20. Can I come in?

She climbed down the same stairs cautiously enough not to make noise to attract unwanted attention. She keep checking if there was anyone around. Keeping her footstep's slow and inaudible.

After climbing the stairs she stood in front of a wooden door reading '503' and pressed the doorbell of the house waiting for someone to respond. It was quite late so she was not that hopeful.

Hearing the sound of door opening from other side she checked around her to confirm that there was no one to see this.

She pressed the bell again in hurry afraid to get caught by someone and just then the door was open

The man opening the door was still bare on top flashing those carved muscles and that tattoo just like the first time she noticed him. He was wearing a light blue sweat pants this time.

Suru looked at him nervously

'Can I come in?' she asked

He looked at her as his mouth parted little in surprise.

Never in a million years he could have thought that she will reach out to him and that too in middle of the night

He was stunned for a few seconds and forgot to take her in finally after coming back to his senses he nodded. Suru again checked around nervously.

Before he could react or open the door completely Suru barged inside fearing that someone might see them together.

He get herself inside but it was too sudden for him to react and give her some space and as a result

Inside the house they were standing so close to each other behind the door

'Sorry' she apologized quickly getting away from him

He looked down at her quietly

'I will finish my exercise' he said calmly moving towards those bars in his halls again

'Sorry for disturbing you at this hour' she apologized again moving to his direction inside the house

He reached the bar that was literally in the middle of the hall just above his couch. In front of the couch there was a table. She couldn't see much of the house it was half empty having only required furniture.

Whole room was dark the only source of the light inside was from just two lamps and a television that was on.

He starts doing his push ups again. Suru looked at him still feeling anxious.

'I didn't expect that someone would be exercising at this hour' she said after calming herself down

He stopped and glanced at her

'Even I didn't expect that you will come see me at this hour' he said getting back down to the floor

He got down and started doing push ups there. Pushing his broad and muscular body against the floor.

'I had to come at this hour, so that no one sees me' she said after few seconds hesitating a little

'If dad finds out...' she continued looking down and imagining the consequences in her mind

She did the gesture of getting beheaded with a scared expression completing her line.

He stopped again and looked up at her. She turn her eyes away from his gaze.

He saw her looking away and continued his exercise with his usual solemn expression