It's Raspberry Juice!

Meanwhile, at the table where Jessica and Kyla were sitting, a new discovery was about to uncover.

Originally, Celinda was sitting with them as well. At the end of Jason's speech, Bryan walked over and whispered something into Celinda's ears making her follow him to the balcony area. Since the couple wanted to have their own privacy, Jessica and Kyla could only pretend to not see anything and continue to focus on the couple on stage.

Jessica wasn't a juice person. Thus, she only planned on taking a sip of the raspberry juice that Kyla retrieved from the beverage section for them. After consuming a lick amount of the content, Jessica's eyes widened. She took a real sip and arched her left brow. With her left hand supporting her chin, Jessica crossed her legs and turned to Kyla.

She called out to her, "Kyla, dear."

"Hmm?" Kyla looked up to meet her curious gaze.

"Since when did raspberry juice taste and have the texture of red wine? Kyla, who are you trying to fool?" Jessica asked while letting out a soft laughter.

"Eh? What are you talking about? Juice is juice. How could juice taste like wine? I took it from the juice section." Kyla mumbled as she felt slightly irritated by the cotton candy perfume fragrance coming from behind them.

"Oh? Tell that to my golden tongue that could figure out which year and brand of wine from just a sip of it instead." Suddenly, Jessica felt herself being pulled away from her seat.

"I'll show you proof!" Kyla pouted, using a random excuse to get away from Trang and her sister's awful perfume scent. Once they reached the beverage section, Kyla pointed at the drinks. "See! That tag says -"

Staring at the rectangular tag in front of the section where she took the drinks from, Kyla's words were stuck in her throat.

"Uh huh. Dear, and you were saying?" Jessica took another sip from her drink with a content smile on her face.

"But that's impossible! I swear it said raspberry juice before I took the drinks!!" Kyla tried clearing her thoughts and wondered if she mistakenly took the wine instead. She blinked twice, turned her head to the side and read the tags carefully. A gulp swallowed, leaving her mouth slightly dry. She turned around to face Jessica's sly smirk.

"Uh huh. Sure, this is definitely raspberry juice. Whatever you say, honey. But the problem right now isn't the tags, but the two other gals who took the drinks from your hands." Jessica pointed towards the stage and the balcony area.

Kyla pointed to the stage and grabbed a hold of Jessica's left arm. "Please tell me Selina could tolerate alcohol!"

Jessica shrugged, "I've never seen her drink a sip of alcohol before. I have no idea."

"How could you stay calm, then?! Look! She's on stage! Oh fudge! Didn't she chug the whole drink just now?" Kyla felt her breathing quicken as she watched the couple smiling at the crowd. Perhaps it was her imagination or overthinking nature, she felt like Selina's cheeks turned pinker than before.

"Well, her husband is right next to her. I believe he will save her from whatever mess might come if she has low tolerance towards alcohol. Second of all, I'm not the one who gave her the drink. You did. Also, the speech is ending soon, and she doesn't have another drink to chug. So, it all depends on your luck, darling."

It was a rare sight to see Kyla this anxious. Hence, Jessica took her time observing the woman next to her. She was about to turn around to hand a glass of raspberry juice for Kyla to bring to Selina, but once she turned around, Kyla was already gone.

"Kyla! Tch, this girl runs off so fast at the wrong time. She could walk to the stage and tell the speaker to hold off the speech. Oh wells, more juice for the kids." Jessica took another sip of red wine from her glass.

From afar, one of the waiters had his eyes fixated on Jessica. He's been observing the girls from a distance. Squinting, he finally recognized her face. "Right..That's Jessica Wang. Hmm? That man is...Alfred? This will make things easier, then." He spoke at a low volume that only he could hear.

Turning to his right, he found a potential target and walked over with another glass of wine. "Sir, another glass of wine?" He smiled professionally.

The man took the glass from him and waved his hand. Before leaving, the waiter purposely spoke. "Oh, isn't she Jessica Wang? I heard she was here to find a husband tonight. I guess, the rumors are true after all."

Hearing the waiter's words, the waiter looked up and spotted Jessica at the beverage section. "What did you just say?"

The waiter reacted surprised as he whispered words to the man. Soon, the man got up from his seat and walked across the ballroom to look for Jessica.

Meanwhile, Jessica was standing at a corner while swirling the glass of wine in her hand. Right before she could devour sweet taste of red wine, someone's hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "Isn't that wine?" Hearing the familiar deep voice, Jessica gave the man a side glance.

For some reason, she felt like she was caught cheating on an exam. Her heart nearly jumped out of her ribcage when she saw Alfred standing right next to her.

Keeping her calmness, Jessica decided to convince herself that it was raspberry juice. Like the saying goes, if you lie to yourself enough, you'll actually believe it. Only when she could master this level of playing it off cool that she could persuade him. She smiled, "Oh, you're here. This? This is raspberry juice."

"Oh, really?" Alfred bent forward, leaning close to her lips. The tips of their nose poked each other lightly, making Jessica gasp from the closeness. She tried stepping backward, but she found his hand holding her in place. He tilted his head, looked at her in the eyes and smiled. "What an adorable liar you are. I smell wine."

Refusing to give in to his seductive move, Jessica straightened her back and inched closer. "This is a new brand of raspberry juice that smells and looks like wine."

Jessica squeezed her eyes closed when she felt him minimizing the gap between them even more. The smell of his cologne entered her nostrils, dizzying her for a second. She heard his voice daringly whisper into her ears. "Then how about giving me a taste?" He studied her expression and reached out to wipe the corner of her lips where residues of red liquid illuminated her bottom lip.

She opened her eyes to witness him licking his thumb. 'Damn, your charms!!!!' She cursed him inwardly, but silently watched as he slipped the glass of wine from her hand.

After taking a sip from her glass, he smirked. "I'm not used to the taste of raspberry juice. Let me have another taste." Within seconds, he swallowed the rest of the content, leaving the glass empty.

Unhappy that her precious wine was gone, Jessica took the empty glass from his hand and placed it on the table. A naughty smile stretched on her lips as she wrapped one arm around his nape and the other on his shoulder. She closed the distance between them and whispered very closely to his lips. "Do you know the consequences of tasting my wine?"

The hand on his shoulder slid down to his chest where her fingertip began twirling circles on his button down shirt. She bit her bottom lip as she waited for his answer.

Facing her tempting offer, he gulped. "What?"

"I taste you." She stared straight into his eyes with wild thoughts raging in her mind.

Slowly, she closed her eyes, tilted her head sideways and brought herself closer to his body. A few centimeters away from reaching her goal, an arrogant voice interrupted their moment. Drawing herself reluctantly away from him, she turned around to see who had the guts to delay her first kiss!