Losing Self-control

Early in the morning, Jason woke up right before his alarm went off. He switched the alarm function off on his phone and wrapped his arm around the sleeping figure who was snuggled close to his chest. Feeling the warmth of her body against his, he realized he wasn't dreaming.

He rubbed his eyes and stared at Selina, who was sleeping soundly. Right this moment, Jason was facing one of the most difficult tests he has ever taken. The thin strap to her night gown hung loosely off her shoulder, revealing a small sneak peek of her petite body. Her collarbones were attractively luring him to plant kisses on them.

Taking in a deep breath, he tried moving away from her but couldn't. When he moved his legs, he felt her knees rubbing between his thighs. She stretched her arm around his neck and moved closer as her leg stroked against his.

He gulped, hoping her leg won't get any higher to his morning hardness. As she breathed consistently, her lips parted, trying to seduce him once again. He studied her peaceful expression as she slept in his arms. Once in a while, a small groan would escape her mouth and she would inch closer to him.

She nuzzled into his neck, tilting her head upwards where her exhaled breaths would moisten his skin. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he felt her lips brushing closely against his neck. He squeezed his eyes shut and attempted to remove her arm from his body.

Perhaps she felt his hand moving her arm away, she automatically responded to his touch and shifted her arm around his waist. He bit his bottom lip, wanting to facepalm himself for making the position worse. Since he couldn't get her arm out of the way, he could attempt to slide her leg away from his thighs.

He swallowed when he snuck a glance at her bare legs. Due to her sleeping movement, her nightgown was lifted up, covering right below her panties. If she angles her leg any higher, he would be able to see her panties.

Sucking in another deep breath, he reached downwards and felt the smoothness of her thigh as he steadily straightened her leg on the bed. When his fingertips brushed against her skin, she let out a soft moan; shocking him. He let out a deep exhale when she continued sleeping as he succeeded in this part of the mission. As much as he enjoyed sleeping and waking up to his girlfriend in his arms, this is pure hell of a test for his self-control.

Next, he went back to challenge taking her arm off his waist without waking her up. His second attempt made progress as she let him move her arm halfway before she rubbed her eyes and asked about the time.

"Mm..What time is it?" Her voice sounded extra tempting compared to her usual gentle tone.

"It's only six thirty in the morning. Go back to sleep." He gave her a peck on the forehead and tried to get out of bed. As his lips left her forehead, her half-awoken state overpowered her rationality, letting her hands twine around him neck. He lost his balance from her sudden pull and ended up toppling over her.

Before he could react to his fall, his lips were taken by hers. She kissed him smoothly, skipping the regular pecks she enjoyed teasing him with. The warmth of her plump lips tasted addictively sweet as he closed his eyes and reciprocated the kisses. Her fingertips naughtily drew circles on the back of his neck as the kisses deepened.

He could feel his blood rushing rapidly to his head as his heart raced faster than a sports car on full speed. His hands ran down her arms, reaching to her waist as he stroked the sides of it. As their tongues entangled between kisses, he caressed her thighs like he did when they were in his office the other time.

The only difference was the setting and the clothes they were wearing. Her hands trailed down his shirt, feeling his lean muscles through the thin fabric. She widened her eyes as her hazy mind cleared up. Realizing she had made the initiative move, her cheeks became a shade redder than before.

She gasped for breath, but the kisses were not enough to extinguish the burning flames in him. While his feathery light kisses trailed from her ears down to her collarbones, she began releasing low moans from her mouth. He discovered new spots that made her moans last longer and louder than the previous.

He sucked on her skin gently, trying not to leave any evidences of their intimacy behind. His hand reached between her thighs, rubbing the same places he touched last time. Her body instinctively parted her legs as she relaxed to his gentle massages. Slowly, his fingers teased her inner thighs, where he has yet explored.

"Haaaa..Ahhnn..." She groaned pleasurably, arching her body as his touches felt hot to her skin. The heating sensation she felt yesterday revived inside her body, gathering to the lower part of her privates. His kisses made its way back up her neck as his hands stroked her waist once again.

The sound of the blanket wrinkling filled the room along with her ecstatic groans. Their lips continuously met until his second alarm went off, breaking them from each other's embrace. Unwillingly parting from his unexpected morning intimacy with his girlfriend, he went to wash up for work.

After he went to take a cold shower, she buried her face into his pillow and slapped her palm against the blanket. 'Selina! How could you make such a bold move while thinking it was a dream?! It's this early and you have such perverted thoughts in your mind! Ahhhhhhhh, so embarrassing!'

Meanwhile, Jason was taking care of a certain body part of his. If that alarm didn't interrupt, they might have lost control and gone a step further. He cooled himself down during the shower and was glad the alarm stopped him before he lost self-control. 'This is as far as we can go before we marry. Until then, I need to wait.'