"Why didn't you guys ever tell me?!?" I ask with teary eyes.
"It's not what it is Kim, we love you-"
"Filth! That's all I ever was to you people! No atom of love ever escaped your actions nor your words. "
"But I know. And I don't give two shits what you think or thought about me. You can continue to live your sick lives and rot in hell for all I care, 'cause I've tried everything to make you love me in the past." I pause and throw them an evil smirk, "But who's the beggar now?"
"Kim dont leave us! We're sorry! KIIIIIMMM!!!!" I hear their cries as I walk away in the distance.
I just want love. Nothing more. I've been taken as a reject for as long as I can remember. Young children throwing their toys in your face, adults insulting you with abusive words, your mates trampling you on their feet, I've been through all these and even worse. But I'm too scared, too fragile to take them on and show them I'm worth something. But who's going to remind me I even have a worth?
Kimberley West is the most hated girl around. It seems like no matter what she does she never gets payed back with love. Various occasions show her what life really means. Is she going to grab onto them? Or is she going to face her fate as a reject of the world?