End of Flashback

Flashback Continuation -

Ever since the class incident, Jessica took great interest in Selina. Whenever they had Economics together, she would deliberately take the empty seat next to Selina and observe her from the side.

At first, Jessica thought Selina would be the cold type of person who was very smart. Her impression of Selina began changing after they had begun communicating with each other. It took them a day to exchange contacts and less than a week to hang out after class ended. After hanging out, Jessica realized Selina was a sweet, fierce and loyal friend. Her patience was beyond phenomenal when facing judgmental people.

While she crumbled pieces of papers wanting to bury Emma Watsons and her crew, Selina would calm her down. Unfortunately, Jessica was not a person with high tolerance. When rumors of Selina cheating reduced, Emma Watsons began attacking Selina's appearance instead.

Not only did she judge the way Selina dressed, she also made vulgar comments about Selina's height. Endless nicknames were created, and classmates would laugh at new ones the gossip group brought up to tease Selina.

One afternoon, Jessica walked into the classroom and smiled at the sight of Selina reviewing her notes. As her smile stretched out, her dimples deepened on her cheeks; her expression froze. An annoying voice echoed into her ears, itching her knuckles for a huge fight.

Emma Watsons stood by the window seat and started targeting Selina again. "The poor short troll's slightly taller buddy came in! Wow, could they be planning study hang outs again? Pffft. Look at the dwarf stuffing her face into the book, she must have forgotten her concealer today. Oh, does Miss. Smartie pants want to say I'm accusing again? Too bad, because you're only like 4 feet tall and I'm 5 feet 5 inches. We are like heaven and hell."

The girls in her crew laughed loudly, thinking their comments would bring Selina's confidence down. However, Selina ignored their remarks like always. She seemed too lazy to care about what others were speaking about her. Seeing her calm expression irritated Emma even more as she poured oil to the flames and shouted worse insults.

Jessica's knuckles almost ripped out of her skin when she heard the disturbing nicknames Emma had come up with to bully Selina. She mumbled, "I will smash your fucking ugly cosmetic face into the damn wall and have your crew join you for bullying my baby doll. Disgusting bitches needs to be taught a huge life lesson before learning some manners."

She took off her bag and placed it next to Selina's feet. Right when she strode a large step forward, she heard Selina's clear soft voice. Her voice was neither loud nor low. "What is the point of cracking faces to the beautiful untainted wall when the only outcome of this is bringing you trouble? Even if you make their face into meat sauce, their brainless cells won't magically spark them with a sprinkle of smartness nor would they get better genes."

Looking up from her textbook for the first time, Selina continued striking thorns at the girls indirectly. "If you slam their face by holding their nasty oily hair, the bacteria will rot your skin. In addition to that, even though you'll experience satisfaction from frying their faces, you're also lowering yourself to their level of stupidity. It's not like their mouths would shut after you hit them, so I don't see any benefits in fighting them."

Selina calmly stated with a smile on her face. Classmates who laughed at her before had stopped when they heard her response. After thinking about their previous actions, they realized how hurtful their words must have been to Selina. Although she didn't show any signs, they believed nobody would like being called names in class.

At the same time, Jessica turned her attention to Selina. "You're right. In years, they'll be a nobody with that mouth of theirs. Hopefully, they'll understand their faults and not shift their responsibilities to other people."

"So, it's a dog held on a leash, huh? Wow, troll. Remember to treat your best friend with a dog treat since she has been barking at us. Like the owner, like dog." Emma provoked Jessica purposely. She wanted to get attacked and have Jessica suspended.

Slowly, Jessica's foot slid a small step closer towards the bitch crew. She crossed her fingers, hoping Selina wouldn't notice her small actions. Somehow, Selina already knew Jessica's exact thoughts and stopped her.

"Jess. Do you see the empty desk with a chair pulled out next to me?" Selina asked.

Quickly, she nodded in response. Excitedly clapping like a child given permission to ride on the rollercoaster by themselves, she looked at Selina filled with joy. "What do you want me to do? Should I accidentally fling the desk at their ugly foundation layered faces? Or do you want me to break the chair and smack them with the metal pieces?"

"Sit down." Selina demanded in a strict tone.

"But-" Jessica wanted to reject her idea.

"Sit." Selina placed down her notes, folded her hands and stared into Jessica's eyes. Within a second, Jessica let out a soft sigh and obediently claimed the empty seat next to hers.

Jessica whispered, "How could you stand listening to their gossips every class?"

Selina smiled, "She's not an important person to me, so why should I care? People are born with brains and mouths. Even if I stop one brainless chick and her foul mouth from calling me names, I can't stop everyone I come across. Plus, what she said was true. I am short, but compared to some people, I have dignity. If I have to correct everyone's view in life, then it wouldn't be fun."

"Moreover, her perfume stinks with her sweat. Her makeup is drowning like charcoal down her face. She can throw insults at me, but there's nothing to complain about. I don't wear makeup. The most I apply is sunscreen and lip tint. So, she can be jealous all she wants. I'll take her comments as compliments of her envy."

With that said, Jessica clapped silently by her side. "You have the highest IQ and EQ than anyone I've ever met. If I were you, I would've pounded on that bitch until she needs to give herself a new face. Ah! Sorry, not like any parts of her body was real to begin with."

- End of Flashback -

"And that is how we became the best of the best friends! Isn't that exciting?" Jessica asked as the room turned oddly cold.

"What's wrong?" Selina asked when everyone suddenly quieted down. She noticed the temperature had dropped a few degrees in the middle of the story.

Jason rubbed his wife's shoulder and leaned his cheek onto his fist. "So, Emma Watsons, you said? She called you a troll and slandered your name on campus? By any chance, do any of you know what she's doing right now?"

Sensing a raging storm coming in their direction, Jessica smiled meaningfully. "I heard she was working at her father's company. She's gotten into quite a lot of a trouble after graduation. The policies she created after joining her family business caused a huge mess in the company. Still, her parents doted on her too much to tell her to quit. If you're interested, I'll send you the company information later. I recently rejected the proposal they sent to my company."

"Very well. Thank you." Jason appreciated her help in saving him time. If Emma had changed, Jason might have let her escape his wrath. Sadly, she remained the same person as before. Hence, he made a mental note to play with Emma's company stocks and give them a nice warning for bullying his wife in the past.

After talking for a while, the girls went upstairs to prepare for bed. Of course, they also wanted to have a girls' talk to themselves before heading to bed. The slumber party has just begun.