"You are Eyi's mommy, right? Then Uncle Marcus is your husband?"

The little kid innocently asked when Ariana placed a cup of orange juice beside her plate. 

Ariana raised her brows before glancing at Jasmine for help. Truth be told, she doesn't know how to explain the truth to a little child like Zia. 

She will never understand the adult thing!

Jasmine smiled helplessly. Even she doesn't know how to explain the matter to her child. 

Seeing her helpless look, Ariana faked a smile, "Hmmm... No." She flatly said.

Confusion was painted all over Zia's face. 

"You won't understand it for now but you will when you grow older," Ariana added.

"Hmm?" She hummed still confused. "Eyi is so happy that he already has a mommy..." Zia's lively eyes suddenly turned sad. "Good for him he already has a mommy. I told him to pray for a mommy and his prayer get answered right away. But me... I still don't have my daddy."