She waited for him for hours, but he didn't come. 

She knew it was impossible for him to come back and fetch her but she still holds on to that tiny hope within her. 

Maybe he would remember the wife he left at the hotel. Maybe he would call her and apologize for leaving without notice. Maybe he would send his driver to take her home.

Maybe… just maybe…

But she waited for almost two hours while checking her phone from time to time. Still, no message from Marcus yet. She tried calling his phone but her calls keep on going to his voicemail.

Tut-tut-tut…. Now it's Unattended. 

He might be busy worrying for Rachelle at this very moment, she thought. If only Marcus knew Rachelle's evil plans… 

She heaved a heavy sigh and stared outside the hotel. The party ended hours ago and everyone already left the hotel. Since it's raining heavily, she decided to stay at the lobby and wait for a few more minutes in hope that the rain would stop.