A Mattress As Compensation

Alfred's eyes rolled to his left, then right before concentrating on Jessica. "You two want to know the answer that badly?"

Michael and Aaron leaned in, bobbing their heads like pigeons. "Very interested."

"Then my answer is...I found my koala." Alfred smiled charmingly as he said these words. Flashbacks of the previous night surfaced like a rewinding tape.

"Huh? How is this…" Michael wanted to ask but was cut off midway.

"But the main question right now should be if this koala still wants her tree." Alfred rubbed his chin gently.

While the guys were having their own conversation, Assistant Li was keeping track of the time. She realized Jessica had spent the past half hour on catching up with Selina that she was neglecting the business meeting. After careful consideration, she decided to step out and interrupt the girls' conversation.

"Pardon the interruption, but shouldn't we continue discussing business matters for now? Let's not waste CEO Hui's time." Assistant Li had pondered how to formally remind Jessica about their main objective for visiting.

"Oh, right. My apologies for the delay. I'll catch up with Selina later then. Mister Hui, I've reviewed the documents your assistant has sent over. There were a few areas where I want to confirm with you before we proceed with the party decoration. Before we continue, please confirm the guest list and the seating arrangements." Jessica adjusted her tone from casual to professional in a matter of seconds.

"Very well. Since we are collaborating and you are friends with my wife, you could address me by my name. I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind it. Have you and your employees eaten lunch yet? If not, my assistant can order food and we can eat as we discuss further details." Jason suggested as he noticed how fond his wife was of Jessica.

As soon as Aaron heard Jason's words, he took out his phone and jotted down everyone's food and drinks preferences. After he was done, he placed the order and excused himself from the room. Hearing the number of lunch boxes, they've ordered, Michael tagged along with Aaron to retrieve the food.

By the time Aaron and Michael were back with the food, Jessica was pointing out highlighted sections that required more clarifications. While she spoke, Jason would respond with a slight nod and a rare smile would appear on his face as she mentioned specific questions she had for him.

Jason was very strict when it came to separating business and friendship. Although Jessica was friends with Selina, he would not be lenient on her when it comes to collaborations because each project is business. It didn't matter whether Jessica was his wife's friend or related to him. Once they lay the contract and proposals on the table, they only have one relationship - business partners.

The minute Jessica spoke of her inquiries and concerns about the setups for the party; Jason knew she was a great leader. Her points were clear and precise that made the discussions much smoother. She knew exactly what she wanted to ask and would rephrase her questions to make it simpler to understand.

When they came across opposing ideas, she would patiently listen to his thoughts before brainstorming for a better resolution. Of course, not every one of her ideas would fulfill their desires, but alternatives could be appointed.

One of the qualities a business leader must acquire is confidence. Jessica was not afraid of suggesting innovative ideas and speaking her mind. Nowadays, many people would choose to satisfy their customers even when the results lead to a less appealing result. Thus, his impression of her was quite good.

The meeting began roughly around 2:30 P.M. and ended around 5:30 P.M. Finally; everything was sorted out, and Jessica could loosen the tension from her stiff shoulders.

"I look forward to our collaboration, Jessica." Jason said as he stood up from his seat.

"The pleasure is mine." She replied with a polite smile.

Both of them turned at the same time and witnessed a fascinating sight. Selina, Kyla and Assistant Li were sitting at one corner of the office discussing something secretly. Though they were whispering, their giggles made it obvious that whatever they were talking about, it was entertaining enough to make them laugh.

Meanwhile, on the opposite end, Alfred, Michael and Aaron were having their own discussion. In contrast to the girls on the other end, the guys looked like they've encountered a complication. They would speak, stop and then repeat. The creases on their foreheads were visibly hinting how stuck they were.

Jessica pointed to the girls' side while Jason nodded towards the guys' side.

"So, let's spill the tea!" Jessica wrapped her arms lightly around Selina's neck, resting her chin on her head.

"Oh! Hehe! Welcome back! I was asking your assistant and bodyguard about how you've been doing over these years. They're such interesting people! I'm glad you had them by your side." Selina answered sillily.

"Oh, really? What did they say about me?" Jessica gave a warning look to her assistant and bodyguard.

"Are you threatening them in front of me?" Selina looked up with a broad smile on her face.

"Of course not! Honey bun, when have I ever done anything in front of you? I've always kept your words in my mind!" Jessica nervously chuckled as she thought about distracting her.

"Uh huh. Who are we kidding?" Selina's brow arched up as she leaned back into Jessica's embrace.

"Hehe. You! You're the bad girl who didn't keep in touch with me. What happened for the past months? I tried texting and calling, but you never answered." Jessica pinched Selina's nose when she recalled her sudden disappearance.

She hired many investigators, but none of them could trace Selina's whereabouts.

"Ah...Well, that is a long story. I'm not sure where to begin either. It'll probably take a long night to even finish it." Selina wrinkled her nose and shook her head slightly.

While the girls had their talk, Jason joined the guys at their end. "So, why is everyone having lines across their forehead?"

"Ah! Here's the womanizer expert!" Aaron's tongue slipped, earning sharp gazes from Jason.

"Oh, right. Here's a regular guy who could help you out. Brother-in-law, Alfred met the love of his life last night and met her again today. He doesn't know what to do next." Michael patted Jason's shoulder, passing their problem to him.

"Huh? Can't you ask her out to dinner or something then? Get to know her better through more interactions. Figure out what she likes and dislikes." Jason mentioned the basics of how he gained Selina's favor.

Nodding, Alfred stood up and straightened out his clothes before heading over to the girls. Jason wondered what he wanted to do, but Alfred's following action explained everything. He watched as Alfred walked over to Selina and Jessica.

Lowering his gaze, his lips curved a gentle smile. "Jason said he wanted to have dinner with everyone. Are you… girls free to join?" Alfred realized he almost exposed his true intentions. Luckily, he changed his wording quickly.

Assistant Li checked the time before smiling at Alfred. "Old man, yesterday was a hug and tonight's a date? You really think we don't need to sleep, huh?"

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday? And Yi Wei, you shouldn't speak to Alfred that way. Maintain your composure during work hours." Jessica frowned at Yi Wei's rudeness.

"Jess, it's after 5 P.M. I'm off the clock. I don't need to be polite to anyone who interrupts my sleep hours." Assistant Li responded straightforwardly. Her intentions were clear; she was holding a grudge against him for calling her the previous night.

"I apologize for the inconveniences I've caused. Since I interrupted your sleep, how about I compensate for your loss?" Alfred took out his phone and sent a text to one of his underlings. Instantly, his message was left on seen.

"You can't make up for my beauty sleep. Do you know how precious time is?" Assistant Li crossed her arms.

"Then how about the most comfortable mattress with pressure relief, sleep cooling and stain resistant effects? It comes with a lifetime guarantee as well. What do you think?" He pressed on the pictures his underlings had forwarded to him through text and showed it to her.

Seeing the well-known brand across his phone screen, Assistant Li smiled satisfyingly. "Apology accepted. Have the mattress shipped to 125 Saun Rd, Apartment number 3A and we'll be even."

"So, about the dinner tonight.." He quickly typed the address, confirmed it with her and sent it to his follower.

"I'm suddenly hungry for food. Kyla and Jess are both free too. We're all going." Assistant Li dragged Kyla up from her seat and walked to the office door.

Watching Assistant Li step out carefreely, Jessica couldn't help but whisper to Selina. "What a hundred and eighty degrees turn of event..."