The man standing at the door is HUGE. Hell, he's a tree! Tall and bulky.

He has smooth jet black hair just like mine and eyes the colour of a sparkly emerald. He couldn't be anything older than forty or as so he looks. He has the casual blue t-shirt on and black jeans. He's so tall, he's almost towering Alec. The way he steps in...it's like a predator's walk, majestic.

He looks at my bound up situation and his nose starts to flare.

"Damn Alec! You just cant stop pushing my buttons can you. On my precious daughter!!! For fuck's sake!" He said marching closer to Alec.

"Well screw you Troy!! I dont give a damn! You had to show up just as I was about to have my fun with her!"

"Alec, you cant stop can you?"

"Sorry you had to have such beautiful daughters!! I'm a man, what do you expect?"

"No, you're a deranged fiend that needs to be kept under control. So if you would be a gentleman and hand her over, we can all leave here nicely, but if you want it differently, there's always an open space" Troy said.

Alec looked at him for a while and laughed.

"Do you really think I'm gonna just give her back to you? If so, you should go get your brain checked out. "

Troy didn't wait for or give a reply, he lunged for Alec.

The two men began aggressively fighting while I just sat there, dazed.

Is this real? Or am I dreaming? That guy- Troy- called me his daughter, so does that mean...no, I'm not still convinced. But part of me actually feels that he might be my dad. But how? Where did he come from? I just need answers, that's all.

Through a bloodied mouth, Troy barked an order to people.

The first person I saw made my heart skip a beat.


"What's up doll? 'Happy to see me?" He asked.

I just smiled and rolled my eyes. I was more than happy, I was overjoyed! They removed the ropes from my body. Relief hadn't felt so good.

"Can you stand?"


He didn't even wait for my reply as he hoisted me up his shoulder. Some of the other men went to help Troy out while some walked near us like bodyguards.

"Hey pretty boy! Where are you going with boss's girl?" A man said from the far corner of the corridor.

"Oh me? I'm just taking her to the moon to see if unicorns are real, that's all"

"You're gonna find out if they're real when I hit you in the face!" He said.

I unfortunately can't see anything because I am facing the opposite direction of where all the action is.

Well that's depressing

"Rico! Do not allow them to leave this place! And call reinforcements!!!" Alec shouted

"Yes sir!!"

Rico slowly approached us. Leo handed me over to another one of the men here, saying he had problems he wanted to care himself.

The person holding couldn't look anything more than 21. He has long curly brown hair, like spongey macaroni. It's so cute. He smiled at me and I can see his cute dimples and straight white teeth.

Am I falling for someone I just met? Well yeah!...But I shouldn't though. That's the same way I almost got Stockholm syndrome with Alec

I shiver at the thought.

"Are you cold?" His seductive voice asked me.

How wont I fall for that?

I couldn't answer orally so I just shook my head as a response and buried my fragile head in his chest. He smells manly too.

His heartbeat thrumed in my ear like a melody. It's making me sleepy. Calm. Cool. This, I've never felt before. So nice.

A loud boom sounds through the corridors as we go down the stairs quickly. Doors upon doors open at almost the same speed and men run over to us. Their all armed. Some surprise us and run past us to the direction where the original fight begun.

"C2, take Ms. West out of the premises. We'll take it from here. RUN!" The burly man barked.

C2? Doesn't he have a name?

Gunshots fired from different angles but somehow we came out of the house uninjured.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he ran out the house with me still in his arms.

"I'm fine thank you" I answered shyly.

He had a small smile on his face.

I can swim in those dimples.

I giggled.

He looked at me confused.

Shoot! Now he's thinks I'm crazy! Way to go Kim!

We came to a sudden hault as a huge man approached us. His beard looked so unkempt that I wanted to hurl.

"Pretty boy, it's better you drop her back from where she was that to try your limit with me" the tall ugly man said.

He looked unimpressed by the man's statement.

"Look, if you want to say something cool, you can save that for when you actually beat me"

The man's laughter boomed in my ears. So terrible.

