"Oh, I see you got a new friend." A text message and a smiley were sent to Ariana's phone number. 

She was quite busy talking with Jasmine and she only notice the text messages and the missed calls from the person whom she least expected. 

Zion! She gritted her teeth annoyingly as soon as she read his message. Ariana couldn't help but look around her to check Zion's whereabouts. However, he is nowhere to be found.

'Is he spying on me?' Ariana thought before replying to Zion's message.

"I am hoping that I got the wrong idea that you came to Z city." She sent her reply.

"I'm afraid you're instinct is right." With a laughing emoji.

Annoyed, Ariana unknowingly punch the table and it scared Zia and Jasmine.

"A-are you okay, Miss Ariana?" Jasmine asked.