22. Inder My Love

A girl opened the door peering inside to check if there's anyone near

'Inder my love...' she said in her drunk voice

She looked around to find him squinting her eyes to look clearly as she was a little dizzy from all the alcohol she had previously. She enters the house wearing a long V neck dress her messy long hairs falling on her bare back. Looking at her anyone can tell that she just came from the bar after having lot of drinks.

'I am so...so...so...sorry' she kept saying in her tipsy voice

'We shouldn't have broken up' she closed the door behind her and walk to the kitchen her steps were staggered like a drunkard

'I am really sorry'

'I said really stupid things over the phone' she keep saying as she moves closer to the two inside from where she was in front of the main door she couldn't see them inside.

Both of them keep looking at her quietly as she walks awkwardly towards them. Suru hugged the magazine in her hands tightly.

'Let us get back together, you...' She suddenly stops in her way as she saw another standing girl in front of him in his house. A girl really? you got another girl this fast? these thoughts flashes through her mind.

She was holding a beer bottle that was half full in her hands and gave suru a look of disgust

She was still not stable and was moving back and forth in a drunken state but now she was quiet fixing her eyes straight on Suru.

Inder looked at her seriously as she turn to gaze at him with anger. Inder was not happy seeing her here in this condition. He knew she will cause trouble for Suru which he don't want.0

Suru was slightly happy inside thinking that this might work in her favour now as the one she needed is here now. She naively ignore the hostility of Kiara towards her instead thought her presence as a blessing.

Kiara got close to Inder with same serious expression and moves her fingers along his muscles moving thorough all his sweat looking down at his body.

She moves her face closer to his ear and said

'Seems like you did a lot of exercise' with anger in her voice

'Not in the gym though...

But on the bed' she said looking into his eyes

He was calm with his poker face on. He grabbed her shoulders and move her away from him

'Calm down Kiara' he said calmly but a little anger clear on his face

'Suru is my neighbor' he was not happy with how she judge her character and passed her analysis without knowing anything.0

'She came to see me because... She wanted an appointment with you'

He explained to her to prevent her from making any scene in her drunken state and scare Suru

She removed his hands from her shoulders and shouted in anger

'At 3Am...huh?' she looked at him with surprise as to how calmly he is lying on her face

'You were giving her an appointment at 3am' she looked at him angrly

He looked away from her to calm himself

'Do you think I don't understand?'

'Do I look like an Idiot to you?' she shouted

Inder closed his eyes tightly to prevent himself from enraging. She was completely drunk and making a scene exactly what he not wanted.