"You want to challenge me? Sir Dorkuft Reun the se-"

It seems he's not a fan of long talk because he carefully dropped me on the soft grass, quietly ran up to the man and threw a punch at him. Then an uppercut.

With the same bone crushing sound Leo made...who do these guys train with? The SWAT?

Before I knew it, I was hoisted up like a princess from bed. This time, he decided to run.

He ran up to the back of a huge bush. He brought out something like a GPS from his pocket.

"This is where the van is" he said pointing to the screen of the GPS.

"What I want you to do for me is direct me there while I follow your directions and run to the van. Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can"


He handed me the GPS as he ran to the direction of the van.

Just like before, we came to a hault. More people have shown up.

Crap, is he gonna take all of them down by himself?

"If all else fails, run" he said, obviously meaning what he said.

He carefully dropped me on the ground

"Yay! More people for the party! Shall we dance?" He said giving them a mocking bow.

They laughed.

"He thinks we came here to dance. Let's run this dancefloor " one of the guys said.

Suddenly, one of the men ran up to him and he put his guard on. But the man wasn't running up to him, he was running up to me.

I backed away, trying to get to my feet. My arms hurt from the tightness of the rope, but I cant focus on that now.

"Kim no!" He said trying to think of what to do. He should've known this was coming. Distraction is a powerful trick.

"No no no, get away from me!" I said backing away from the man.

"I don't bite doll, trust me" he said opening his hands like he's asking an animal to come to him.

I looked over to C2 who was too occupied with fighting the other men.

"There's no one to save you" the man said.

Oh no. C2...he's...smiling. How can he do that when everything is going wrong?

"C'mon doll, I'll pounce on you if you continue to run" he warned.

My heart hurt. I couldn't breathe. What is happening to me?

And just from nowhere, adrenaline pumps through my veins.

There's no one to save you...

"That's why I'll save myself" I said stopping my hurried steps.

"Are you planning on fighting me? Don't try it doll, you'll cry" he warned again.

But I wasn't listening.

I cant continue to let others fight for me

I looked at him straight in the eye, my expression emotionless.

I run up to him. He seemed ready to just catch me, but I had other plans. He tried to scoop me up with his large hands but I dodged and kicked him in his side. Still in the air, I grabbed onto his shirt. Like a surprised giant, he turned at tried to grab me like a fly, but he kept on missing.

Earlier, when I was still tied up, I had a piece of shattered glass in my pocket that I grabbed from when Leo came for me. I thought I would use it for something useful but the opportunity never came. But now it has.

I pull out the piece of glass from my pocket and run it through his throat, causing him to cough out blood and choke. I jump down from him, not caring about his wellbeing. I have someone that needs help. I run up to a shocked C2. Apparently he's taken all of the down and was coming for me. I think he paused because he saw I had things under control.

"You were...amazing. Your dad's definitely gonna be proud of you as much as I am"

I'm very sure my face has become beetroot red but not from my actions.

"Uh, thank you. Let's continue what we were meant to do"

He didn't even ask if he could carry me but he still did anyways. We finally approached the van.

The van is huge. It's sleek and black. These guys definitely have to be neighbours with the SWAT or their working in fortnite. I dont know, anything's possible.

We enter the van and there are medical specialists there. They tend to our injuries and we are given water and a canned drink.

"You know, I known you actually. I'm actually the one who-"

Our conversation is interrupted by the same man that told C2 to take me here.

"You did a good job C2, I'm proud of you"

Both men laughed

"You know you're never proud of me!" C2 said through his laughter.

"So where's Cap.?"

"Oh, he said he and the others will meet us back at his place so we should get going before she gets kidnapped again" he said pointing at me and walked over to the passenger's seat. The sound of the engines roared to life and before I know it, we're on the road.

As much as I'd love to look at the road, it wont stop my exhaustion. I throw myself, thinking I'd land on the seat, but instead I land on...a chest? I hear the same rhythm I heard when I was on C2's chest. I look up to see him already looking at me and I notice his sparkly metallic blue eyes. He's so hot. I slump all the way to his lap. I dont have much time to process what just happened as my mind and body have other plans...
