Time To Reveal

In the first hour of investigating the auction, Bryan and Alfred had already found the anonymous bidder's name; Ken Sin. Tapping his finger against his knee cap, Bryan's gaze darkened dangerously like a human eating plant, ready to attack its enemies. He smells the iron taste and rotting pile of corpses that would reach a mountain's height already.

The war hasn't begun yet, and the massacre was already playing in his mind. In his other hand, the phone that his mother had gifted him was spinning like a plush toy he could care less about.


"Shhhh." He hushed Alfred from making another sound. Rummaging through his pocket, another phone was taken out of his pocket. His tongue clicked expressing his irritated extent. Alfred silently gulped his saliva as he remembered words that someone had told him before. Those words matched exactly to the description of the raging storm in front of him.

After following Bryan around, he knew his temper better than any of the other underlings. Normally, Bryan's sharp glare was enough to make someone dig a hole for their own grave. Once he reached the bomb explosion point of anger, he would click his tongue without saying a word.

"Silence is his killer weapon." These words matched him perfectly.

Right now, all calamities have fallen through his mind; destroying every bit of patience, he has built up till now. Just like dust particles entering one's nostrils; making them sneeze until their airways swell and slowly suffocate. He too has the capabilities of forcing his enemies to one corner and crush them like an ant.

Although he had been the ruler of the underworld, he was not as ruthless as the stories had circulated. Yes, he would get angry at times and lecture his underlings for wrong doings they've committed. Yes, he would use his resources to do whatever was necessary to reach a certain goal.

Still, he was better than those who schemes in the dark, thinking they are majestically dominant and powerful. His trained troops weren't practicing in his underground gym for nothing. He didn't feed them for all these years for nothing. It was time for the Sins to say goodbye in this industry.

Throwing the phone Katrina had gifted to him for his birthday; he exited the room while pulling Alfred with him. Once they've gone upstairs, Bryan sat in his chair and took out a stack of files. "These are the crimes the Sins have committed. I want them bankrupt, jailed and gone. Wait until the auction is over. I'll have them lose every cent they've earned with their hands."

Alfred nodded, "Does this include Peter Sin?"

Pondering in silence for several minutes, he shook his head. "No. He isn't involved with this matter, so I will leave him out of it. But there is one more thing we need to find out from the auction, so we must attend that day."

"You want to find out the other party behind this, right?" Alfred slammed his fist into his palm, creating a strong punch sound. One by one, he cracked his knuckles and fingers. Rubbing his fingers against the back of his neck, the grin on his face deepened.

"Of course. The Sins are stupid, but they are merely being used as a chess piece. They don't even know how they're being manipulated. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Stupid people should fry their brain cells behind bars with violent mates. Don't you think?" Bryan stretched his neck and crossed his fingers as if he was ready to watch a great show.

"Heh. Well, they have no brains to begin with. So, what is there to fry? Putting them behind bars aren't hard considering the fact that these documents are enough for them to sit in public toilets with mates for fifty years? Oop. Maybe even longer." He flipped through the documents and weighed it a few times using his palm before changing his wording.

"I would love to see, which bitch dares to challenge me. Pass the buddies a word that I want at least five hundred men to gather at 50 Sauvage Street that night. Have them stay hidden until I give the signal to appear."

Clipping a dart between his fingers, Bryan stood up from his seat and flung it towards the board hanging on the wall. Without giving it a glance, he already knew he scored the target in the center. With a smirk, he stuffed his hand back to his pocket.

"Oh, right. About the phone your mother had given to you..." Alfred's voice trailed lower and lower as he touched upon a thorn in Bryan's heart.

"Ever since she gave me this phone as a present, I've known about what truth was. The regretful mistake I've made was not taking Selina with me. But then again, if I did, she might have gotten hurt in the process. Regardless, I've failed to protect her, and nothing will ever cover this fact. My mother thought I had been using that cellphone. Hah."

Crushing the stress ball in his palm, Bryan clenched and unclenched roughly. "Only she would think I was dumb enough to not have a backup phone. I've known about the bug, but never cared to make a move. If I knew, I would get rid of her sooner to prevent the rest of the tragedy from happening. Anyways, I would love to see what happens at the auction. If it is her behind this, I won't let her off."

Alfred nodded as he fanned himself using the papers in his hands. "Your mother would never have guessed that you have known about the bug since the very beginning, huh? Welp. That bug is very cheap and easy to figure out. Even deaf people could hear those background noises."

"And now, it's time to resume the game. This time, I'll end it the way it should. Coincidentally, the auction is one day before the deadline I gave the Sins. Well played, but too bad. Suckers." Bryan bounced the ball around before making some calls to some buddies.

Meanwhile, at Hui Corps, Jason handed Selina's bracelet to Aaron.

"Use this during the auction and this note."

Aaron stared at the bracelet and realized how smart his boss was. "This is Selina's engraved bracelet with a picture of her and her brother within the locket. But then.. wouldn't she see it already? I mean... she's been wearing this."

Jason shook his head, "She didn't know it was a locket. I happened to find out when I played around with it. I noticed the key shaped charm and a small hole on the star shaped locket."

Demonstrating what he had done, Jason took the bracelet from Aaron and showed him how it worked. Holding the key charm in his hand, he fit the tip of it into the locket and pushed it in. Then, the locket's cover opened with a picture of Bryan, Alfred and Selina in it.

"If I'm correct about it, one of them gifted it to her. So, let's use it and see. Besides, my guards will be around. As her brother, he should recognize it." Jason closed the locket back up and gently brushed his thumb on the star shaped locket.

"I'll bring her back to you safely."