Westcott High is definitely not the best place to be, well when you're me that is. There's everyone horrible (obviously including Emily and her gang) in that school. Anyways, anyone else going there would be really happy to go to a lively and colourful school also known for it's basketball and football players and wins.

My school is a bit different though.

When you enter there, you have to be in a "club". But what makes this different from other schools are the traditional stuff we do. For example, before the football players go to have a match, they must smudge charcoal under their eyes and on their hands. People like the cheerleaders do exactly ten backflips before entering a competition.

A club is literally just you and your big or small group, but everyone in that particular group has to have kinda the same attribute with you.

If you're in the rich kids club, you have to be real snobby and bitch-like and terribly rich. Also, you're gonna have to only date people that are in the same category with you, that is, people in the rich kids club. Come to think of it, I dont think there is a rich girl higher than boys.

Moving on.

There are like a gazillion clubs in that school(they dont necessarily have to be based on extracurricular activities they can be based on how you act).

Okay, let's start.

We have the bad bitches club, goth club, stamp collecting club, cheerleader club, football club, basketball club, prince charming club( you know all those guys that have perfect hair and perfect eyes and straight white teeth and so on), rich kids club, rock dudes club, surfers club, super fit club, opera club, the rhymers, the dont-talk-to-me-or-I'll-punch-your-face club, the bodyguard club, the nerds, the gamers and finally my club- the weird, just so off and very hated club (population:1).

Of course

The whole club thing may sound cheesy and cliche but when you do the traditions, you wont be saying that.

Right now I'm walking to school since my "loving" parents "cant" take me there. And neither can the school bus.


After 20 blocks of walking, I finally make it.


I still have about 5 minutes to spare.

I mistakenly bump into someone, and I swear when I see the person that definitely was not going to make my day this early morning.

"Ugh! Can you not see where you're going weirdo?"

"Sorry, I just wanna go to class" I say with my eyes on the floor and my head down like a sad dog.

"Hope you're not in the same class with me...again, 'cause I'm gonna just squish your useless body outta that class" Emily says with a sneer.

"Yeah, we cannot allow ourselves to be disgraced by your mere appearance in that class" says Stacey with evident disgust.

"Uh girls, we'll be late if we continue to waste time talking here" says Tina. Tina seems to be the only tolerable one in this group, but I still dont like her.

"Yeah girls, let's bounce" says the leader of the viper club. I quickly walk away and avoid the gaze of other peoples' hateful stares.

When I finally reach the door to my class, I find out that I'm a minute late and before I even get to process anything the door is slammed in front of me by my beloved math teacher Mrs. Savage

Talk about living up to your surnames' meaning.

I sigh and turn around to leave when the door suddenly opens and the person who opens it is Joe.

Joe's part of the prince charming club.

He grabs my hand and turns me around, looking at my eyes carefully and only then did I realise that I was so fucking screwed.

I notice a smile forming on his face as he looks at whatever's behind me. I turn around only to be met by two hulking figures whom I obviously know. Whoever gave them the names I'm about to mention must've really thought they'd earned it.

Gigantasorous( shortened to Giganta) is this big bulky dude with a bald head and bad scars, he looks more like he's in some motorcycle gang than in a high school. Unfortunately, he just had to be the one on my left.

Hulk is this terrifyingly huge guy who also has a bald head but has a tatoo of a green dragon breathing out fire from it's mouth, it's visible black smoke coming out of it's nostrils. He looks as terrifying as Giganta but to me he looks more like a bouncer. I think the job would fit him right. Hulk was on my right.

Both of them are from the bodyguard club.

They both looked at me coldly, absolutely no mercy in their eyes. Just then was I hit on the head by something really hard from behind. I started seeing dots in my vision and my head began to spin but the blow to my head wasn't enough to knock me out and I wondered why I'm not on the floor yet.

Suddenly everything turned black but I was still awake. Definitely the lights didnt go off neither did I faint so what could've happened?

What the fuck!

My head is being covered by a sack! I start to struggle only to be held by two massive weights that felt more like titanium than hands.

And then I feel it, this surging pain coming from everywhere, someone's beating me- no not someone, PEOPLE are beating me. I curl up in a ball as I notice that the person holding me has gone and is probably one of the people beating me up. You know in those movies when bad things happen to someone and someone unexpectedly comes to save the person? Well that did not happen at all, it seems like I'm gonna have to save myself.

I begin to crawl away from the beatings and try to get up when suddenly the sack used to cover me is removed and my chin was being held by Joe. He had this steely look which promised to destroy me in the best way possible way- slowly. Joe raises his curled up fists and repeatedly punches me in the face, smashing my nose like as if it were some meaningless artifact. He punches me in the eye which leaves me with a blurred vision.

The wimpy side of me decides to stay there and get the beating I deserve from the people that hate me, but the logical side of me- the one with hope but no bravery says I should run out of the school while I still can, 'cause if I dont when I come back to school, no one's gonna wanna see a dirty slob in their class.

I summon the little hope left in me, dodge one of his ferocious punches, and scram for the door. My bloodied body is met with the outside. I begin to run- not to my house obviously. I run with utmost speed to well- ùrun the angry mob and run into an alley. I try stop to my rugged breath but it seems like it'll go on forever. I see a bench and decide to sit on it. I flop on the bench and begin to cry since it's all that's worth it right now.

I stop crying when I hear fast approaching footsteps which then stop dead in their tracks. I look up only to be met facing a guy in a black hood. He does not seem friendly. I shift in discomfort and look at my new hooded friend .

"Just great"

He approaches me stealthily and I'm starting to wonder if he's a ninja. He stops almost a foot away from the bench and does the unexpected. He tosses me a dress.


A dress?

Wait, what? Before I could process anything, he throws a book over to me, the book is blue and doesn't have a title on it. I raise my head to look at him only to be met with the long empty alley. I blink twice in confusion. What just happened and who the heck was that?
