Are You Comfortable?

One hundred and ten sheep..

One hundred and eleven sheep...

One hundred and twelve sheep...

'Argh! I can't sleep!' Selina twists and turned in Jason's bed as her heart wouldn't settle the slightest to let her rest for the night. She turned sideways where her vision shaped out Jason's figure on the air bed on the floor.

Approximately two hours ago, they came to an agreement for Selina to stay with Jason in his room for the following two weeks. At first, she didn't think she would mind sharing the same space as him, but she soon regretted her choice.

The amount of time she spends in the bathroom for a quick shower was lengthier compared to his showers. Initially, she had planned to use the bathroom in the other room, but it was occupied when she went in to get her pajamas. Hence, she ended up back in Jason's room where they sat on the bed awkwardly, trying to figure out who should use the restroom first.

"You have work tomorrow morning. Go take a shower first." She looked at him with a determined expression.

Jason leaned his chin against his knee cap, reached out to touch the tips of her hair and felt the thickness of it. "You have longer and thicker hair than I do. You should shower first and blow dry your hair thoroughly before you sleep. It may be a myth, but if you sleep with damp hair, you could suffer from migraines in the future."

"But you take like ten minutes or less to finish showering. You could go first and I could wait. I don't have work early in the morning." She argued back.

After a long conversation, Jason went to shower first. In the meantime, she remembered taking a random set of pajamas from the drawer. Spreading her outfit on the bed, she realized this was the outfit she bought when she was with Celinda the other day. It was a black silky nightgown with lace embroider. Even the panties she took were part of the set.

She cursed at her clumsy hands for grabbing it. Right when she was about to sneak back to her room to take a different set of pajamas, Jason came out of the bathroom. He was wiping his hair with a towel with leftover water droplets he missed on his neck.

A gulp escaped down her throat as she realized she was staring at him with hunger in her eyes. He said. "It's your turn."

"Oh, I need to go back to my room and get something." She took a step forward towards the door.

Jason looked at the clock on his wall and stopped her. "My mother has a habit of sleeping around ten at night. It's already eleven thirty. If the thing you want to take from your room isn't important, then get it tomorrow instead. Your hair might not dry completely by the time you sleep if you wash it any later than now."

Looking at the time, she also thought it would be rude to interrupt their slumber for her pajamas. Besides, she remembered seeing Julia yawn a few times when she went to grab her pajamas. Considering the fact that she must be tired from travelling long hours to get here, Selina decided to wear the black night gown for tonight. Tomorrow, she will make sure to take her plain pajamas before leaving the room.

As she had estimated, it took her thirty-five minutes to finish showering. She expected Jason to be asleep by the time she was finished, but she was wrong once again. Not only was he not asleep, he was holding the hair blow dryer in his hands; waiting for her to come out.

When she walked out of the bathroom, her hair was slightly disheveled and hanging down her shoulders. Cold water droplets decorated her skin as it trickled down her neck, leaving trails behind. The steamy fog coming from the bathroom highlighted her smooth body. Taking one end of the towel around her neck, she began to gently dab at her face.

The healthy color on her rosy cheeks and radiant smile that curved sweetly on her face were pulling his heart strings every second that passes. Her sensuous lips were hydrated and glossy from the lip mask she applied in the bathroom.

Then, he noticed the black sleeping gown she was wearing. The gown accentuated her curves and revealed just enough skin on her body. A heavy lump was stuck in his throat-neither going up nor down.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the beast side of his and took a dry towel to soak up some water from her hair. After that part was done, he sat on the bed and asked her to stand between his thighs with her back facing him. Seeing her milky back facing towards him, he started reciting the first few words of the mantra that he remembered from dramas he watched as he separated her hair to different sections.

Slowly, one section after another, he helped her dry her long hair. When he brushed away her hair from her wet back, he saw a butterfly birthmark on her shoulder. He didn't remember seeing this birthmark before.

"Selina, did you know there is a butterfly shaped birthmark on your back?" He asked.

