Grocery Shopping

After performing his CEO duties and roaming around the city for scheduled conferences, Jason could finally get off work. By the time he had driven up his driveway, it was already seven in the evening. He remembered promising Selina to go on a grocery shopping task after coming back home.

Smiling, he locked his car and headed into the villa. Upon his entrance, he saw Selina rushing down the stair steps to greet him. When she saw the lights of his car flashing from the balcony of her room, she quickly went to change her clothes. Her current attire showed how eager she was to explore the supermarket.

Like scavenger hunting for Easter eggs, the smile she had on her face looked as if she was going on a chocolate hunt with unlimited sweets waiting for her. Before he could give a reaction, she had already hopped towards him in small steps. Taking his hands in hers naturally, she swung it sideways lightly.

"Welcome home!" Her voice echoed down to the living room. The tiredness he felt in his body drained halfway once he heard her soft voice calling out to him.

Smiling, he replied, "I'm home."

"Are you tired?" She asked, blinking at him with eyes filled with energy.

"Nope." Compared to the dull meetings and stacked documents from his office; she was his heaven.

"Then, are you thirsty? Do you want to sit for a little bit?" She tilted her head with an inevitable smile he couldn't bear to look away from.

Shaking his head, he answered. "Nope."

"Then... let's go to the supermarket!!! Grocery shop!" She sounded as if she had never been to a supermarket before. Even though she lost her memories, supermarkets will still be supermarkets no matter how anyone looks at it. Whether it is looking from the left, right, squatting or while doing a cartwheel; there will still be aisles, products and checkout counters.

Locking their hand together, he turned around and helped her out the door first. "Okay. Let's go."

Luckily, the drive from the villa to the closest supermarket was a little less than twenty minutes. After parking his car, the two of them took a shopping cart and walked inside. The first thing Selina did was look for weekly sales and skimmed through to see if there were any products they needed at home.

After going through the products quickly, she nodded. "Let's start with aisle three." Within seconds, she led him to the aisle and gathered kitchen utensils that he did not have yet. Then, she went to the pot section before heading to the snacks aisle.

When she got to the aisle of mouthwatering snacks, Jason swore he saw hearts shooting out of her eyes and drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. They only went through one aisle and she already fit a third of the shopping cart up.

Once in a while she would take two bags of products, compare the nutrient percentages and then decide which she wanted to buy. For some reason, most of the snacks she picked up were chicken and cheese flavored. While she gathered a variety of snacks, she wouldn't forget to ask about his preferences before choosing them.

Since he wasn't much of a snack person, he would tell her to get everything she wanted to try out. Watching her pick out items were amusing to his eyes. Even though the cart only grew heavier as they went from aisle to aisle, he enjoyed the feeling of letting her decide what to purchase.

After getting chips, she went on a chocolate journey and took every box of Pocky sticks she found tasty sounding. Once satisfied with her snack spree, she directed him to fruits and vegetables. Taking various fruits, she skillfully distinguished the sweet ones from just smelling and weighing it in her hands.

Within a few minutes, many vibrant colors were added to the stack of snacks. As she continued putting more stuff into the cart, he rearranged their placements, so that more space could be spared for the other products.

The meat section was much easier since she just had to choose the types of meat and ask the employee to get it for her. Finally, he could feel relieved that she isn't reaching out here and there to grab everything recklessly. While roaming around, Selina's interest for fishes, meat and fresh vegetables left a great impression to the staffs.

They complimented her for being knowledgeable at such a young age that they gave her gifts on the side. For instance, while she walked around, she helped other housewives decide which vegetables were better for soup. Even the employees began gathering around her to listen for tips they didn't know about.

The staff in charge of that section decided to give them extra vegetables in a different bag for free. After packing it up for them, she stuck a free sticker on top and slipped it to them secretly.

With a wink to them, she whispered, "For you sweet couples. It's rare for husband and wife to come at this hour together. You better watch, many single men would die to get a delicious meal down their stomach."

Before Jason could clarify their relationship, Selina smiled. "Thanks, ma'am!" Without denying any of those words, Selina continued shopping around the supermarket. Afterwards, Selina smiled, "Free vegetables! Hehehe."

He mumbled to himself as she focused on different meat. "If I knew food could make you happy enough to admit to being my wife, I would bring the staff from the marriage bureau here and propose to you."

She turned around after hearing some low voice coming from him. "Did you say something?"

"Oh, I said I wanted to have some chicken wings." He obviously couldn't tell her what he was thinking.

"Oh! That was what I was forgetting! Mister! I also want two pounds of chicken wings!" She waved her arm to make sure she got the guy's attention because she wasn't tall enough for him to even see her head.

After going through everything they needed, they went to the checkout counter where the cashier scanned products at an efficient speed. After double checking each item was scanned, the cashier informed them that they were ten dollars away from getting twenty raffle tickets. Hearing that the first prize winner would receive two tickets to an indoor hot spring trip for three days and two nights; Selina's eyes shone brightly.

She turned around and blinked with hopeful eyes that he would allow the extra ten bucks added to the amount. He chuckled, "Okay. But the line is very long behind us, so we can't go back. The only items we could choose from are the candies at the front of the counter."

Selina nodded as she quickly looked over different canned and bags of candies. She frowned at the sight of unfamiliar brands, so she asked, "What kind of flavors do you like?"

"Strawberry." He said.

Judging by the package color and strawberry picture on it, she took the pink, rectangular shaped can with sailor moon on it. Since they were ten dollars short, she didn't bother calculating other candies and chose this one. The product was small enough to fit her pocket and exactly ten dollars, which saves her brain from doing math.

The checkout was completed within a minute, and they pushed the cart out. Before they left, they had noticed the smile the lady gave to them. Since they didn't know the lady, they smiled back politely and left.

"What kind of candy did you buy just now?" He asked as he unloaded the cart and moved everything to his car's trunk.

"Gum." She said as she recalled reading the labels before choosing it.

"En." He was glad it wasn't gummies or anything like lollipops. Those would be too sweet for him to handle.

On their way back home, they discussed the options for dinner and agreed on who does what in the kitchen.

"I'll do the chopping." He said.

"But I want to do the chopping." She wanted to make octopus sausages and fry them.

" If you're holding the knife, I think other people will join our dinner." He stopped in front of the red light.

Turning his head towards her, he read her questionable gaze. "The medical staff."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I'll get a heart attack every time I see your fingers slide down to the edge of the knife. It'll look like your finger would get chopped off with the meat and vegetables. He said it with a smile and even laughed to himself.

"Che. Underestimating me. When I was in the kitchen, you were still in diapers." She mumbled complaints and surrendered this task to him at the end.