddenly popped up in his vision. Issei slightly jolted in surprise as the two other people in the room looked at the boxes curiously.


