Unforeseen Storm

By the time Selina had finished all examinations and returned to her room, Aaron was back with shopping bags in his hands.

"These.. are all for me?" She stared at the bags on the floor and then at Jason.

"This is the first time you're getting fresh air. I have to make sure everything is prepared. Try on the outfit and see if you like it. We'll be waiting for you outside the room." Jason thought the bathroom may be a little too cramped for her to change her clothes. For convenience purposes, it would be better for her to change while they wait outside.

"Okay. I'll try them on." She walked over to the bags as Jason and Aaron made their way out of the room. Jason made sure he helped her lock the doors from the inside before closing the doors.

"I thought it was only one outfit. How come there are so many bags?" Scratching the side of her head, she started pulling products out of the bags. Realization hit when she spotted a dress in one bag and matching accessories in the other bags.

Her fingertips felt the soft fabric of the sheer long-sleeved evening gown with laced flowers on it. It was one of the colors she loved the most, yet difficult to find in regular stores. In one of the bags, a strapless nude bra was prepared for her.

She wasn't surprised everything fit her size since the hospital had her body measurements recorded. The zipper of the gown was located on the side, so she didn't need anyone's help in wearing the dress. Taking out boxes of accessories from the bag, she found a common theme between them.

Everything was nature themed! After putting on the earrings and bracelet, she took out the pair of flats and scanned through the delicate design. To give the outfit a lively touch, the strings attached were designed to tangle around her ankles.

Finally, the only thing left to put on was the necklace. Instead of the lobster clasp chain, the necklace had a complicated closing, so she needed another person to put it on for her. Taking in a deep breath, she unlocked the door and opened it.

With a soft smile on her face, she nervously rubbed her hands together. "I'm done.."

Jason was on the phone with one of the shareholders when he heard the door open from behind. The words he wanted to say were swallowed to his stomach. His full attention was on her petite figure. He only reacted when he heard her say that she was ready to go.

"Yes. I'll call you back tonight. I have something I need to do." He quickly hung up and walked towards Selina with a wide smile.

"How does it look on me?" She tilted her head and looked at him for his opinion.

"The dress was plain when I saw it earlier, but after you put it on...You brought life to it. You look very beautiful. It's a pity you are staying in the car. Are you sure you don't want to go to the party with me? Hmm? But why do I feel like something is missing?" He really had the urge to show her off to everyone at the party, but a sudden thought blocked this possibility. With her current condition, it would be difficult for her to show up in public.

Giggling, she released the necklace in her palms and let it dangle in his view. "I can't put this on myself. With this necklace, the outfit should be complete. I thought you would prepare regular clothes for me since I'll stay in the car. Ah, too bad I don't like crowds. Or else, I would have gone as your companion and eat all the good food."

Gathering her hair in her hands, she lifted it upwards for him to secure the necklace around her neck. Two minutes later, Selina turned around in a small spin, "Does it look complete now?"

"Mm.. very pretty. Here, apply this tinted lip balm and we'll be ready to go." Jason said as he twists the lip tint open and applied a thin layer on her lips. Following his instructions, she pressed her lips together and wiped the corners of her lips.

"Ah, let me tie a small braid on the side. My hair is too messy." She hurried to the bathroom where she hastily braided a thin, long hairdo in front of a mirror. After checking twice on the lip tint and soothed out any visible wrinkles on the dress, she nodded. "Ready!"

When she got out of the bathroom, Jason had a cream-colored jacket hanging on his arm while Aaron held her phone and iPad. Holding her hand in his, he said. "Let's go."

- Outside the Grand Hall -

"Then I'll be leaving now." Jason rubbed the back of her hand; not wanting to part from her. Unfolding the jacket on his lap, he covered up her lap to make sure she wouldn't be cold.

"Mm.. I'll be here." She smiled sweetly at him.

"The chauffeur and Aaron will stay in the car with you. My bodyguards are close by. If anything, just press the emergency button under your seat. You could also text me anytime too." After repeating reminders to both her and Aaron, he left for the party.

Aaron smiled, "Selina, let me know if you're thirsty or hungry. Our windows are tinted, so nobody could see through the vehicle. You could enjoy the scenery outside while we wait for the boss to be back."

She nodded, "Okay."

Looking out the tinted window, fancy cars pulled up and many guests dressed in gowns and tuxedos started crowding around the entrance of the grand hall. Seeing the heavy crowd made her chest tighten unconsciously. She felt like she would suffocate if she went in and was glad she avoided the party.

Releasing a deep exhale, she continued looking outside. Across the street, a familiar looking silver vehicle stopped and two men stepped out of it. One of them opened the door to the backseat where a slim, glamorous figure exited the car. The woman linked her arm around his as the trio walked towards the party entrance.

Frown lines appeared on her face as she stared at the trio that just walked past her. For some reason, she didn't feel right. She couldn't sit still as if her heart was ripped out of her body by a violent tornado and hurled out to burning flames. The two guys looked very familiar to her. Seeing them made her want to run out of the car and hug them tightly. As her eyes trailed after the trio, her eyes reddened and a few tears shed down her face.

"Do I know them? How come I feel like this? Why can't I remember anything?" Her hands started shaking as her fingertips felt against the cold window.

She wanted to rush up to them, but she didn't understand why she had this urge! While her breathing quickened, another car pulled up in front of her. This time, her eyes glared sharply at the people who stepped out of the vehicle. The endless winds in her mind raged tremendously, causing calamity to her peace. A raging burn itched in her chest and the yearning from before had mutated to hatred.

"Who are they?" She whispered with white knuckles surfacing her fists.