"Oh, I didn't know. Really? How come nobody ever told me about it?" She questioned as she tried finding the birthmark.

"It appeared after you had showered. Hmm, interesting." He moved all her hair to one side and looked at her mark carefully. He gently traced the butterfly mark with his fingertip. While he drew the butterfly strokes against her skin, she felt her knees weakening. Her body was feeling hot at the spots his finger has touched.

Eventually, she had to cover her mouth to prevent any sounds from escaping her mouth. He seemed to have caught her small reaction and pulled her into his embrace where his lips pressed against the back of her neck. His arms circled around her as he captured the floral scent emitting from her body.

He had noticed it before. This was not perfume, but her natural fragrance. Every time her emotions are triggered by her surroundings; the floral scent would strengthen. He snuggled his nose in her neck as the pleasant smell lingered in his nostrils. With her around, he could always feel ease and relaxed.

His hot breath tickled her skin, and she sucked in a deep breath. She whispered, stuttering a little. "M..My hair is still wet..."

"Sorry, I'll continue drying your hair." He reluctantly parted from hugging her. Soon, her hair was dried and combed.

While she was in the shower, Jason had set up his air bed on the floor. Although his family had tricked her into sleeping in his room, they weren't lying to her. His father did have loud snores and a weird sleeping posture. After spending a night with his father in the same room, he started investing in air beds.

Thus, it wasn't difficult for him to set one up and camp on the floor.

Selina stared at the air bed on the floor and tried switching spots with him. "You should take the bed, and I'll sleep on the air bed."

"How could I let my girlfriend sleep on the floor?" He sat up on the air bed and crossed his legs; refusing to move.

"Then how can I let my boyfriend sleep on the floor?" She used the same question and played the reverse card on him.

Letting out a soft laughter, he stood up, walked over to her and seized her in his arms. Then, he bent and planted a kiss on her moisturized lips. The kiss was gentle but deepened as he became greedier for more. As their kisses deepened, he felt a warmth spread in his body. His hand started stroking her back and paused when it reached her waist.

He surveyed her with a familiar sense of desire rising in his eyes. As they gasped from the kiss, he spoke into her ears softly. "My air bed could only fit one person. If you want, you can join me. But..I won't guarantee what might happen when we are that close. Do you still want to sleep on the air bed?"

Presently, Selina's troubled heart was still dancing to rock and roll music. He successfully won and took over the air bed at the end of their conversation, but left some consequences behind. Ever since that kiss, she felt something weird stirring inside her body.

Her body was uncomfortably warm as she reminisced the kiss before they slept on separate beds. She touched her ear where he had last brushed his lips against.

Taking in a deep breath, she whispered. "Jason, are you asleep?"

"Hmm? Not yet. What's wrong?" He turned to the side and looked up to meet her gaze in the dark.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked.

"Pretty nice here." He chuckled.

"Oh..But wouldn't it be more comfortable sleeping in bed?" She bit her lip when her brain spoke before thinking how wrong the question sounded.

"Are you inviting me over?" He knew what she was thinking and purposely teased her about it.

Hearing his playful tone, she quickly thought of an excuse, so he wouldn't get the wrong idea. Her excuse must be convincing enough to make him sleep on the bed too. She wouldn't want to be the reason for his body aches for the next two weeks. Within seconds later, she replied.

"No..I just.. I think there is a monster under the bed. What if it crawls out in the middle of the night to eat you? You'll be scared. To be safe, I think you should sleep on the bed, so I could protect you." She remembered one of the horror movies they watched that scared the crap out of her. After the monster appeared, she stayed in his embrace throughout the movie.

That movie almost made her cry while watching it in the living room. Thinking about how freaked out she was, he chuckled and decided to play along with her words.

"Mhmm. Ah, then you must protect me well." He took his pillow, climbed into bed and faced her towards her.

A small smile formed on her lips as she closed her eyes to rest. Rustling under the blanket, she found his hand and linked their fingers together.

"Good night." She whispered.

"Sweet dreams, Selina." He gave her a small peck on the forehead and slowly drifted to slumber.