"What is this? What is the meaning of this?!" Marcus flared up in anger as soon as he watched the advertisement released by their competitor.

The marketing manager, product manager along with the other staffs assigned to work on the newest product were called at the conference room.

The company was supposed to launch the new set of products this afternoon but the KSAN corporation released their newest product early morning. 

Same name, same component, same set, same effect.

It was totally the same product as theirs!

"Tell me, how is this possible?" Marcus bawled. 

No one even dared to speak up their minds though it was obvious that someone must have sold the blueprint of their new product.

"What do you think will happen if we release our products this afternoon?" He furthered.

"It's not a good idea, sir." The product manager took the courage to speak up. "They might mark our products as rip-offs…."

"Might?" He austerely looked at the she manager. "Do you think that was the right word to use? Might? No! It's not an assumption! They will classify us as knock-offs after!" He roared. "Do you know what will happen after?"

"It will destroy the image of the company, sir." The manager lowered her head.

"And what will happen next, hmm?" He looked at the man beside her.

"W-we will lose the trust of our customers." The man pursed his lips.

"And?" Marcus was clearly upset.

"Mr. Hanes…" The marketing manager speak up. "Let's cancel the launching of the new product for the meantime. We will do our best to find a solution while we search for the culprit."

Marcus' attention landed on the man who just spoke. "Cancel?" He chuckled mockingly. "Is that the best solution you could ever think of? Don't you know who's our competitor is?"

"Yes sir. We are all aware that we are against a big company just like us. But facing a minor setback for the time being is better than being humbled in public. We will surely lose our credibility if we push to release our newest products."

"So you mean we should admit defeat and let go of the product we originally created?" Marcus was losing his patience when Sonny suddenly came to him and whispered something in his ears.

He creased his brow upsettingly and was about to say something when a familiar woman entered the conference room. 

She looked sophisticated enough to catch the people's attention inside. The tight dress she was wearing reveals her nice curves. Her overall outfit shouts her luxurious living.

"Hi." She took off her shades and smiled at the people present inside the room, particularly Marcus who was wearing a scowl.

"Didn't I tell you not to allow anyone to enter the conference room during meetings except those employees involved?!" His voice roared all over the room.

"Please don't get mad at Sonny. It was I who insisted of coming here." She tried to talk in a charming way.

"Get out!" Everyone was stunned to hear Marcus shouted at the woman. "Miss Rachelle Henry, I'm sure you know my company policy, right? Did I ever give you the authority to join any meetings?"

That came to her as a blow. 

She was shocked. She did not expect Marcus to embarrass her in front of his employees. No, the man in front of her was not her beloved Marcus because the man she knew would never humiliate her publicly. 

She wanted to tear up when Sonny came to her side. "Miss Henry, please let's go out for the meantime." The man muttered softly. 

"GET OUT!" Marcus bellowed.

BURN! A woman outside the conference room sneered tauntingly when he heard Marcus humiliate the woman. She came late since she has to prepare a lot of things. She was about to rush inside the conference room a while ago when she suddenly saw Rachelle entered.

"Seriously? Even during meetings?" She hissed in annoyance and was about to push the door when she heard Marcus flared up. She halted and chose to listen instead.

Rachelle must have regretted coming to see him.

'Jade, time to save the damsel in distress.' She grinned naughtily and pushed the door. Whoa! Is it the room's air conditioner or the boss' temperament? She couldn't explain the current ambiance since it's either cold or hot. Dang!

"Sorry, I was late, Mr. Hanes." Jade rushed to her side while Rachelle halted when she saw her gleaming as she entered the room. 

What's with her mood in the midst of Marcus' monstrous state? Rachelle got curious.

"Sorry, I had to stop at the…."

"You don't have to apologized since this is your last day at work. You're fired!" Marcus interjected while the other employees held their breaths after hearing the CEO fired his secretary instantly.


Jade hissed but she was unmoved with his threat.

"Okay." She even dared to smile at him. Seeing how she accepted her termination, Marcus immediately looked at her unbelievingly.

"What?" He bawled as he faced the woman. "That's it? You'll just accept the termination just like that?"

"Ehm." She nodded, still wearing a smile.

"Huh!" He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Really? Is that how irresponsible you are? Running away from your responsibility? Damn! I never thought you're such an immature person!"

Eh? Immature? And where did that words rooted from? Now she's mad.

"I'm not running away, you fired me!" She exploded. "And how dare you label me as an immature person when in fact, you are!"

The employees inside widened their eyes in disbelief. And even if the managers witnessed their first fight before, they can't help but be in awe of the secretary who had the courage to talk back to the CEO. 

Rachelle was all the more surprised. She never once tried to talk back when Marcus reached this level of his temper. But why this woman? 

"What? You're calling me immature now? And you even dare to talk back to me? You----''

"And why can't I, huh? Yes, you're such an immature jerk who can't even listen to his employees' explanation before firing them!"

"Reason? Do you have a good reason to----"

"Yes!" She butted in without letting him finish his statements. "I have a good reason!"

Marcus must have forgotten that he was in a meeting when he started arguing with the woman.

"Really? Then fine, say it! Tell me you were caught in a traffic jam and that --------"

Marcus couldn't finish his words while everyone inside the conference room dropped their jaw in dreadw.

Silence filled the room while Sonny took his phone and unconsciously took a photo of the startled wet man.

Jade splashed the water that was in the bottle at Marcus face!