19. Magazine

Suru was reading a book in her room moving around the room in a circle engaging herself completely in the book

She then hear a cat's meow from the ground outside and she looks down to find the source of the noise

But what she saw there was not what she was expecting

There was a cat on the ground around a tree but there was someone else there too

The same man from the library, the man whom she saw on her way to the lift last time also. He was there. The incidence of them meeting were increasing gradually.

He was near the tree and picked up the cat. He had a bear bottle in his right hand and the cat in the left.

He put the cat on his left shoulder and keep moving forward to enter the building towards the lift

Suru got closer too her window to get a clear look and check if it really was him there helping a cat. She was surprised and looked at the whole scene below with a frown on her face.

She hugged the book she was reading while looking outside with no expression. He was gone but Suru kept looking out thinking about something.

It was dark outside like any other night. Suru was sleeping peacefully on her bed. After a while she turn around on her bed while sleeping, her eyes were slightly open.

She jolted up on the bed as she look again to check if what she was true or not... and it was true

There was no one besides her on the bed. The place where her sister should be was empty.

Suru picked up her glasses from top of the drawer on her right as she looked around to check the room.

Unable to find her sister in the room she was scared that her sister ...Did she actually ran away?

She got up and went out to look for her. She heard some noises coming from the hall

'Vijay, don't hang up on me. Please...' It was kavita's voice it seems she was weeping

'Please, Oh no' kavita pleaded

Suru looked at the sorrowful condition of her sister.

Kavita was sitting near the window crying while Hugging a pillow as she tries to appease Vijay on call

The call was cut, Kavita called him again still in tears as Suru keep looking at the scene in front silently.

Kavita noticed someone's stare at her. She glanced up to find her sister looking at her from a distance and was not pleased with this

'Go away!' she shouted at her still crying

Suru nodded understanding the situation and move around as Kavita kept talking to Vijay

After a while Suru again walked to the hall but this time she was not in her night gown she was wearing her casual clothes. Wearing a greyish blue suit with usual braids and glasses.

She get to the couch where kavita was sleeping holding her phone close to her chest and tear stain on her face

Suru covered her with a blanket and kissed her on the forehead

Suru had the same magazine from library in her hands and with that magazine she moved out of the house.