
A middle-aged man caresses his jaw while watching two people dancing in the center aisle. 

"Busy?" An elegant looking woman sat beside the man distracting him of what he is doing at the moment. 

He looked up to see who owns the unfamiliar voice. Her dress tells him she's filthy rich but her beauty doesn't match the man's typical standard of beauty. 

Average. He frowns before averting his attention to the two couple enjoying the music. Both their eyes emit a strong desire for each other which puzzled him greatly. The information that he received when he conducted investigation about his son was that Marcus was forced by the old fox to marry the orphan young lad. Suzette liked the young lady for who knows why. However, looking at the way Marcus looked at the woman in front of him, he could say he liked her too… Or was it love already? 

Hmmm… Once again, he caresses his jaw in fascination ignoring the presence standing beside him.