Marcus scurried back to his office thinking to check on Jade.

He even cut the meeting short so he could hurry back. But to his surprised, he saw Rachelle seemingly reprimanding Jade.

"Why are you here?" He indifferently asked the woman."I missed you." She wrapped her hands on the man's torso. After a few seconds, the door to Marcus' office opened and Jade came in. She saw them in a flirtatious position therefore she looked away pursing her lips.

As soon as Marcus saw the woman entered, he immediately broke away from Rachelle's hand and went to sit on his chair. Rachelle felt the man's hesitation but she tried to act unmoved in front of the secretary.

"Sir, Mr. Ellipsis is on the line. He….""Connect him right away." He didn't let her finish. The woman kowtowed and was about to opened the door when Marcus spoke."Miss Arria, after connecting the call, go home and rest.""But my shift will end----""It's an order." His gaze was cold as ice.

Jade didn't say a word and left. Guess he wanted to have another quality time with her woman. Her heart suddenly felt a throbbing pain at the thought of it. He was such a heartless guy!

As soon as the call ended, Marcus called for Sonny. "Make sure to send her home." He ordered.

Rachelle suddenly twitched her lips and as soon as Sonny left his office, she stood in front of him with her arms folded across her chest.

"What are you doing, Marcus? What is the meaning of this?" "Rachelle, I am still a human being. I am not a heartless jerk to torture my staffs to death." He nonchalantly replied.

"Are you sure? Cause I think that only applies to your woman." She stared at him deviously. "Marcus, I've known you for the longest time and every employee in this building knew how you truly treated all your staffs. Isn't that the reason why they all gave up on you?"

"Then I guess you doesn't really know me very well!" He was quite annoyed.

"Are you doubting me too? Marcus, can you tell me the truth, do you like that woman now?"

"Rachelle!" He suddenly roared. "Will you stop that nonsense!"

"And now your raising your voice towards me? You've completely changed! Is it because of that woman?"

"Damn it, Rachelle!"

Rachelle staggered backwards and with tears in her eyes, she stormed out his office.

Marcus cursed as soon as Rachelle left. Now he's in distress. He didn't mean to raise his voice against her but his mind was a mess.

Meanwhile, Sonny tried to catch up on Jade therefore he used the lift for VIP's and reached the lobby in no time.

"Miss Arria!" He called the woman who was about to exit the building."Mr. Lee! Why are you here? Your shift isn't do---""Mr. Hanes ordered me to drive you home safely."

Marcus? She raised her brow. Did he send Sonny so he could have an intimate time with Rachelle without anyone disturbing them? She forced the tears wanting to get out from her eyes. Huh, nice! She bit her lower lip.

"Mr. Lee, I'm okay. You should go back to work. I can go home alone. And tell him he doesn't need to get rid of me just to spend a quality time with his woman." She turned his heels irritatingly and left the man who furrowed his brow puzzled.

She seemed to get the wrong impression about Marcus' kindness. She was totally jealous! Sonny laughed before calling Marcus.

"What did you say?" Marcus stood up baffled from his chair as soon as Sonny notified him that Jade refused to get inside his car. "And where is she now?"

"At the bus station probably." Sonny replied. "And neither both us can coax her right now. She was totally mad at you."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Marcus' softened up a bit, Sonny informed him of Jade's exact words before she left him. "I think she misunderstood your intention." He chuckled mocking the man.

To his annoyance, Marcus hanged up. How could Sonny laugh at him in this kind of situation? And why was he worried about that woman? Why does he care about her misconception? Why would he think about her wellbeing at all?

He should not but he can't help but be anxious!'Because your human, Marcus. And it's natural for you to feel that way since you're genuinely kind and thoughtful.' He tapped his chest as an encouragement. 'Yes that's right, Marcus. You care for her because you are kind to animals—helpless animals to be exact, okay?'


Sonny and the other staffs at the 16th floor where surprised when they learnt that Marcus went home early. Everyone knew that the man was workaholic and usually goes home on or before midnight, so the news about him and what he did to his secretary broke out.

It has become the center subject inside the company that very moment. Even the executives heard about it and gawped unbelievingly.

Knowing Marcus, he never gave a damn break unless his staffs' couldn't move their limbs! That's one of the reason why no one wanted to work directly with him.

'Maybe he softened up a bit because he doesn't want to lose another secretary.' Some said.

'I heard the new secretary is a beauty, maybe he liked her!'

'I don't think that's the case. He was in a relationship with Rachelle for how many years now.'

'Speaking of Rachelle, she dropped by a while ago but she left early. She was kinda upset.'


Rumors spread even among the lowermost staffs. But one specific matter rocked the whole company and left them pondering over it.

'The CEO was secretly married but not to his longtime girlfriend! It was a marriage according to the chairwoman's choice.'

'But who would be the lucky woman?'

**Unknown to everyone, the one who disseminated that particular gossip was someone very closed to the CEO.

It was seven in the evening when Marcus reached the house.Looking at their room from the outside, he knew that Jade was still awake since the lights were turned on. He rushed upstairs but to his surprise, he didn't find the woman on her bed. Where could she be? In the washroom? He raised his brow and glanced at the shower room's door.

He walked towards his closet and pulled out a white shirt and a black short and changed his business suit. He waited for almost fifteen minutes but Jade didn't come out yet so he decided to check her out.

"Jade!" He exclaimed when he found her sitting at the bathroom floor. She was wearing her robe but her cheeks were flushed red! He then stooped down and scooped the woman in his arms and laid her on her bed.

She's burning hot! Damn it! He rushed to get some meds at the storage box and brought it to the shivering woman.

"Did you take any medicine a while ago?" He forgot to ask the woman. Jade shook her head in response.

"Drink this then." He helped the woman up and made her gulped the medicine.

He also damped the towel and wiped the woman's face. She was sweating a lot.

"Jade, I need to wipe your body." His voice was filled with genuine concern."I…I will do it." She tried to take the wet towel but Marcus held her hand."Lay down. I'll do it.

"__" She blushed greatly.

She was reluctant and Marcus knew the reason why."There's nothing to be ashamed of, I already saw it twice, remember?"

Dang it! Now she was embarrassed. Why does he have to say it out loud? Tsk!

"Don't worry, I won't dare touch you." He added.

Jade suddenly jerked and looked at him in the eyes. The embarrassment she felt just a while ago seemingly vanished as soon as she heard his last statement.

'I won't dare touch you.' That phrase came to her as a blow. She may not be seductive enough but that last phrase was as sharp as a razor! Was she that filthy in his eyes?