21. Monday Girlfriend

'And you haven't been to the library for a long time...' she continued looking away from him

He stopped finally and sat down on the ground. Although there was not much change of expression but he was pleased to know that she actually noticed his absence.

'Actually... I needed you help'

He looked up at her picking up a bottle from the top of nearby drawer. He listened to her while drinking his energy drink.

'It's an Emergency'

Suru looked away trying to make up her mind and calm herself. Collecting the strength to say why she was here.

She closed her eyes 'I came here to ask...'

She finally turn and said it in a go looking at him

'Please tell your monday girlfriend

...To do a makeover for me'

'My situation is really desperate' she continued explaining

She looked quite serious as she explained what help she need. She was anxious to be alone with hin at this hour and a little embarrassed too.

He listened to her and was kinda lost with her statement.

'Monday girlfriend?' he asked as he was confused. Does she think I have partners by the days of week.

Then suru shows the front page of the magazine in her hands to make him understand what she meant. There was a girl...that girl wearing the red dress looking fierce.

'She is one of the best makeover specialist in the country' she continued holding the magazine in her hands

'For brides to be and brides in waiting'

He took a gulp of the drink after taking a look at the magazine. He focused on the girl she was referring to wondering who was she even talking about. Suddenly his memories came rushing down.

He closed his eyes and sighed disappointed with his ignorance as he finally remembered the one she was referring to. How can I forget about her he was wondering

'She can completely change the life of girls like me' Suru said again

He kept his eyes closed and hide his face in his palm

'I tried to get an appointment...'

'but there's a three month waiting list' she continued piteously

'and I don't have that long'

He kept his head down holding his drink with a thinking face while listening to her

He was quiet and wondering why she suddenly wanna change herself now. Just then an image flashes before his eyes of those two men from before. Now he get where the motivation was coming from.

'I know you two had a quarrel...' she kept saying

'but if you could patch up...' she said suggestively

He finally looked up with dissapointment which his face was unable express. He still had his poker face on.

He stood up and proceeded to the kitchen. Suru followed behind him.

'Please put in a recommendation for me' she pleaded

His face was unable to show his dissapointment and sadness. What's the point of Changing look for a man. He was trying think Nobel but low-key he was jealous. why change for another man? That attention is not worth it.

He turn around to look at her in the front and put the bottle on table

Just then the front door was open suddenly, both of them looked towards it to see who is here now at this hour.