Sky 3

(Hachiman POV)

The lunch talk with Ichigo was...useful. I've trying to go into the mindset that he worked with and I think I obtained some success. I say this because Ichigo and I passed by a black-haired girl with piercing blue eyes. Normally, I would stare a little before turning away, however, today, the girl only entered my peripheral vision without me feeling amazed and scornful about her good looks. It was only good genetics anyway.

Speaking of looks, Ichigo remarks of how I am actually handsome did affect me mentally. I didn't even realize until Komachi mentioned that I seemed a little more confident than usual. I acknowledged the fact that I am not as blessed as Komachi, and that I will forever be the ugly duckling. That has always been my mentality until Ichigo walked back in my life and let me breathe for the first time. These days, I found myself slouching less with my back being straighter than it has ever been. Truly, I would probably be in this infinite spiral of depression and self-loathing if it wasn't for him. Even the suicidal thoughts went away due to his presence.

Yes, I do admit that suicide was occasionally wondering in my thoughts. It was only due to the pathetic cowardice that I never went too far and I was glad. I couldn't imagine facing the wrath of Ichi. He has either been playful angry to obviously play around or serious angry to teach someone a lesson. However, he never really showed true anger and I mean pure and unadulterated rage.

When Ichi did become that furious, nothing in the environment was spared. It was a few months after Ichigo lost his family and some kids were mocking him by calling him an orphan or blaming Ichigo for being the bad luck that killed them in the first place. What he did next is the reason I avoid touching his sore spots because he picked up his chair and threw it at the group. With great accuracy, it hit the leader of the group on his stomach and he was vomiting the lunch he had that day. The other boys tried to run away from him, but he grabbed another chair and chased them.

Just as they were about to leave the room, he pulled them all back by using their collars, and all five bullies were crippled in different ways afterward. Once he was done with them, he destroyed the rest of the room until he was satisfied and then went home with me as nothing happened. We even had a conversation about Komachi's birthday on the way, but what horrified me the most was that the students transferred out without a single complaint.

I did my research on them and apparently, they recovered from their injuries and went their separate ways. Knowing what I know now, I can totally predict what happened back in the day. Still, though, it doesn't make Ichigo any less dangerous. Ah, who cares though? They deserved it. I would've done something if he hadn't.

Back to my enlightenment about women. I am making this point because I spotted that beautiful blonde from this morning. Beautiful might be an overstatement though. Truthfully, I've seen better courtesy of Ichigo. No offense to you nameless blondie. Wait. I think that other blond did say her name. What was it again? M-Mi...Miyu? I'm not sure. I don't remember. I always had trouble remembering names.

Ahh, she made eye contact with us. By us, I mean Ichigo. Normal guys would be jealous of their friends getting the good looking girl's attention, but both Ichi and I knew better. Why? Since I am experienced and Ichi had one of the most bada*s relatives ever. As for the whole blonde girl doesn't look good compared to others because of Ichigo thing. was Ichigo's Aunt that showed me what real beauty looks like. I totally believe that she is a part-time model. Anyways, I'm gonna stop monologuing and focus. This is a show I didn't want to miss.

"You." He has a name you know. I forgot your name too so you're forgiven.

"Yes me." Hahahaha. A perfect response. Then you just walk away? That's so cool Ichi.

She walked in front of Ichigo. "What's your problem??" she asked. Many things. Your attitude. One. Two, you're wasting the time we get to spend at home. Leave girlie. He ain't interested.

"I pbbbt don't pbbbt like pbbbt you pbbbbbbt." What the hell? Why was he blowing a raspberry after each word? Why is he giving me a big grin as if he won a lottery? Am I supposed to understand? Ichi...turn around. I think the girl wants to murder you!

Ichigo gasped. "You don't get it? You don't get the reference?? Hachi! Do you not watch TV?" He grabbed my shoulders and gave a look of pity. What is happening? "Oh, you poor soul. You are missing greatness. Let's go home quickly my child. I have to show you." Ichi then dragged me towards our bicycles and then I understood what he was doing. Getting on our bikes, we sped home without looking back. "Plan success."

"You don't think that was mean?" I asked. Did I care? Not at all. However, she kind of did seem genuinely upset when we passed by her. Maybe my sensors are getting messed up by my weakness to beautiful girls. Females are clouds. Females are clouds.

"No. She was the one bothering us. I just wanted to go home. Besides, we met this morning. Why should I care?" True.

"Moving on. I was curious about something. If I females are clouds, then what are guys in your mind?" Ichigo gave me a glance and went to deep thought.

"Nothing. They are nothing to me. A waste of space. Another useless soul."

" have a very low opinion of both genders."

"I simply don't care about their existence. Both are equally annoying groups."