"Do you also have a medicine to reduce menstrual pain?" 

Surely Marcus wanted to bury himself when the saleslady was smiling at him while punching on her computer. Not sure why but he was guessing that it might be because of the many pads he bought.

He was too embarrassed to ask someone which pads should he buy. It was his mistake to ask what brand of pads Arriana usually used. Any sane man would never do it, except they are husband and wife. 

He took two of every brand he saw. And heck what's with wings and no wings, pantyliner, and whatnot? There were tampoons and other things, but since pads were the usual things he saw advertised on TV, he disregarded buying tampoons. 

Day use and night use? The heck?! He caressed his temple. He is getting a headache from the task Eli ordered him to do. Yes, Eli pushed his father to go out and buy whatever Arriana needs.