She's burning hot but she was trembling in fear and it was way stronger than her fever.

The rain was seemingly furious that it kept hitting the window shield. The thunder roared and the wind was blowing hard that it kept the woman awake, shivering in a corner.

Just as what happened last night, images of blurry people, car rolling, bloods, gunshots and whatnot swamped her head.

"Please… don't… please…." She kept on muttering words while her eyes were shut and with hands covering her ears. "Please… stop it… No…" She cried.

It was past midnight when she was awakened by the loud thunder. Although the thunder sent an unexplainable fear within her, but waking up and getting rid of her nightmare was way better.

Way better? Was it really much better than her nightmares? Seemed like it doesn't differ at all since it was killing her even more! It was some advanced nightmares!

"No! Mom… no… please don't… mom… mama…" Her heart was being torn into pieces.

Another thunder roared and it penetrated the room, it was loud enough since it awakened Marcus from his deep sleep. He cursed beneath his breath. That was quite an eerie sound! He thought.

He rose up from his bed and poured himself a glass of water. He was about to go back to bed when he heard a sobbing coming from somewhere.

Looking at Jade's empty bed, he decided to check where the sobbing was coming from. Coming close to the couch, he saw the woman crouching down.

"Jade?" He called out but his voiced seemed lost with the winds.

"Mama… Papa… No… please don't… papa…."

"Jade, Jade… wake up…" Marcus tapped the woman's shoulder thinking that she might be sleep talking. However, seeing how she was shaking in fear, he fretted.

"Jade, it's me, Marcus." He removed the woman's hands on her ears and held her face to meet his eyes.

"M-Marcus?" Her eyes widened in disbelief. "A-are you real?" She lifted her hand to touch the man's cheek.

"Are you okay?" He was expecting an answer but the woman quickly embraced him. She leaned on his chest and sobbed nonstop. "Shh…. It's okay. You're not alone. I'm here now." He caressed her hair tenderly.

The thunder roared once again and the woman tightened her hands around him. Later did Marcus discover that the woman was afraid of the thunder.

Thinking about it, it also rained last night. Does that mean she had been crying all night as well? Guilt suddenly enveloped him so he lightly caressed her hair.

She suffered all alone!His heart seemingly felt a pang as a wretched image of her last night flashed in his mind.

He tried to feel the woman's temperature and he could say she was a bit feverish but not as hot like a while ago. "It's cold in here, go back to bed." He urged the woman who shook her head in response.

"N-nightmares… thunders…b-blood…I'm…afraid." She muttered. She seemed horrified. Seeing how frightened she was, Marcus carried her with his arms and walked towards her bed.

"Don't worry, I'm here now." He smiled and wiped her wet cheeks as soon as he laid her at her bed. He was about to stand up but Jade held his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Marcus met her gaze. He was clearly thinking when another thunder rocked the place.

Jade immediately shut her eyes and scooped her knees in fear.

Both of them might not be able to sleep if the rain won't stop. So Marcus heaved a sigh before he sat at the edge of her bed. And without thinking twice, he laid down and pulled the woman close to him.

"Sleep, I'll stay with you tonight." He softly whispered as he caressed the woman's hair.

Ah, so warm… Jade's shivering suddenly stopped and peace surged within her. She inched closer until her head was resting on his toned chest. And with a smile on her face, she slowly dozed off.

Originally, Marcus thought of holding the woman until she fell asleep so he could go back to his own bed. However, the warmth he felt when he cuddled the woman brought him solace within that he himself slumbered without knowing it.


It's time.

A man in his late forties was looking up at the starry sky from the hotel's veranda. He was holding a glass of wine while his mind travelled in the past thinking of a specific scene that brought an immediate sadness in his countenance.

"Hey hon, are you alright?" A blonde woman who seemed to be in her early forties embraced the man from behind.

The man turned around to face her. "Ehm." He forced a smile.

"I know you are not." She smiled and reached his cheek and caressed it lovingly. "It's been ten years but you haven't forgotten any of your scars yet. Don't you think it's time to release yourself from your past wounds?"

"Not possible, Carla." His sad countenance was suddenly replaced with hatred. "There's no way I'd do that without a fight." He turned his back once again and looked at the vast horizon. "My son hates me and I didn't even have the chance to see my wife when she died. I can't let that old woman die without experiencing the same anguish I went through." He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Barry." The woman heaved a heavy sigh. She knew his past experiences thus she understood his bitterness. However, if she must, she wanted to help him overcome his hatred and she tried it over the past years.

But his hatred had seemingly penetrated and planted its roots deeply in his heart.

"I'm coming with you." She made her decision.

"No, you can't!" The man objected. "It's dangerous and I don't want to get you in trouble. You have done a lot to help me get myself back up so I can't risk your safety."

"But Barry, you nee-----"

"No! And that's my final decision." He concluded. "This is my fight." He tightly clenched the glass of wine as the image of the chairwoman flashed in his mind.

He hissed in disgust. 'I will surely get my revenge, old sly fox!' He muttered within.