Marcus slowly zips his black coffee while watching his son Eli eat his pancake and drink his choco milk. 

He thought his son would be coming out dejectedly after hearing what transpired yesterday. However, he didn't understand why he was joyfully humming as he eats. 

'Did he have a good dream last night?' Marcus thought while observing his child. He's been smiling from ear to ear since he came out of his room.

"Papa?" Marcus looked at his son surprisingly. "You should hurry with your coffee or else you'll be late for work." He voiced as if his son was in a rush to have him leave.

He couldn't help raising his brows as he was so excited to kick him out of the house. 

"Hmmm... I was planning to rest at home for today -----"

"No! You can't papa!" Eli interjected. "I mean... you... have ... to go to work. A CEO should never abandon his work, right?"