Sky 2

(Ichigo POV)

"Wait!" There it is. She is so predictable. As much as I would love to put on my headphones and walk away, I have a feeling that she is the type to pester me as long as I don't listen. I'm going to try to keep this short.

I turned around. "What?" Really? Hair drills? That's the fashion these days?

"You can't just walk away with such a half-as*ed answer like that!" she shouted. God, can she get any louder? Why don't you buy a megaphone to bust my eardrums while you're at it?

"Okay," I replied. "Good talk." Short and precise. I left and continued my talk with Hachiman. From the corner of my eye, I could see how red she was getting. Anger can do that? I thought that it only happened due to embarrassment or anxiety. The more you know huh.

A few class periods later, Hachi and I were eating the lunches that I made. It was a peaceful, silent break that we both have come to appreciate. We don't always have to talk in order to get along with each other.

"Ichi. How do you deal with girls like that?" He looked at me with curiosity and confusion. "It's like you have this overwhelming confidence that nothing can go wrong and that you would come out on top no matter what." Ah. One of the 108 Loner Skills. Observation. It's so nostalgic. "I just don't get it."

"If you answer me honestly, I'll tell you." He blinked and the nodded a second after. "How much does this have to do with that Orimoto girl?" Hachi flinched but gave an answer with slightly narrowed eyes.

"25 to 30." Sorry for reminding you best buddy, however, this is for your own good.

"Okay." I looked up. "Look at the sky. What do you see Hachi?" I asked as I relaxed.

Hachi's eyes moved to what I was staring at and gave me an answer. "Clouds. Lots of them."

"That's right. What's the difference in every cloud?"

"Is there a point to this?" You seem frustrated Hachi.

"Yes. Shut up and start observing." He did like I asked him to. "Most of the clouds you see are of the same shape. That makes them bland and boring. Some of the clouds have unique shapes, but their cores are not any different from the boring clouds." I can see comprehension on his face. "This is the point that I learned from my Uncle. Females are like clouds; they exist. Most of them are average and are copies of each other. Occasionally there are unique ones like that Miura girl. She's above average in looks, but she is just a human. Not a God, not a monster, and not a dimensional being. Just human. You can also see that every cloud looks different even if they are bland, so just like humans, they all have unique faces. Do you understand that point?"


"If you keep that mindset in your head, you will be able to easily treat them like how you treat other guys. Then again, I do know how most men and women work, so I have an advantage that you don't."

"Seriously? How?"

"Remember my Aunt? She kind of taught me many things that I never really cared about. Being me of course, everything she said kind of stuck with me and I think I can consider myself as a decent manipulator. I'm not anywhere near her level, but I'm okay."

"So that's how you managed to convince the teachers. No wonder they agreed so easily." Definitely one of my finest accomplishment. Did I make you proud Aunt Kukaku?

"I'll teach you in our spare time and you will see how easily people are caught on your web with no escape. Hehehe." Oops. I think I let that laughter slip if Hachi's face was anything to go by.

"..." Say something dude.


"You have an evil laugh. You actually have an evil laugh. Unbelievable." What? What's wrong with that?

"Doesn't everyone?" I inquired.

"There is a reason why it's called an evil laugh." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going back to my chicken. At least he won't judge me."

"Huh. What are you even talking about? The chicken is dead."

"But the spirit lives on." I countered.

"You know what, let me see if your chicken has this spirit you are talking about." Hachi tried to steal my lunch but failed in his attempt. However, something else happened that made me angrier than losing my lunch.

"My crumbs. My chicken crumbs! You bastard!! You made me drop my chicken crumbs!!" I yelled.

"HA!?! Who the hell cares about your stupid crumbs??" I pounced on him and he dodged.

"You as*! I loved eating them! Now they are all over the floor!" I chased after him as he left the roof. Throughout lunch break, one angry orange boy with a chicken in his mouth was running after his friend in the halls. While Hachi used simple maneuvers to avoid me, I used my athletic skills I developed to get closer. Jumping over teachers, sliding between legs, and wall-running were a few examples of what I did. Annoyingly, Hachi still had his running ability so it made for a hard chase.

Only when lunch was about to end did we come back to pick up our stuff and clean the roof did I stop my pursuit of him. We established a temporary truce, but Hachi owed me food on a later date. From the beginning of lunch to the end, they didn't notice a girl with silver hair who had a small smile on her face from watching the spectacle.