"Retreat." The Leader commanded Eli's security guards to lower their weapons. 

They were ready to shoot the woman who was about to slap Eli but immediately halted when a beautiful lady caught Miss Stanford's hand. Lucky for her that someone intercepted the villain's impending doom. 

If not for Arriana, Miss Stanford could have died on the spot. They were ready to annihilate anyone who hurts Eli. Although it wasn't the exact command, however, to witness their boss's son about to be physically hurt, they can never let that happen. 

"You will regret this!" The woman's threat left all the parents speechless but not Ariana. Such a bluff won't move her. Yet, the parents trembled at miss Stanford's intimidation.

"I'm sorry, miss Arria..." Arriana was thinking of how to deal with the woman when Eli finally spoke. Glancing at him, he looks like a helpless lamb ready to be slaughtered.