
"Who are they?" The gentle drawl from her voice had vanished, leaving only resentment in her words.

Aaron bent over to the backseat and looked out of the window to see what triggered her emotions. His eyes widened when he saw Shirley Han and her parents on the streets. 'Shit! Oh no. What kind of luck are we running? The Hans are parked right there? I need to let the boss know about this immediately!'

Turning her head towards Aaron, she repeated with eyes as narrow as an eagle's eagerness for its prey. "Who are they? Do you know who they are?"

Opposite of where they were parked, Shirley Han and her parents stepped out of the car. The extravagant diamonds on Shirley and Tracy's gowns were ridiculously flashy. They looked like human walking light bulbs in the dark. If robbers raided the party, they would be the first to get stripped naked.

Their appearance was an eyesore to Selina, but she couldn't explain this stirring chaos in her bloodstream. Not long after they had disappeared to the crowd, another car stopped with passengers coming out of it. Aaron's forehead was soaked with sweat as he waited for Jason's instructions.

'What do I tell her? What can I say? Arghh!! Why did I make the boss come to this event? It's so hard to satisfy everyone these days!!!' He cursed to himself as he noticed increasing tension in the atmosphere.

While he waited for Jason's response, Selina lost her patience and rushed out of the car. Hearing the slam from behind, Aaron facepalmed and chased after her small figure. For the first time in his lifetime, he had disliked these ball parties! How come everyone was so tall here? He can't even call her name out in public since bastards are here!

Rubbing his temples, he faced the large crowd with a massive headache. He dialed Jason's number and started wandering through crowds. "She couldn't have gone far at all! She doesn't have an invitation card. Why are these so many damn people here? So many damn pink gowns too! Argh!!!"

In the middle of roaming through the crowd, Aaron tripped over a person's heels and felt his world turn upside down. When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to see an angelic face.

"Are you okay?" Her voice sounded sweet like honey cinnamon rolls, melting away the urgency he had just now. Only after he had responded with a nod, did he realize her hands were holding around his lean waist. If this was the other way around, how great would it be?

"I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." Aaron smiled.

"No worries. Be more careful next time." She left him in a daze as she followed her companion to greet the other guests.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the crowd, Selina spotted the figures she despised minutes ago. Seeing a tray of lace masks, she took a gold colored one on top and covered her face. From a distance, she spied on the female figure with a sense of familiarity. 'Where have I seen her?' She thought to herself as she whacked her brain cells and fried them on a grill. Still, she couldn't recall anything.

All she knew at this moment was she definitely had a history with her. As a matter of fact, it must have been a negative experience since she hates her to the core from just seeing her. Tapping her fingers against her arm, she spotted a dropped invitation on the floor.

With a smile on her face, she picked it up and followed the crowd into the grand hall. Though she didn't understand why, her body was on full guard as if her enemies were close by. Her instincts warned her about her surroundings, and she was nowhere near giving up halfway.

'I must find out her name! Hmph.'

As if her vision had processed Shirley Han's image in her head, Selina could easily spot her within the crowd. Like other guests in the ballroom, Selina took a glass of champagne and blended in with others to avoid suspicions. While tailing behind Shirley, she found her fake laughter very plastic.

"Shirley! I was looking for you." Peter walked out from the group of socialites and approached Shirley's side. Giving her a gentle peck on the cheeks, he clanged their glasses together. Seeing the scene of the two of them acting intimate made Selina's blood turn cold. She squinted at the sight of the couple in her eyes.

"Disgusting." She clicked her tongue as a sinister smile appeared on her face. Her chest ached like fire ants biting against her chest. Like a flame rampaging on its own to tear everything down, her unsettling heart danced in wrath and fury.

As she thought of ideas to drain away her anger, she watched Shirley excusing herself to meet other guests. While maintaining a safe distance behind, Selina began investigating what Shirley's identity was. "Shirley Han?"

Repeating Shirley's name a few times to herself, Selina started getting a migraine. She felt like large rocks crashing against her skull as she forced herself to recall the past. Shaking her head a few times, she realized her vision began to get fuzzy.

She took out her cellphone and dialed Jason's number.

At the same time, Jason's phone failed to pick up signal. Therefore, none of the messages nor calls that Aaron had made ever connected to his end. Fortunately, his client had prepared a seat where connection is available and strong enough for him to receive calls.

In the middle of having a discussion with the client, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"My apologies, Mister Anderson. I need to answer this call." He didn't wait for Mister Anderson's response and slid his finger across his phone screen.

"Hello?" He frowned as he heard rapid breathing. After a few seconds later, he heard her weak voice calling for help.

She whispered, "I'm inside the party near the corner with violet blossoms."

"Stay where you are. I'll come to get you and don't hang up." He looked around the ballroom and easily spotted the violet blossoms she mentioned. There were many colored blossoms, but only one vase contained violet ones.

As soon as words left his mouth, he took the shortest route and avoided the crowd to reach her side. Within five minutes, he found her leaning against the wall; trying to take deep breaths. Bending down to meet her at eye level, he asked, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Her hand was clenched to a fist around her chest wound area, so he assumed it was her injury. Worriedly staring into her eyes, he could see tears ready to shed from it. She shook her head lightly and let out small sniffles as she felt confused for no particular reason.

He searched around the crowd and realized Shirley Han and Peter Sin was pretty close to where they were standing. Looking back at the petite figure, he covered up her ears and whispered between his fingers.

"Let's go. I'll bring you back."

The warmth of his hands slowly calmed the compressing sensation in her chest. Reaching out her arms, she minimized the gap between them and hid her face in his embrace. At the same time, he pulled his jacket and covered up the petite girl in his arms. He whispered, "It's alright. I'm right here. Don't look at things that'll dirty your eyes. Some things are unworthy of your glance."