I wake up in this large room. It's mixed with different colours but in a pleasant way. Come to think of it, it doesn't have any of my worst colours. The fluffy white cushions look so enticing, like I should come down the big soft bed.

A knock on the door startles me.

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's Lexi"

"Oh. Come in"

The door opens and a pretty looking Lexi walks in. Her brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She's wearing a deep blue knee-length jumpsuit which compliments her sparkly ice blue eyes. Her makeup is just...wow. Her brown boots compliments her long wavy hair. I'm suspecting she's the dressy one in the family.

"Um earth to Kim? Are you feeling okay?"

I snap back to reality. I must've thought too much about her dressing, but there's something about her dressing that just reminds me of someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something ".

"Mind if I ask?" She said slowly sitting on the bed.

"Your dressing, it vaguely reminds me of someone "

"Based on your sour expression, I'm suggesting you dont like the person"

I don't like a lot of people

"I think you should try remembering someone that caused you intense pain all your life "

"Well that should be um...everyone?"

She giggles.

"Ok. Your fake parents? Maybe your "sister " or "mom" dresses this way"

"Nah. Trisha dressed more like a prostitute than a girl. Fake mom dressed older than her age"

"Then cross out that family. Uuuhhmmmm....what about school? A lot of people dress this way, maybe there's someone who frequently dresses like this "

"Yeah maybe. But I'm too busy getting beat up to acknowledge one's-" I pause as I realise who the person is. A wave of hatred flows through my veins like adrenaline. She's the main reason why I hated going to school.

"Lexi, your dressing reminds me of...Emily. 

"Emily? Ew! It couldn't be Taylor Swift at least?!? I mean cut me some slack Kim "

I laugh at her outburst. She's such a drama queen.

"Well it's unfortunately true. You guys almost have the same physique just that you're fuller than her"

"Ew, ew, ew!!! Kim! Come on!"

I burst into laughter. I haven't spoken to her in a very long while yet I somewhat remember this drama queen attitude she always displayed before i got taken.

"But Kim, why dont you go to school anymore? I mean shouldn't they have asked a billion questions why you're not there in the first place?"

"Yeah, they should've but they didnt 'cause they dont care. I mean, I have like three more weeks of school then prom then our graduation. "

"Awesome! Shouldn't you be looking forward to that? When I was in high school, I literally calculated the days leading up to prom, I had a calendar! When it finally came, it felt like one of the best nights I ever had. And no I didn't do any of that stuff"

We both laugh

"I wish mine could be that way too but..."


"Look at me Lexi! I'm hideous! I cant compare to you. Plus everyone in school hates me so what do you want me to do? How would you expect me to enjoy myself? I wont even have a date to the stupid prom."

She laughs

"Come on! Prom isn't about dates and what not, it's about the magic you feel in not caring what others think but just having fun all the way"

"Plus" she continues " If you needed a makeover you could've just asked"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Why not! You're my sister after all. But you have to promise me something. "


"Promise me you'll stand up for yourself when you're being bullied. Promise me you'll continue to think highly of yourself when you feel so low. And promise me..."

"Promise you?"

"Promise me you'll learn dressing and makeup tips from me so you'll continue to shine!"

I laugh a little.

"I promise"

"Pinky swear?"

I put my hand on my chest. My index and middle finger come together leaving my already collided ring and pinky fingers.

"Pinky swear, must to hear this lofty oath I take and swear to never break or shatter this or else I hit my rear."

We both laugh.

"I can't believe you still remember that silly thing we made up years ago" she says between her laughter.

"I cant believe it either"

"I'm not doing your makeover until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why?"

"Well duh, you're going back to school tomorrow!"


"Yup. That's actually the main reason why I came here."

I start to shiver.

School?! I cant go back there! They'll rip me apart! Oh no...

"Come on Kim, dont sweat. Remember your promise."

I exhale.

"Fine, I'll do it for you"


"And me" I say grudgingly.

"That's my girl!"

The door opens. Isabella walks in.

"Sorry for barging in but do you guys realise everyone's waiting at the dining room? We're starving but we cant start breakfast if we're not complete".

"Wouldn't want to keep them waiting. Don't mind the dressing, if Jake goes there in his bathrobe then no one's gonna look at you like you're crazy"

Lexi literally makes my fly down the staircase. Even Isabella was having a hard time following our pace. We slow down when we reach the door leading to dining room. She opens the door and noise that was present dies down. All eyes are on us. We make our way to the dining table and take our seats. After the prayer, everyone went down to business.

"So Kim, I'm very sure Ms. Big Mouth already told you you're going back to school tomorrow". Mom said

Lexi shot her an angry look and mom shot her an even angrier look

"Ann, dont be like that. Lexi is just...bad a keeping secrets, that's all"

"Yeah!" Lexi exclaims

She's obviously a daddy's girl.

"Anyways, it's true. Normal parents wouldn't take you back there and that's why normal parents are wimps. You have to finish what you started, no one in this family is a wimp. We dont run away from things unless it's crucial. But people bullying you? Who on earth do they think they're messing with? Who do they think they are? No, you cant just step back and watch them as they please with you."

"Yes, and that's why we made a plan"

"A plan, what do we need that for?"

"Duh, you need a glow up. A drastic glow up. So that those guys know what's up."


So this is the plan;

* Step 1: Change of makeup

* Step 2: Change of dressing

* Step 3: Change of hairstyle

* Step 4: Natural and Artificial skin products for glowing skin

* Step 5: Removal of all blemishes

* Step 6: Whiter eyes, whiter teeth

* Step 7: Manicure and Pedicure

* Step 8: Get rid of those stinky braces, I mean how old are you?

* Step 9: Wash your hair like fifteen times so that it'll get it's natural sheen back

* Step 10: Attitude Change. Stop being a wimp, show them who's in charge

* Step 11: Look Change. Look like a boss too

* Step 12: Thank us for making this well-looked over plan!!!

I laugh when  I see that. Why wouldn't I tell them thank you?

"Thanks guys, you're the best. I'm guessing step 8 and 9 was Lexi right?"

"Obviously" said everyone including Lexi.

We all laugh.

But really, how am I going to react when I step in school with my new look? Am I really going to act like the boss? Or am I going to just fall flat like I usually do? There's so much to think  about...