She couldn't bear his temper so she held the water bottle and splashed the liquid at his face.

Dang it! He talks too much to her liking and she doesn't have enough time to hear his babblings right now.

Silence covered the entire room. She knew she went a little far but it's the only idea that crossed her mind at that very moment.

"Sorry, but I think you need to cool down for the meantime." She finally broke the eerie silence. 

"J A D E A R R I A!" He growled.

Now she knew she angered the man terribly. 

"Sorry I had to do it. Besides, you need to hear the only solution we have in order to counter the KSAN company." 

"Solution?" He furrowed his brow confused.

"Ehm." She smiled confidently. 

Seeing the woman's resolve, Marcus softened up a bit.

"Just make sure it is worth it." He glared at her.

"Of course." She smiled. 

Without any words, she pulled the man and made him sit on an empty chair. Then she took a paper napkin that was on the table and wiped the man's face.

"I'm sorry about this. You left me no choice." She muttered softly but grinned tauntingly afterwards.

"Are you saying it's my fault?" Marcus couldn't believe his ears. 

"Ehm. Partly." She chuckled playfully. 

"You! You better compensate me for what you did!"

**Cough, cough** 

Sonny made a noise to interrupt the two. Looked like they have forgotten where they are at the moment.

Seeing how the woman tamed the beast inside the room, Rachelle exited the conference room bottling her bitterness inside her. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was in a relationship with Marcus for how many years now but she never dared to argue with him. 

But that secretary of his was able to control the monster!

Her father was right; the woman was a threat! An enemy they need to dispatch at all cost!

She couldn't cast off the romantic scene she saw a while ago; The woman smiling sweetly while wiping the man's face…. She must admit, she's threatened with the woman's existence!

"Father, where are you? I need to talk to you as soon as possible." She voiced as soon as she dialed her father's number.

"I'm quite busy, is it important?"


Rachelle's tone definitely hints urgency therefore, the man on the other line agreed to see her. 

MEANWHILE, back at the conference room, Jade immediately stood straight as soon as she saw that all eyes were on them. 

"I…I'm sorry." She kowtowed shyly and the roaring lioness a while ago suddenly vanished and a tame lamb appeared in her. 

"Tsk!" Marcus hissed unbelievingly. "Miss Arria, don't you think it's too late to act all shy?" He was taunting the woman but she suddenly kicked his leg. 

He glared at the woman who in turn scowled back at him. 

And now they were glaring at each other.

So are they in a battle of wits now? Sonny heaved a sigh. What a complicated couple!

"Ahem!" Sonny yelped loudly. "I think it's time to resume the meeting. You have all the time for your skirmish after the consultation. So please, don't forget about our existence here." Sonny smirked meaningfully.

"What are you talking about? Tsk!" He hissed before motioning the staffs to sit comfortably.

They wanted to laugh and tease their CEO but they held it in. They must admit, they're not as courageous as his secretary. It might cause them their jobs.

"Are you going to stand there all throughout the day?" Marcus raised his brow. 

Jade heaved a sigh before picking up the folder she placed on the table a while ago. Then she took out the papers and gave each one a copy.

As soon as they received the papers, they started reading the contents.

"These are the formulas of our new product. Why are you showing this to us?" One of the staffs asked in confusion.

"Please read the next page." Jade smiled. 

As soon as they flipped the pages, the staffs held their breaths in amazement. 

However, Marcus was unmoved. In fact, he stared at the woman suspiciously.

"Mr. Hanes, we can proceed with the launching of our new products with this!" The project manager yelped. 

The conference room was suddenly filled with victorious laughter. They're literally saved!

"You saved the company, miss Arria! Thank you!" They gratefully kowtowed before her.

"Then what are you doing now?" Marcus grimly stood up. "Prepare the necessary things needed for the launching now.

"Yes sir!" They answered in unison and prepared to leave the room. Seeing that everyone was exiting, she slowly walked pass through Marcus but he unexpectedly grabbed the back collar of her jacket. 

She glared at him as soon as she halted in her tracks.

"And where do you think you're going?" Marcus' tone suddenly sent chills all over her spine.

"Home?" She faked a smile. "You fired me, right?" 

"Not a chance, sweetheart." Marcus smirked evilly. "You still have a lot of things to explain, hmm?" He looked at her murderously before leaving the room.

They were the last one to leave the room. However, Marcus didn't let go of her back collar as they walked back to his office. 

She looks like a helpless little girl being winched up by a big man! Dang it! 

"Are you going to drag me all throughout?" She glared at the man while she matches his step. "We are catching so much attention from your employees, don't you care?"

Marcus faked a smile. "I don't care." Then once again, he grimaced as he faced forward.

"Tsk! What a bipolar man!" He hissed softly.

TRUE ENOUGH, they caught all the staffs' attention while they were passing by. And as soon as they entered the lift, the employees started gossiping.

"I told you, it's true! The CEO and his new secretary are in a relationship!" Some said.

"I think the rumors were true… They were indeed married!" Others yelped.

**After a minute, a certain photo started circulating among the employees. It was sent to one of the groups until it was shared to everyone. 

The humiliation of his longtime girlfriend Rachelle Henry and his secretary hurling water at the CEO's face became the hottest topic in the company right now. 

His new secretary was truly a one-of-a-kind!